Potensi Bakteri Indigenous asal Susu Kuda Sumbawa Terfermentasi sebagai Penghasil Eksopolisakarida

Faradina, Tika (2019) Potensi Bakteri Indigenous asal Susu Kuda Sumbawa Terfermentasi sebagai Penghasil Eksopolisakarida. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian tentang eksopolisakarida (EPS) dan potensinya untuk diaplikasikan di berbagai bidang industri (kesehatan, makanan, kosmetik, dan lingkungan) pada beberapa tahun terakhir semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu, eksplorasi bakteri indigenous penghasil EPS unggul asal susu kuda Sumbawa terfermentasi perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji potensi isolat-isolat bakteri indigenous sebagai penghasil EPS, mengetahui karakter EPS yang dihasilkan isolat bakteri indigenous terpilih dan mengidentifikasi isolat bakteri indigenous penghasil EPS unggul berdasarkan sekuen 16S rDNA. Tahapan yang dilakukan terdiri dari skrining kualitatif bakteri penghasil EPS menggunakan media MRS dan M17 agar yang mengandung sukrosa 5 %, skrining kuantitatif produksi EPS berdasarkan konsentrasi EPS yang dihasilkan, karakterisasi EPS, uji sensitivitas terhadap antibiotik, uji hemolisis, produksi EPS, dan identifikasi isolat penghasil EPS unggul. Karakterisasi EPS didasarkan pada aktivitas flokulasi, aktivitas pengemulsi, kelarutan dalam air, dan aktivitas antimikroba. Isolat penghasil EPS unggul dengan karakteristik yang diharapkan diidentifikasi berdasarkan sekuen 16S rDNA, selanjutnya pohon filogeni dikonstruksi menggunakan software MEGA6. Hasil penelitian didapatkan empat isolat yang mampu menghasilkan EPS dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Isolat BC8 mampu menghasilkan EPS unggul dengan karakteristik aktivitas flokulasi tinggi, dapat mengemulsi, larut dalam air serta mampu menghambat bakteri patogen (E. coli dan S. aureus). Isolat BC8 resisten terhadap antibiotik Kanamycin, Erythromycin, dan Cinoxacin serta tergolong intermediate terhadap antibiotik Trimetoprim. Isolat BC8 juga memiliki aktivitas α-hemolisis. Konsentrasi EPS dan penurunan pH tertinggi dicapai pada inkubasi jam ke-36. Isolat BC8 teridentifikasi sebagai Bacillus subtilis dengan nilai similaritas 99,85 % terhadap Bacillus subtilis DSM 10T.

English Abstract

The research on exopolysaccharide (EPS) and its potency in various fields (health, foods, cosmetics, and environment) has increased recently. Therefore, it is necessary to explore EPS-producing bacteria from fermented Sumbawa mare’s milk. The objective of this research was to evaluate the potency of EPS-producing bacteria isolates, to determine the characters of EPS produced by selected indigenous bacterial isolates and to identify the species of bacteria that produced the best EPS based on 16S rDNA sequences. The method consisted of several stages, namely qualitative screening of EPS-producing bacteria using MRS and M17 media containing sucrose 5%, quantitative screening of EPS production based on EPS concentration produced, EPS characterization, antibiotic sensitivity test, haemolysis test, EPS production, and identification of the bacteria species with the best EPS. The characterization of EPS used were flocculation activity, emulsifying activity, water solubility, and antimicrobial activity. The best EPS-producing isolates with desired characteristics were identified based on 16S rDNA sequences and phylogenetic trees were constructed using MEGA6 software. The research results obtained four isolates that were able to produce EPS with a high concentration. The isolate of BC8 was the best EPS producer isolate with the some expected EPS characteristics such as higher flocculation activity, good as emulsifier, dissolve in water, able to inhibit pathogenic bacteria (E. coli and S. aureus). The BC8 isolate was resistant to Kanamycin, Erythromycin, and Cinoxacin, and it was classified as intermediates to Trimetoprim. This isolate also demonstrated α-hemolysis. The EPS concentration and the decrease of pH value were optimally achived at incubation of 36th hour. This isolate was identified as Bacillus subtilis with similarity value of 99.85% towards Bacillus subtilis DSM 10T.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/MIPA/2019/444/052001599
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bacillus subtilis, eksopolisakarida, susu kuda Sumbawa, susu fermentasi alami, Bacillus subtilis, exopolysaccharide, Sumbawa mare’s milk, naturally fermented milk
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 547 Organic chemistry > 547.2 Organic chemical reactions > 547.29 Fermentation
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Biologi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 08:09
Last Modified: 10 Aug 2020 08:09
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/179334
Full text not available from this repository.

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