The Effect Of Robusta Coffee Beans (Coffea Canephora) Extract On Small Intestine Microflora And Physical Quality Of Meat At The Starter Period Of Isa Brown Chicken Infected By Salmonella Enteritidis

Septian, Winda Mega (2019) The Effect Of Robusta Coffee Beans (Coffea Canephora) Extract On Small Intestine Microflora And Physical Quality Of Meat At The Starter Period Of Isa Brown Chicken Infected By Salmonella Enteritidis. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Chicken meat is an essential proteins source, it widely consumed by Indonesian people. The increase in consumption of animal products by the society is the result of the increasing public awareness of the nutritious food importance. High market demand for chicken meat must be balanced with the supply of good quality chicken by farmers. Isa brown is one of the layer breed, it is belongs in the medium type layer with high egg production and heavy body weight. Poultry are susceptible to various diseases. One disease that often arises due to poor management in the farm is salmonellosis, it caused by Salmonella enteritidis bacteria. Handling of salmonellosis by farmers was done through personal hygiene, good poultry maintenance management, selection of good quality DOC, vaccination, and antibiotics. However, the use of antibiotics inxii feed can cause residues in livestock products, so it has been prohibited by the Indonesian Government by issuing a rules: Peraturan Menteri Pertanian number 14 of 2017 about the classification of veterinary drugs by prohibiting the use of chemical feed additives from groups of antibiotics and synthetic hormones. Therefore, there is a need for other alternatives to replace the use of antibiotics, one of them is robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) as phytobiotics. Robusta coffee beans have caffeine content of 1.50-2.72% and chlorogenic acid of 6.1-11.3%. Caffeine in robusta coffee beans can inhibit bacterial growth by inhibiting DNA synthesis. CGA in coffee is an antioxidant that is useful to reduce the effects of cell damage due to free radicals and encourage metabolism that is able to minimize the release of excess glucose from the liver into the blood. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of robusta coffee bean extract on the starter period of Isa brown infected with Salmonella enteritidis in terms of the average amount of small intestinal microflora and physical quality of meat. The results of this research were expected to provide information for both students and society, regarding the effect of the use of robusta coffee beans extract as a natural phytobiotic at the starter period of Isa brown infected by Salmonella enteritidis. This research was conducted from August to October 2018 in an animal clinic, in MT. Haryono Street 167, Malang for rearing of the starter period of experimental chicken. pH, WHC, cooking loss, and small intestine microflora were assessed in the Laboratory of Animal Product Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang. This research used 48 heads of female Isa brown DOC whichxiii was obtained from PT. Sierad Produce, it was reared for 20 days. The average initial body weight was 63.47 grams and the coefficient of variance was 2.7%. The research method was an experiment with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and 3 replications. If the result was significant then further Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used to determine the difference in each treatment. The treatments in this study were basal feed (P0), given of robusta coffee bean extract with dosage 500 mg/kg BW (P1), 1,000 mg/kg BW (P2), and 1,500 mg/kg BW (P3). The average amount of small intestine microflora observed included LAB and Salmonella. While the physical quality of meat observed included pH, WHC, and cooking loss. The results showed that the increase dosage of robusta coffee beans up to 1,500 mg/kg of BW in the starter period of Isa brown infected with Salmonella enteritidis has significantly increase the ph value of the meat. However there was no effect on the WHC value and cooking loss value. As well as on the average amount of Salmonella and average amount of LAB in the small intestine. The best meat pH value was 5.77±0.06, the highest meat WHC value was 22.38±12.31%, the lowest meat cooking loss value was 30.00±1.00%, and the highest average amount LAB was 9.57±1.25 log CFU/g, all of them were given robusta coffe beans extract with dosage 1,500 mg/kg of BW. The lowest average amount of Salmonella was 6.99±0.51 log CFU/g at P0 without the treatment of robusta coffee beans extract. Giving robusta coffee beans extract as phytobiotics in starter period of chickens with dosages of 1,500 mg/kg of BW is recommended to be applied by farmers to obtain good quality meat. In addition, the dosages of robusta coffee beans extract can bexiv increased but does not exceed the safe limit of caffeine consumption, which is 500-600 mg because it can cause caffeine intoxication.

English Abstract

The aim of this research was to determine the effect of robusta coffee bean extract (Coffea canephora) on the amount of small intestine microflora (lactic acid bacteria and Salmonella) and physical quality of meat (pH, WHC, and cooking loss) on the starter period of Isa brown infected by Salmonella enteritidis. The result of this research provides information on the usage of robusta coffee bean extract as a feed additive for chickens. The research method was experimental design used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications, each treatment used 12 experimental chickens with the average of initial body weight was 63,47±1,69 grams with the coefficient of variance was 2,7%, and continued by Duncan's Multiplex Range Test (DMRT). The different treatments in this research were the different dosages of robusta coffee bean extract (500, 1,000, and 1,500 mg/kg of body weight). The research materials were Isa brown and Salmonella enteritidis 1x108 CFU/ml. Robusta coffee bean extract was given to chickens as long 14 days (3-17 days old), then infected by Salmonella enteritidis 1x108 CFU/ml and slaughtered in the 17th day (20 days old). The result given robusta coffee beans extract with different dosages on the starter period of Isa brown infected with Salmonella enteritidis has no significantly different (P>0.05) in the amount of LAB, amount of Salmonella, WHC value, and cooking loss value but it has a significantly different (P<0.05) in the pH value. Suggestion for further research, it could be done by more comprehensive research with increased the dose of robusta coffee beans extract but does not exceed the safe limit of caffeine consumption, which is 500-600 mg because it can cause caffeine intoxication

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FAPET/2019/186/051909952
Uncontrolled Keywords: Isa brown chicken, Salmonella enteritidis, robusta coffee beans extract
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.7 Alkaloidal crops
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan > Peternakan
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 05 Nov 2020 14:53
Last Modified: 24 Oct 2021 10:20
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