Dampak Pemberian Seresah Daun Tebu Terhadap Diversitas Collembolan di Pabrik Gula Kebonagung, Malang

Soetjipto, David (2019) Dampak Pemberian Seresah Daun Tebu Terhadap Diversitas Collembolan di Pabrik Gula Kebonagung, Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Seresah daun tebu merupakan daun tebu kering yang biasanya tidak dikembalikan ke dalam tanah dan dibakar oleh petani. Padahal seresah mengandung bahan organik dan jika dikembalikan ke dalam tanah akan dapat membantu meningkatkan diversitas Collembola. Collembola umumnya dikenal sebagai organisme yang hidup di tanah dalam jumlah yang melimpah dan memiliki peran penting sebagai perombak bahan organik tanah serta bioindikator kesehatan tanah. Peningkatan diversitas Collembola akan meningkatkan kesehatan tanah. Di Indonesia, belum ada informasi tentang pengaruh pemberian seresah tebu terhadap populasi maupun diversitas Collembolan di lahan budidaya tebu. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian seresah tebu terhadap diversitas Collembolan di lahan budidaya tebu milik Pabrik Gula Kebonagung di Kabupaten Malang. Kegiatan pengambilan sampel dilakukan di Pabrik Gula Kebonagung yang berlokasi di Jalan Mayjend Sungkono, Sempalwadak, Bululawang, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur, sedangkan kegiatan identifikasi dan pengumpulan data analisis dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hama Tumbuhan 3, Jurusan Hama Penyakit dan Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret sampai Juni 2018. Lahan sampel memiliki luas total hampir kurang lebih 0,7 hektare. Lahan tersebut telah dipakai sebagai lahan budidaya tebu dengan pola tanam monokultur selama lebih dari 50 tahun. Petani tidak melakukan rotasi tanaman dan menggunakan teknik pembakaran untuk membersihkan lahan dari sisa pemanenan sebelumnya. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode transek. Alat pitfall trap digunakan untuk memperoleh sampel Collembolan di permukaan tanah sedangkan alat corong Berlese-Tullgren digunakan untuk memperoleh sampel Collembolan di dalam tanah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, populasi Collembolan yang teridentifikasi sebanyak 5.535 individu yang terdiri dari delapan spesies, enam famili dan tiga ordo. Lima dari delapan spesies yang berhasil teridentifikasi sampai tingkat genusnya adalah Brachystomella sp., Folsomides sp., Mesaphorura sp., Alloscopus sp., dan Dicranocentrus sp. Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa populasi Collembola pada lahan kontrol dan lahan perlakuan seresah daun tebu tidak berbeda nyata. Pemberian seresah daun tebu ke lahan budidaya tanaman tebu secara nyata berdampak positif terhadap diversitas Collembolan, dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya nilai indeks keanekaragaman (H’) Collembolan di permukaan tanah dari 0,53 menjadi 1,11 dan menurunnya nilai indeks dominasi (D) Collembolan di permukaan tanah dari 0,76 menjadi 0,43. Selain itu, pemberian seresah daun tebu juga terbukti meningkatkan populasi Collembola di dalam tanah yang akan berdampak positif pada kesehatan tanah.

English Abstract

Sugarcane leaf litter are dried sugarcane leaves which are burned by farmers. The sugarcane leaf litter contains organic material and if returned to the soil, can help to increase the diversity of Collembolan. Collembola is generally known as an organism that lives in abundant amounts in the soil and has an important role as a decomposer of soil organic matter and bioindicator of soil health. Increasing the diversity of Collembolan will improve soil health. In Indonesia, there is no information about the influence of sugarcane leaf litter on the population and diversity of Collembolan in sugarcane cultivation. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of sugarcane leaf litter on the diversity of Collembolan in sugarcane plantation owned by the Kebonagung Sugar Factory in Malang. The sampling activities were carried out at Kebonagung Sugar Factory, located on Malang Regency, East Java, while identification and analysis of data collection activities were carried out at Plant Pest Laboratory 3, Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, City Malang, East Java. The study was conducted from March to June 2018. The sample land has a total area of approximately 0.7 hectares. The land has been used as a sugar cane cultivation area with a monoculture cropping pattern for more than 50 years. Farmers does not rotate crops and use burning method to clear the land from the litter of the previous harvest. The sampling method used in the study is the transect method. The pitfall trap tools are used to obtain Collembolan samples on the surface of the ground while the Berlese-Tullgren funnels are used to obtain Collembolan samples inside the soil. Based on the results of the study, the Collembolan population identified were 5,535 individuals consisting of eight species, six families and three orders. Five of the eight species that were identified to the level of their genera were Brachystomella sp., Folsomides sp., Mesaphorura sp., Alloscopus sp., and Dicranocentrus sp. The t test shown that the population of Collembolan does dot differ significantly between the control soil and the sugarcane litter applied soil. The act of applying sugarcane leaf litter to the soil has a positive effect on Collembolan diversity, as evidenced by the increasing value of diversity index (H ') on the surface of the ground from 0.53 to 1.11 and decreasing the value of dominance index (D) on the surface of the ground from 0.76 to 0.43. In addition, the sugarcane leaf litter was also shown to increase the Collembola population in the soil which would have a positive impact on soil health.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/634/051907408
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.6 Sugar, syrup, starch crop > 633.61 Sugarcane
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:48
Last Modified: 10 Aug 2020 06:48
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/173710
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