Keragaman Genetik Dan Heritabilitas Karakter Agronomi Dan Kimiawi Pada 20 Genotipe Tomat Lokal (Solanum Lycopersicum L.)

Widarsiono, Batari Melyapuri and Dr. Ir. Damanhuri,, M.S. and Listy Anggraeni, S.Si, M.Sc. (2021) Keragaman Genetik Dan Heritabilitas Karakter Agronomi Dan Kimiawi Pada 20 Genotipe Tomat Lokal (Solanum Lycopersicum L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman sayuran yang telah banyak diproduksi dan dikonsumsi secara luas di seluruh dunia. Tomat memiliki senyawa bioaktif seperti fenolik, vitamin C, dan provitamin A (Klunklin dan Savage, 2017). Manfaat mengkonsumsi buah tomat diantaranya dapat mengurangi resiko terkena penyakit kanker, penyakit jantung, osteoporosis, kerusakan kulit akibat terpapar ultraviolet, dan kondisi lainnya (Bhowmik et al., 2012). Perakitan varietas unggul baru dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kekayaan plasma nutfah. Karakter agronomi dan kimiawi plasma nutfah perlu digali untuk mendapatkan informasi keunggulan genetiknya. Keragaman genetik dan heritabilitas pada karakter tanaman sangat berguna untuk keberhasilan seleksi genotipe unggul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi keragaman genetik dan heritabilitas karakter agronomi dan kimiawi dua puluh genotipe tomat lokal. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Juli 2021 di Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Timur. Alat yang digunakan terdiri dari kunci deskriptor UPOV (2019) dan IPGRI (2014), refraktrometer, penetrometer, jangka sorong, tray semai, hand sprayer, papan label, meteran, timbangan, gelas ukur, labu erlenmeyer, tabung reaksi, kamera digital, alat bercocok tanam dan form pengamatan. Bahan yang digunakan adalah 20 genotipe tomat lokal, tali, batang bambu, aquadest, larutan amilum 1%, larutan Iodine, pupuk kompos, pupuk kandang, pupuk NPK, pupuk kalium cair dan pestisida. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) terdiri atas dua puluh perlakuan genotipe tomat lokal dengan tiga ulangan. Sampel berjumlah 240 tanaman dari total 360 tanaman. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap tipe pertumbuhan, bentuk buah, warna buah matang, umur berbunga, umur tanaman, intensitas panen, tinggi tanaman, jumlah bunga, jumlah buah, fruitset, jumlah tandan, ukuran buah, bobot per buah, bobot buah per tanaman, kekerasan buah, kadar air, kadar gula, dan kadar vitamin C. Data hasil pengamatan yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (uji-F) pada taraf 5%. Apabila hasil analisis berbeda nyata, dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pada taraf 5%. Pengujian juga dilakukan terhadap koefisien keragaman genetik dan fenotipe serta nilai heritabilitas arti luas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dua puluh genotipe tomat lokal yang diuji menunjukkan adanya beda nyata terhadap semua karakter pengamatan agronomi dan kimiawi. Semua karakter yang diuji mempunyai nilai heritabilitas yang tinggi. Karakter jumlah buah, bobot per buah, bobot buah per tanaman, dan kekerasan buah memiliki nilai keragaman genetik dan heritabilitas tinggi. Keunggulan genotipe T.3 Lonjong dan T.7 adalah jumlah tandan banyak, ukuran buah besar, buah keras, dan potensi hasil tinggi, dan pada genotipe Tomat ceri ii merah besar adalah jumlah tandan banyak, jumlah buah banyak, buah keras, dan potensi hasil tinggi. Genotipe T.2 mempunyai kadar gula dan kadar vitamin C tinggi

English Abstract

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the vegetable crops that have been widely produced and consumed throughout the world. Tomatoes have bioactive compounds such as phenolic, vitamin C, and provitamin A (Klunklin dan Savage, 2017). The benefits of consuming tomatoes include reducing the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, skin damage due to exposure to ultraviolet light, and other conditions (Bhowmik et al., 2012). The improvement of new superior varieties is carried out by utilizing the source of germplasm. Agronomic and chemical characters of germplasm need to be explored to obtain information on its genetic superiority. Genetic variability and heritability values of a plant character are very useful for the successful selection of superior genotypes. The objective of the research was to get information about the genetic variability and heritability of agronomical and chemical characteristics on 20 local tomato genotypes. This research was conducted from February until Juli 2021 in the Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology East Java. The tools used are UPOV (2019) and IPGRI (2014) descriptor list, refractometer, penetrometer, calipers, tray seedlings, hand sprayers, label board, meters, scales, cylinder, erlenmeyer flask, test tube, digital cameras, farming tools and observation forms. The materials used are 20 genotypes of local tomato, ropes, bamboo stalks, aquadest, 1% amilum solution, Iodine solution, compost, manure, NPK fertilizer, liquid kalium fertilizer and pesticide. The experiment was arranged in Randomized Block Design (RBD) consist twenty treatments with three replications. The samples are 240 plants from a total 360 plants. The observation studied include growth type, fruit shape, ripe fruit color, flowering age, plant age, harvest intensity, plant height, number of flower, number of fruit, fruitset, number of bunches, size of fruit, weight of fruit, fruit weight per plant, hardness of fruit, moisture content, sugar content, and vitamin C content. The data obtained from observation were analyzed using ANOVA (F-test) at the 5% level. If the result of analysis is significantly different, it will be continued with Honest Significant Difference (HSD) at the 5% level. Tests were also carried out on the coefficients of genetic and phenotypic variability and broad sense heritability. The results showed that there were significant differences among the local tomato genotypes evaluated for all agronomic and chemical characters. All characteristics observed had high values of heritability. The characters of fruit number, weight of fruit, fruit weight per plant, and hardness of fruit had high genetic variability and heritability. The advantages of genotypes T.3 Lonjong and T.7 were large number of bunches, big fruit size, hard fruit and high yield potential, and on genotype Tomat ceri merah besar was large number of bunches, iv large number of fruit, hard fruit and high yield potential. Genotype T.2 had high value on sugar and vitamin C conten

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521040177
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 08 Feb 2022 03:26
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2024 02:22
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