Studi Serapan Larutan Rodhamin B Terhadap Intensitas Spektrum Lampu Led ( Light Emitting Diode) Dengan Menggunakan Spektrometer Sederhana

Wibowo, Ardhi (2019) Studi Serapan Larutan Rodhamin B Terhadap Intensitas Spektrum Lampu Led ( Light Emitting Diode) Dengan Menggunakan Spektrometer Sederhana. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penggunaan spektrometer sederhana saat ini banyak diaplikasikan dalam analisis interaksi materi dengan radiasi gelombang. Studi spektrometer ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk menganalisis kandungan limbah tekstil, dimana salah satu limbah tekstil yang cukup banyak residunya saat ini adalah Rhodamin B. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mempelajari pola spektrum pada lampu LED sebagai sarana untuk menentukan nilai serapan intensitas pewarna tekstil sintetis Rhodamin B. Metode yang digunakan adalah mendesain spektrometer sederhana yang terdapat kisi transmisi dari bahan keping DVD didalamnya. Sumber cahaya berasal dari lampu LED. Instrumen penangkap citra digital intensitas menggunakan kamera handphone beresolusi 16 MP. Setelah itu didapatkan data berupa citra spektrum. Citra spektrum dianalisis menggunakan software Image J. kemudian didapatkan grafik dan perbandingan kuantitatif untuk menentukan nilai serapan intensitas sampel larutan Rhodamin B. Hasil penelitian menunjukan setiap terjadi kenaikan konsentrasi larutan akan terjadi penurunan intensitas spektrum, yang mana hal ini sesuai dengan dalil hukum Lambert-Beer. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan nilai koefisien serapan Rhodamin B pada spektrum warna hijau sebesar 0,0030 cm-1.

English Abstract

A simple spectrometer is currently widely used in analyzing interactions between molecules and wave radiation. The study of spectroscopy can be used to analyze textile wastes called Rhodamin B which is one of the textile wastes which currently has a lot of residues. The research aims to study the distribution patterns of LED lamps as a means to determine the amount of absorption from the levels of Rhodamin B synthetic textile dyes. The method of this research is to design a simple spectrometer that has a transmission lattice from the DVD chip material inside. The light source is taken from the LED light. Digital image capture instruments are cellphone cameras that have a 16 MP resolution. After obtaining data consisting of spectrum images, the spectrum images were analyzed using ImageJ software. Then, the combined graphs and the quantitative evaluations obtained from imagesJ were used to determine the amount of Rhodamin B sample absorption. The results showed that every increase in concentration would decrease intensity. This is in accordance with the Lambert-Beer law. This research obtained Rhodamin B absorption coefficient value in green color variation that is equal to 0,0030 ��−1.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/MIPA/2019/283/051910954
Uncontrolled Keywords: Larutan Rhodamin B, Lampu LED, Kisi DVD, Koefisien Serapan-A simple spectrometer is currently widely used in analyzing interactions between molecules and wave radiation. The study of spectroscopy can be used to analyze textile wastes called Rhodamin B which is one of the textile wastes which currently has a lot of residues. The research aims to study the distribution patterns of LED lamps as a means to determine the amount of absorption from the levels of Rhodamin B synthetic textile dyes. The method of this research is to design a simple spectrometer that has a transmission lattice from the DVD chip material inside. The light source is taken from the LED light. Digital image capture instruments are cellphone cameras that have a 16 MP resolution. After obtaining data consisting of spectrum images, the spectrum images were analyzed using ImageJ software. Then, the combined graphs and the quantitative evaluations obtained from imagesJ were used to determine the amount of Rhodamin B sample absorption. The results showed that every increase in concentration would decrease intensity. This is in accordance with the Lambert-Beer law. This research obtained Rhodamin B absorption coefficient value in green color variation that is equal to 0,0030 ��−1.
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 543 Analytical chemistry > 543.5 Optical spetroscopy (Spectrum analysis)
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika
Depositing User: Agus Wicaksono
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 08:06
Last Modified: 10 Aug 2020 08:06
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