Formulasipenyedap Rasa Nabatiberbahanbakuhidrolisatprotein Blondokelapa

Noviantoro, Theressa Angela Natasha (2019) Formulasipenyedap Rasa Nabatiberbahanbakuhidrolisatprotein Blondokelapa. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penyedap rasa komersial yang dijual dipasaran banyak mengandung Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) buatan sebagai penguat rasa. Namun, penggunaan MSG yang berlebihan dapat membahayakan kesehatan tubuh.Maka dari itu, diperlukan alternatif penyedap rasa nonMSG.Penggunaan MSG dapat digantikan dengan bahan alami hasil hidrolisis enzimatis protein seperti hidrolisat protein blondo kelapa.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi dan profil asam amino hidrolisat protein blondo kelapa, mengetahui formulasi yang tepat dalam pembuatan penyedap rasa nabati, dan mengetahui tingkat penerimaan penyedap rasa nabati. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Penelitian utama yaitu pembuatan formulasi penyedap rasa dengan bahan baku hidrolisat protein blondo kelapa dan bumbu tambahan yang terdiri dari gula, garam, lada putih bubuk, bawang merah bubuk, dan bawang putih bubuk. Formulasi dibuat dalam 6 taraf perlakuan berdasarkan perbedaan proporsi hidrolisat protein blondo kelapa, yaitu; 0%, 2%,4%,6%, 8%, 10%.Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji organoleptikdengan menyiapkan satu jenis masakan yaitu sup. Uji organoleptik terdiri dari 3 metode yaitu uji skoring, uji rangking, dan uji hedonik dengan menggunakan30 panelis tidak terlatih.Data uji skoring dan uji rangking dianalisis dengan uji Friedman. Apabila terdapat perbedaan nyata antar perlakuan, maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Wilcoxon. Perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan uji rangking, akan dilanjutkan dengan uji hedonik yang meliputi rasa, aroma, warna, dan tekstur untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan panelis.Data uji hedonik dianalisis secara deskriptif.viii Hasil uji karakteristik bahan baku blondo kelapa mengandung kadar air 9,09%, protein 19,95%, lemak 34,51%, abu 5,00%, karbohidrat 31,45%, sedangkan hidrolisat protein blondo kelapamengandung air 8,21%, protein 35,62%, lemak 22,18%, abu 3,25%, dan karbohidrat 20,40%. Asam amino yang dominan terkandung dalam hidrolisat protein blondo kelapa adalah asam glutamat 10,37%, arginin 5,95%, dan aspartat 4,81%, sedangkan kandungan asam amino terkecil metionin 0,92%, alanin 0,95%, dan tirosin 1,18%.Formulasi dengan penambahan hidrolisat protein blondo kelapa sebanyak 8% dan 10% mempunyai nikai skor tertinggi terhadap rasa, warna, dan aroma yang berarti berbeda nyata. Hasil uji rangking didapatkan urutan tertinggi pada formulasi hidrolisat protein blondo kelapa 8% dan bumbu tambahan 92%. Uji hedonik menyatakan bahwa formulasi 8% hidrolisat protein blondo kelapa dan 92% bumbu tambahan lebih disukai dari segi rasa, warna, aroma, dan tekstur, sedangkan penyedap rasa komersial kurang disukai, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyedap rasa nabati dengan formulasi hidrolisat protein blondo kelapa 8% dan bumbu tambahan 92% dapat diterima oleh konsumen dan dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif pengganti MSG.

English Abstract

Commercial seasoning that sold in the market containing artificial Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) as a flavor enhancer. However, the excessive use of MSG can endanger the health of the body. Therefore, requires an alternative non-MSG seasoning. The use of MSG can be replaced with natural ingredients from protein enzymatic such as protein hydrolyzate of coconut blondo. This study was conducted to understand the nutritional content and amino acid profile of protein hydrolyzate of coconut blondo, to find out the appropriate formulation in making seasoning of protein hydrolyzate of coconut blondo, and to understand the acceptance level of seasoning that made of protein hydrolyzate of coconut blondo. This study used descriptive method. The main study was the production of seasoning formulations with raw material of protein hydrolyzate of coconut blondo and additional spices that consisted of sugar, salt, white pepper powder, onion powder, and garlic powder. The formulation was made in 6 treatment levels based on the difference in proportion of protein hydrolyzate of coconut blondo, which were; 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%. Then tested using organoleptic tests by preparing one type of dish, which was soup. Organoleptic test consisted of 3 methods, they were scoring test, ranking test, and hedonic test with 30 untrained panelists. Data of scoring test and ranking test were analyzed by Friedman test. If there was significant difference between treatments, then it would be followed by the Wilcoxon test. The best treatment based on the ranking test, would be followed by a hedonic test which included taste, aroma, color, and texture to understand the acceptance level of the panelists. Data of hedonic was analyzed descriptively.x The result of proximate test on raw material of coconut blondo raw which contained nutrients in the form of 9.09% water, 19.95% protein, 34.51% fat, 5.00% ash, 31.45% carbohydrate. The result of proximate test on protein hydrolyzate of coconut blondo were containing of 8.21% water, 35.62% protein, 22.18% fat, 3.25% ash, and 20.40% carbohydrate. The dominant amino acids contained in the protein hydrolyzate of blondo were 10.37% glutamic acid, 5.95% arginine, and 4.81% aspartate, while the smallest amino acids content were 0.92% methionine, 0.95% alanine, and 1.18% tyrosine. Based on the scoring test, could be known that the highest score for the parameter of taste was F4 formulation with the value of 2.57 (very tasty), the color was F5 formulation with the value of 2.70 (very cloudy), and the aroma was F5 formulation with the value of 2.57 (very typical). Based on the results of ranking test, it could be seen that those which get the highest ranking sequence were F4 formulation (8% protein hydrolyzate of blondo and 92% additional seasoning). Based on the hedonic test, could be known that the best treatment of vegetable seasoning was F4 formulation which had an average overall value that was preferred over commercial seasoning. Thus, could be stated that the use of vegetable seasoning products as an MSG alternative was very possible and acceptable for consumers

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2019/193/052002196
Uncontrolled Keywords: blondo kelapa, hidrolisis enzimatis,penyedap rasa., :coconut blondo, enzymatic hydrolysis, seasoning.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 641 Food and drink > 641.7 Specific cooking processes and techniques
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:45
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 06:13
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