Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Keripik Tempe Sagu Menggunakan Six Sigma dan Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Fuzzy FMEA) (Studi Kasus Usaha Keripik Tempe Rohani, Malang)

Ezra, Syauqi Albani and Dr. Sucipto,, S.T.P., MP and Azimmatul Ihwah,, S.Pd, M.Sc (2021) Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Keripik Tempe Sagu Menggunakan Six Sigma dan Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Fuzzy FMEA) (Studi Kasus Usaha Keripik Tempe Rohani, Malang). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Indonesia merupakan negara dengan tingkat produksi tempe tertinggi di dunia. Hingga tahun 2017 terdaftar lebih dari 100 ribu pengerajin tempe yang pada Koperasi Produsen Tempe Tahu Indonesia (KOPTI). Tempe merupakan olahan kedelai kaya protein dengan kandungan 14 gram per 100 gram penyajian. Pengolahan tempe dibutuhkan mencegah kerusakan dan meningkatkan nilai jualnya. Salah satu olahan tempe ialah keripik tempe. Usaha Keripik Tempe Rohani merupakan salah satu produsen varian keripik tempe. Keripik tempe sagu merupakan varian produk yang paling digemari. Penyimpangan produk terdapat pada tahap produksi. Jenis penyimpangan pada Keripik Tempe Rohani ialah keripik patah, gosong, berminyak, terlipat, dan menempel. Sebab itu diperlukan analisis pengendalian kualitas guna meminimalisir penyimpangan produk. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengetahui kapabilitas proses dan menganalisis faktor- faktor penyebab penyimpangan produk keripk tempe sagu. Selain itu, disusun pula usulan perbaikan dengan tujuan mengendalikan kualitas produk. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Six Sigma dan Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Fuzzy FMEA). Six sigma untuk mendefinisikan penyimpangan, mengukur kemampuan proses, menganalisis penyebab penyimpangan, dan membuat usulan perbaikan. Pendekatan Six Sigma yang digunakan yakni define, measure, analyze, dan improve (DMAI). Fuzzy FMEA dimanfaatkan untuk menganalisis penyebab penyimpangan paling urgen berdasar komponen severity, occurrence, dan detection dengan bantuan responden pakar. Kepentingan relatif dari ketiga komponen tersebut dinilai bobotnya menggunakan istilah linguistik. Output dari Fuzzy FMEA berupa Fuzzy Risk Priroity Number yang menunjukkan prioritas penyebab penyimpangan yang perlu didahulukan perbaikannya. Hasil analisis menggunakan Six Sigma diperoleh informasi pada tahap define terdapat lima jenis Critical to Quality (CTQ), di mana setelah dilakukan penyusunan Diagram Pareto diperoleh tiga jenis penyimpangan sebesar 80%; yakni keripik patah, gosong, dan berminyak. Pada tahap measure dibuat peta kendali p dengan hasil seluruh data subgroup di antara Upper Control Limit (UCL) dan Lower Control Limit (LCL) yang berarti proses terkendali. Nilai kapabilitas proses 75,133% berarti proses layak sesuai standar industri Indonesia dan internasional. Nilai Defect per Million Opportunities (DPMO) 49.733,33 dan nilai sigma 3,1474 yang berarti berada pada rerata industri Indonesia dan Amerika. Pada tahap analyze menggunakan Ishikawa Diagram diperoleh penyebab potensial ketiga jenis penyimpangan dan dianalisis menggunakan Fuzzy FMEA berdasar komponen severity, occurrence, dan detection serta pembobotan pakar. Penyebab potensial dan urgen teratas dari ketiga jenis penyimpangan adalah keripik patah ialah belum optimalnya pengawasan (7,728), keterbatasan wadah peletakan irisan tempe (6,529) pada penyimpangan keripik berminyak, dan tidak ada alat ukur suhu minyak goreng (6,164) pada penyimpangan keripik gosong. Usulan perbaikan diberikan pada tahap improve yang antara lain ialah peningkatan pengawasan pada stasiun pematangan tempe sagu, pengirisan, dan penggorengan; pengadaan penyusunan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) penggorengan dan pematangan tempe sagu; pengadaan dan pengembangan peralatan pengirisan, penggorengan, serta resting; dan penjadwalan briefing. Usulan tersebut diharapkan membantu usaha mencegah dan meminimalisir penyimpangan produk

English Abstract

ndonesia is a country with the highest level of tempeh production in the world. Until 2017, more than 100 thousand tempeh craftsmen registered with the Indonesian Tofu tempeh Producers Cooperative (KOPTI). Tempeh is a protein-rich soybean meal with a content of 14 grams per 100 gram serving. Tempeh processing is needed to prevent damage and increase its selling value. One of the processed tempeh is tempeh chips. Keripik Tempe Rohani is one of the SMEs in Malang that produces variants of tempeh chips. Sago tempeh chips are the most popular product variant. Product deviations exist at the production stage. Type of deviation on Keripik Tempe Rohani are chips that are broken, charred, greasy, folded, and stuck. Therefore, quality control analysis is needed to minimize product deviations. The purpose of this study was to determine the process capability and to determine the factors causing the deviation of the sago tempeh chip product. In addition, suggestions for improvement are also prepared with the aim of controlling product quality. This research method uses Six Sigma and Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Fuzzy FMEA). Six sigma is used to define deviations, measure process capability, analyze the causes of deviations, and make suggestions for improvement. The approach Six Sigma used is DMAI (define, measure, analyze, improve). Fuzzy FMEA is used to analyze the causes of the most urgent deviations based on the components of severity, occurrence, and detection with the help of expert respondents. The relative importance of the three components as well weighted using linguistic terms. The output of Fuzzy FMEA is in the form of a Fuzzy Risk Priority Number, which indicates the priority of the causes of deviations that need to be handled first. The results of the analysis using Six Sigma obtained information at the define phase that there are five types of Critical to Quality (CTQ), where after the Pareto Diagram preparation is obtained three types of deviations that accumulate by 80%; namely broken chips, charred, and greasy. In the measure stage, a proportion control chart is made with the results that all the subgroup data are between the Upper Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit (LCL), which means the process is under control. The process capability value was also obtained with a result of 75.133% which means the process is feasible by being between Indonesian and international industrial standards. Value of Defect per Million Opportunities (DPMO) and value of sigma were also obtained at this stage with the results of 49.733.33 and 3,1474 which means that on average between Indonesian and American industry. Furthermore, the analysis stage is carried out in order to obtain the potential causes using the Ishikawa Diagram. The potential causes of the three types of deviation are then analyzed using Fuzzy FMEA based on the component values of severity, occurrence, and detection as well as expert weighting. Based on this, the potential causes for the three types of deviations are identified as urgent. The top causes for the deviation of broken chips were ‘not optimal supervision’ (7,728), ‘the limitation of the container for placing the tempeh slices’ (6,529) on the deviation of oily chips, and ‘the absence of a cooking oil temperature measuring instrument’ (6,164) on the deviation of charred chips. Based on the analysis stage, suggestions for improvements are given at the improvement stage, which include increasing supervision at the sago tempeh ripening station, slicing, and frying; preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for frying and maturation of tempe sago; procurement and development of equipment; and scheduling briefings. Through those suggestions, it is hoped that it can assist businesses in preventing and minimizing the occurrence of product deviations

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521100289
Uncontrolled Keywords: DMAIC, Fuzzy FMEA, Keripik Tempe Sagu, Six Sigma,DMAIC, Fuzzy FMEA, Sago tempeh Chips, Six Sigma
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 08 Feb 2022 06:48
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 16:25
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