Sembiring, Debora Miranda and Dr.Ir. Endah Rahayu Lestari,, MS and Riska Septifani,, STP, MP (2022) Analisis Pengaruh Marketing Mix dan Customer Value terhadap Purchasing Decision Pada Produk Bubble Drink (Studi Kasus Produk Bubble Drink di Kota Malang). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Bubble drink merupakan jenis minuman yang berasal dari Taiwan dengan bahan dasar teh dan susu. Bubble drink biasa disajikan dingin dan menyegarkan dengan pemberian topping bubble (boba) yang mengendap didasar gelas sehingga memiliki ciri khas tersendiri. Hingga saat ini, bubble drink masih menjadi tren minuman kekinian yang paling dicari diberbagi tempat seperti pusat perbelanjaan, foodcourt, maupun ditempat keramaian lainnya. Di Kota Malang terdapat beberapa franchise bubble drink diantaranya Chatime, Xi Bo Ba, Gulu-Gulu, dan Kokumi. Franchise bubble drink tersebut selalu ramai dipadati konsumen. Persaingan yang makin kompetitif akan menyebabkan konsumen memiliki banyak alternatif pembelian produk dari berbagai macam merk sehingga konsumen akan mencari nilai atau manfaat terbanyak dari beberapa merk yang ada. Metode yang digunakan adalah Partial Least Square (PLS) dan Analisis Biplot. PLS digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh terhadap variabel marketing mix, customer value, dan purchasing decision. Analisis biplot digunakan untuk melihat keunggulan dan perceptual mapping dari produk Chatime, Gulu-Gulu, Kokumi, dan Xi Bo Ba. Kuisioner disebarkan pada 110 responden dengan kriteria pernah mengkonsumsi keempat merk bubble drink. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan marketing mix berpengaruh terhadap customer value, marketing mix tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap purchasing decision, customer value berpengaruh terhadap purchasing decision. Customer value mampu memediasi hubungan marketing mix dengan purchasing decision yang bersifat full mediation. Hasil membuktikkan melalui analisis biplot diketahui indikator yang dimiliki setiap merk bubble drink. Chatime diposisikan sebagai merk yang mampu memberikan rasa bangga, puas, dan status sosial berpengaruh terhadap persepsi konsumen mengenai merk Chatime. Kokumi diposisikan sebagai merk yang mampu meningkatkan persepsi citra diri yang baik dimata orang lain saat mengkonsumsi bubble drink merk Kokumi. Xi Bo Ba dan Gulu Gulu mempunyai jarak yang berjauhan dengan semua indikator karena memiliki posisi berlawanan arah dengan garis vektor, sehingga Xi Bo Ba dan Gulu Gulu mempunyai posisi yang tidak terlalu baik berdasarkan indikator customer value. Oleh karena itu, produsen Xi Bo Ba dan Gulu Gulu harus menerapkan strategi pemasaran yang lebih baik agar customer value yang dirasakan dan diterima konsumen sebanding dengan apa yang telah dikorbankan.
English Abstract
Bubble drink is a type of drink originating from Taiwan with the basic ingredients of tea and milk. Bubble drinks are usually served cold and refreshing with a bubble topping (boba) that settles at the bottom of the glass so it lacks its own characteristics. Until now, bubble drinks are still the most sought-after trend of modern drinks in various places such as shopping centers, food courts, and other crowded places. In Malang there are several bubble drink franchises including Chatime, Gulu-Gulu, Kokumi, and Xi Bo Ba. Bubble drink franchises are always crowded with consumers. The increasingly competitive competition will cause consumers to have many alternative purchases of products from various brands so consumers will seek the most value or benefit from several existing brands. The method used in this research is Partial Least Square (PLS) and Biplot Analysis. PLS is used to identify the influence on the marketing mix, customer value, and purchasing decision variables. Biplot analysis is used to see the advantages and perceptual mapping of Chatime, Gulu-Gulu, Kokumi, and Xi Bo Ba products. The questionnaires were distributed to 110 respondents with the criteria of having consumed all four bubble drink brands. Based on research conducted, the marketing mix has an effect on customer value, the marketing mix has no significant effect on purchasing decisions, customer value has an effect on purchasing decisions. Customer value is able to mediate the relationship between the marketing mix and purchasing decisions that are full mediation. The results prove that through biplot analysis, it is known that the indicators possessed by each bubble drink brand. Chatime is positioned as a brand that is able to provide a sense of pride, satisfaction, and social status that affects consumer perceptions of the Chatime brand. Kokumi is positioned as a brand that is able to increase the perception of a good self-image in the eyes of others when consuming Kokumi's bubble drink. Xi Bo Ba and Gulu Gulu are far apart from all indicators because they have a position opposite to the vector line so Xi Bo Ba and Gulu Gulu do not have a good position based on customer value indicators. Therefore, the producers of Xi Bo Ba and Gulu Gulu must implement better marketing strategies so that the customer value perceived and received by consumers is proportional to what has been sacrificed.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522100014 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Analisis Biplot, Bubble Drink, Customer Value, Marketing Mix, PLS, Purchasing Decision,Biplot Analysis, Bubble Drink, Customer Value, Marketing Mix, PLS, Purchasing Decision |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian |
Depositing User: | soegeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 26 Apr 2022 01:57 |
Last Modified: | 26 Apr 2022 01:57 |
URI: | |
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