Analisis Persepsi Konsumen Terhadap Kualitas dan Kehalalan Susu Kefir yang Dibeli Melalui E-Commerce Menggunakan Online Survey Methodology

Abdillah, Salsabilla Zahidati and Dr. Siti Narsito Wulan,, STP., MP. MSc (2021) Analisis Persepsi Konsumen Terhadap Kualitas dan Kehalalan Susu Kefir yang Dibeli Melalui E-Commerce Menggunakan Online Survey Methodology. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Beberapa tahun terakhir, tren produk pangan fungsional mulai meningkat termasuk pangan mengandung probiotik. Kefir merupakan salah satu pangan mengandung probiotik yang diproses dengan cara menginokulasikan bulir kefir ke dalam susu. Kefir memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan dengan produk fermentasi susu lainnya seperti yogurt atau keju, karena mengandung mikroorganisme kompleks dan spesifik serta senyawa bioaktif yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Di Indonesia kefir pada mulanya masih menjadi konsumsi pribadi, namun seiring dengan banyaknya testimoni khasiat kefir terhadap kesehatan maka permintaan konsumen kefir semakin meningkat. Saat ini, penjualan kefir masih didominasi oleh penjualan secara daring (e-commerce) dan pasar khusus penjualan pangan fungsional. Berdasarkan risiko kesehatan, kefir termasuk ke dalam kategori pangan dengan tingkat risiko tinggi sehingga pada proses produksi hingga pemasaran perlu diawasi secara ketat untuk menghindari terjadinya kemungkinan bahaya. Selain itu kefir mengandung hasil metabolit berupa etanol yang menjadi faktor krusial penentuan kehalalan produk pangan. Terutama pada penjualan melalui daring, dimana penerapan dan pengawasan regulasi pemerintah belum optimal sehingga kontrol kualitas dan kehalalan berada di tangan produsen dan konsumen. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemetaan tingkat pengetahuan kualitas dan kehalalan kefir serta persepsi kualitas dan kehalalan kefir yang dibeli melalui e-commerce menggunakan online survey methodology. Hasil yang diperoleh, dari 100 responden yang mengisi survei (n=100) diketahui tingkat pengetahuan kualitas kefir berada pada tingkat tinggi, tingkat pengetahuan kehalalan kefir berada pada tingkat tinggi, persepsi kualitas kefir yang dibeli melalui e-commerce baik, dan persepsi kehalalan kefir yang dibeli melalui e-commerce juga baik. Selain itu, dilakukan analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda, dimana hasilnya pengetahuan kualitas kefir, riwayat pembelian dan jenis kemasan produk secara simultan mempengaruhi persepsi kualitas kefir yang dibeli melalui e-commerce sebesar 8,9%. Sedangkan faktor pengetahuan kehalalan dan agama tidak mempengaruhi persepsi kehalalan kefir yang dibeli melalui e-commerce, namun agama secara parsial mempengaruhi persepsi kehalalan kefir yang dibeli melalui e-commerce pada tingkat signifikansi 10% (α= 0,10).

English Abstract

In recent years, the trend of functional food products has begun to increase, including foods containing probiotics. Kefir is food containing probiotics that are processed by inoculating kefir grains into milk. Kefir has advantages compared to other fermented milk products such as yogurt or cheese because it contains complex and specific microorganisms and bioactive compounds that are beneficial to health. In Indonesia, at first, kefir was still a personal consumption, but along with the many testimonies about kefir's health benefits, consumer demand for kefir is increasing. Currently, the sale of kefir is still dominated by online sales (ecommerce) and the functional food market. Based on health risks, kefir is included in the category of food with a high level of risk so that the production and marketing processes need to be closely monitored to avoid possible hazards. In addition, kefir contains metabolites in the form of ethanol which is a crucial factor in determining the halalness of food products. Especially in online sales, where the implementation and supervision of government regulations have not been optimal so that quality and halalness control are in the hands of producers and consumers. In this study, a mapping of the level of knowledge of the quality and halalness of kefir as well as the perception of the quality and halalness of kefir purchased through e-commerce was carried out using an online survey methodology. The results obtained, from 100 respondents who filled out the survey (n = 100) it was known that the level of knowledge of the quality of kefir was at a high level, the level of knowledge of halal kefir was at a high level, the perception of the quality of kefir purchased through e-commerce was good, and the perception of halal kefir was high. purchased via e-commerce is also good. In addition, an analysis of factors that influence perceptions was carried out using multiple linear regression analysis, where the results were that knowledge of kefir quality, purchase history, and type of product packaging simultaneously affected the perception of the quality of kefir purchased through e-commerce by 8.9%. While the knowledge of halal and religious factors did not affect the perception of the halalness of kefir purchased through e-commerce, but religion partially affected the perception of the halalness of kefir purchased through e-commerce at a significance level of 10% (α= 0.10).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521100192
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kefir, Persepsi Konsumen, Kualitas, Kehalalan, Online Survey, Kefir, Consumer Perception, Quality, Halalness, Online Survey
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 29 Dec 2021 01:35
Last Modified: 24 Sep 2024 06:57
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