Dekomposisi Seresah pada Berbagai Kondisi Agroforestri Pinus dan Kopi: Penurunan Berat Seresah dari Kantong Kasa Berukuran Kasar

Khurniawati, Dita Nurul (2019) Dekomposisi Seresah pada Berbagai Kondisi Agroforestri Pinus dan Kopi: Penurunan Berat Seresah dari Kantong Kasa Berukuran Kasar. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Agroforestri kopi yang berkembang di UB Forest merupakan salah satu sumber pendapatan yang cukup menjanjikan bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di kawasan tersebut. Namun sejak sepuluh tahun terakhir banyak tanaman kopi yang diterlantarkan akibat produksi kopi rendah yang disebabkan oleh tingkat naungan pohon yang rapat. Guna meningkatkan minat petani untuk tetap bertani kopi perlu dilakukan manajemen cahaya masuk melalui pemangkasan. Pengembalian sisa pangkasan ke lahan dapat mempertahankan kandungan C organik tanah tergantung jumlah dan laju dekomposisinya. Proses dekomposisi seresah yang berjalan dengan optimal hingga proses mineralisasinya akan meningkatkan ketersediaan unsur hara di dalam tanah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi laju dekomposisi berbagai kualitas seresah dalam agroforestri kopi dan pinus pada berbagai kondisi tutupan kanopi pohon penaung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April hingga Juni 2019 di hutan pendidikan UB Forest. Pengaturan perlakuan meggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan sumber keragaman (SK) 1 yaitu jenis seresah (standing litter): (a) daun+ranting pinus (P), (b) campuran daun+ranting pinus dan kopi (KP), (c) daun+ranting kopi (K), (d) kayu pinus (KY), (e) biomassa understory (U) dan SK 2 yaitu lokasi penempatan litter bag, yaitu di plot LC-T (Low management coffee, dipangkas), LC-UT (Low management coffee, tidak dipangkas), HC-T (High management coffee, dipangkas) dan HC-UT (High management coffee, tidak dipangkas). Pengukuran diulang sebanyak 5 kali dan diamati pada minggu ke 1, 2, 4, 8 dan 12 minggu setelah aplikasi (msa). Variabel yang diamati adalah kehilangan masa seresah, iklim mikro (suhu dan kelembaban tanah) yang diamati setiap hari, tutupan kanopi (diamati pada awal percobaan), makrofauna tanah (diamati pada 8 dan 12 msa) serta kandungan kimia seresah (nisbah C/N, kadar lignin dan polifenol) yang diamati pada minggu ke 0 dan 12. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum laju dekomposisi seresah lebih cepat apabila diletakkan di plot dengan cabang pinus yang telah dipangkas, baik di plot LC maupun HC. Biomassa understory yang diletakkan di LC-T adalah perlakuan paling cepat terdekomposisi (k = 0,100 t50 = 7 minggu), dari komponen pohon yang paling cepat terdekomposisi yaitu seresah kopi (k = 0,033 dan t50 = 21 minggu) di plot HC-T, sedangkan seresah kayu pinus paling lambat terdekomposisi (k = 0,014 t50 = 50 minggu) yang diletakkan di plot HC baik yang dipangkas maupun tidak. Laju dekomposisi seresah di keempat lokasi penelitian ini dipengaruhi kuat oleh faktor internal yaitu % lignin seresah (R2= 0,920 n= 20) dibandingkan dengan faktor eksternal suhu tanah (R2= 0,005 n= 4).

English Abstract

Coffee agroforestry that develops in UB Forest is one of the promising sources of income for people living in that area. But since the last ten years many coffee plants have been abandoned due to high shade of trees for coffee plants. The existence of these problems can reduce coffee production and increase the risk of converting agroforestry to annual crops land. In order to increase the interest of farmers to keep farming coffee, light management is carried out through trimming. Returning the trimming biomass to the land is useful to cover the soil surface (as organic mulch) if the biomass does not quickly decompose. Litter decomposition process that runs optimally until the mineralization process will be able to increase the availability of nutrients in the soil. The aim of the study was to evaluate the rate of decomposition of various litter quality in coffee and pine agroforestry under various conditions of shade tree canopy cover. This research was carried out in April to June 2019 at the educational forest known as UB Forest. Treatments were arranged in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with sources of variations (SV) 1 type of litter (standing litter): (a) leaves+branches of pine (P), (b) mixture of leaves+pine branches and coffee branches (PK), (c) leaves+branches of coffee (K), (d) pine wood (KY), (e) understory biomass (U), and SV 2 locations for litter bag placement are in the LC-T (Low coffee management, trimmed), LC-UT (Low coffee management, untrimmed), HC-T (High coffee management, trimmed) and HC-UT (High coffee management, untrimmed). Measurements were repeated 5 times and observed at 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks afer application. Main variables that observered were biomass loss, soil temperature and soil moisture (observed daily), canopy cover (observed at the beginning of the experiment), soil macrofauna under litter bag (observed at 8 and 12 weeks after application) and litter quality (C/N ratio, lignin and polyphenol concentration) oberved at 0 and 12 weeks after application. The results showed that litter decomposition rate was faster when placed in a trimmed plot in both the LC and HC plots. The understory biomass decomposition most quickly than others (k = 0,100; t50 = 7 meeks) in the LC-T (trimmed) plot, from tree component coffee litter decomposed most rapidly in the HC-T (trimmed) plot (k = 0,033; t50 = 21 weeks), while pine wood litter decomposed at the latest (k = 0,014; t50 = 50 weeks) placed in HC with or without trimmed. The rate of litter decomposition in the four locations of this study was strongly influenced by internal factors i.e lignin litter levels (R2 = 0,920 n = 20) compared to external factors of soil temperature (R2 = 0,005 n = 4).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/796/051909482
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.7 Alkaloidal crops > 633.73 Coffee
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 07:26
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2020 07:26
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