Analisis Evaluasi Kinerja Rantai Pasok dengan Metode Supply Chain Operation Reference dan Analitycal Hierarchy Process (Studi Kasus di PT. Putra Jaya Nanas, Kabupaten Blitar)

Faradita, Daning and Dr. Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh,, STP., MP and Andan Linggar Rucitra,, STP., MP. (2021) Analisis Evaluasi Kinerja Rantai Pasok dengan Metode Supply Chain Operation Reference dan Analitycal Hierarchy Process (Studi Kasus di PT. Putra Jaya Nanas, Kabupaten Blitar). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Nanas (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) merupakan tanaman holtikultura yang banyak tumbuh dan tersebar di Indonesia. Salah satu sentra produksi buah nanas di Jawa Timur berada di Kabupaten Blitar Kecamatan Ponggok yang pada tahun 2019 mencapai 29.636,9 ton buah nanas. PT. Putra Jaya Nanas adalah salah satu perusahaan yang mengolah bahan baku nanas menjadi produk unggulan yakni minuman sari buah nanas dengan merk “Segarrr”. Kapasitas dalam satu kali produksi mencapai 50-55 kardus yang setiap kardus berisi 32 cup minuman sari buah nanas berukuran 120 ml. Aktivitas rantai pasok minuman sari buah nanas dapat mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas produk. Permasalahan rantai pasok terjadi pada supplier, perusahaan dan distributor. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk menganalisis kinerja rantai pasok dan menentukan bobot kinerja rantai pasok. Metode dalam mengukur kinerja rantai pasok menggunakan model Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) dan Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). Model SCOR digunakan untuk menilai kinerja dari rantai pasok menyeluruh pada PT. Putra Jaya Nanas, sedangkan metode AHP sebagai dasar menentukan tingkat kepentingan relatif. Output indikator SCOR digunakan sebagai input AHP untuk mendapatkan bobot global/relatif yang digunakan dalam mengukur kinerja keseluruhan. Responden pakar yang digunakan ada 8 orang yaitu 1 orang tengkulak nanas, 6 orang pekerja PT. Putra Jaya Nanas (1 orang pemilik perusahaan, 1 orang admin, 3 orang bagian produksi dan 1 orang quality control) dan 1 orang distributor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang terbagi atas tiap proses utama SCOR yaitu Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return dan atributnya Reliability, Responsiveness, Agility. Bobot tingkat kepentingan tertinggi level 1 pada proses source, level 2 adalah atribut responsiveness pada proses return, dan level 3 pada KPI hubungan internal antar bagian dalam perusahaan memengaruhi perencanaan (P.1.1), Kecepatan tenaga kerja bagian produksi (M.2.1), waktu yang dibutuhkan mulai dari permintaan sampai barang diterima pelanggan (D.2.1), waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam mengganti produk (R.2.1). Analisis pengukuran warna merah menunjukkan kinerja perlu diperbaiki, kuning artinya kinerja perlu ditingkatkan serta hijau artinya kinerja sudah baik, perlu dipertahankan dan dari 19 KPI yang memperoleh kinerja warna merah dan average performance ada 4 KPI yaitu Kecepatan tenaga kerja melakukan kegiatan perencanaan (P.2.2), jumlah produk cacat yang terjadi pada proses produksi (M.1.1), Kecepatan tenaga kerja bagian produksi (M.2.1) dan waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam mengganti produk (R.2.1). Nilai kinerja keseluruhan dari rantai pasok sebesar 73,340 menunjukkan warna kuning dan good performance artinya kinerja rantai pasok perusahaan sudah baik dan perlu ditingkatkan agar kinerja semakin teratur dan terarah serta dapat meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan. Beberapa upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja rantai pasok minuman sari buah nanas di PT. Putra Jaya Nanas dengan memperbaiki kinerja yang memiliki nilai KPI terendah yaitu dari supplier menambah relasi petani nanas, manufaktur melakukan penambahan tenaga kerja khusus, pengembangan tenaga kerja, perawatan terhadap mesin, analisis persediaan dengan baik, dan memiliki persediaan produk yang cukup serta distributor menambah persediaan.

English Abstract

Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) is a horticultural plant that is widely grown and spread in Indonesia. One of the centers for pineapple production in East Java is in Blitar Regency, Ponggok District, which in 2019 reached 29,636.9 tons of pineapple. PT. Putra Jaya Nanas is one of the companies that process pineapple raw materials into superior products, namely pineapple juice drinks with the "Segarrr" brand. The capacity in one production reaches 50-55 boxes, each box contains 32 cups of 120 ml pineapple juice. The supply chain activity of pineapple juice drinks can affect the quality and quantity of the product. Supply chain problems occur in suppliers, companies and distributors. The purpose of this research is to analyze supply chain performance and determine the weight of supply chain performance. The method for measuring supply chain performance uses the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) models. The SCOR model is used to assess the performance of the entire supply chain at PT. Putra Jaya Nanas, while the AHP method is the basis for determining the relative importance. The output of the SCOR indicator is used as AHP input to obtain global/relative weights used to measure overall performance. The expert respondents used were 8 people, namely 1 pineapple middleman, 6 workers at PT. Putra Jaya Nanas (1 company owner, 1 admin, 3 production personnel and 1 quality control person) and 1 distributor. The results show that there are Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which are divided into each of the main SCOR processes, namely Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return and its attributes are Reliability, Responsiveness, Agility. The highest level of importance weights level 1 on the source process, level 2 is the responsiveness attribute on the return process, and level 3 on the KPI of internal relations between parts of the company affecting planning (P.1.1), speed of production workers (M.2.1), time required starting from the request until the goods are received by the customer (D.2.1), the time required to replace the product (R.2.1). Analysis of the red color measurement shows that performance needs to be improved, yellow means that performance needs to be improved and green means that performance is good, it needs to be maintained and of the 19 KPIs that get red performance and average performance there are 4 KPIs, namely the speed of the workforce carrying out planning activities (P.2.2) , the number of defective products that occur in the production process (M.1.1), the speed of labor in the production section (M.2.1) and the time required to replace the product (R.2.1). The overall performance value of the supply chain is 73,340 indicating a yellow color and good performance means that the company's supply chain performance is good and needs to be improved so that performance is more organized and directed and can increase company productivity. Several efforts to improve supply chain performance of pineapple juice drinks at PT. Putra Jaya Nanas by improving the performance that has the lowest KPI value, namely from suppliers adding pineapple farmer relations, manufacturing adding special workers, developing workforce, maintaining machines, analyzing inventory properly, and having sufficient product inventory and distributors adding supplies.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521100265
Uncontrolled Keywords: Agroindustri Nanas, Key Performance Indicator, Kinerja Rantai Pasok,Pineapple Agroindustry, Key Performance Indicators, Supply Chain Performance
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 07 Feb 2022 06:14
Last Modified: 27 Sep 2024 02:19
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