Agustin, Dinda Fitri and Demotokay, Liliy Angraini Constantina Serliyke (2019) Kajian Kinerja Pelayanan dan Pemilihan Moda Taksi Online di Kota Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kota Malang merupakan salah satu kota yang selalu mengalami perkembangan dan tidak jauh dari kegiatan pergerakan dan seiring berkembangnya jaman pada masa kini manusia dimudahkan dalam kegiatan pergerakan dengan adanya taksi online. Terdapat dua perusahaan taksi online yang saat ini beroperasi di wilayah Kota Malang yaitu Grab Car dan Go Car. Tujuan dari kajian kinerja pelayanan dan pemilihan moda taksi online di kota Malang yaitu (1) mengetahui bagaimana karakeristik penumpang taksi online saat ini. (2) mengetahui kinerja taksi online di kota Malang. (3) Faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi penumpang memilih taksi online antara Grab Car dan Go Car. Objek yang diteliti adalah konsumen yang pernah menggunakan jasa taksi online dari perusahaan Grab Car dan Go Car. Dengan menggunakan metode Important Performance Analysis dan ditentukan responden sebanyak 400 orang didapat dari perhitungan rumus Lameshow, kemudian mengisi kuisioner yang berisikan beberapa atribut yang mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri no 46 tahun 2014 tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal Angkutan Orang dengan Kendaraan Bermotor Umum Tidak Dalam Trayek dan no 28 tahun 2015 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan no 46 tahun 2014. Sedangkan atribut pada metode Stated Preference responden mengisi kuisioner yang berisikan atribut perbandingan biaya dan waktu mendapatkan angkutan taksi online. Dari hasil studi didapat (1) Karakteristik sosial ekonomi responden berusia 17-25 tahun, berjenis kelamin perempuan, pendidikan terakhir SMA, berstatus pelajar dengan pendapatan rata-rata kurang dari 1 juta rupiah, belum menikah, frekuensi perjalanan seminggu sebanyak 1-5 kali dan menggunakan biaya pribadi. (2) Pada metode Important Performance Analysis atribut yang termasuk dalam katagori kuadran I (prioritas utama perbaikan) yaitu kesesuaian nomor handphone dengan aplikasi, kesesuaian identitas kendaraan dengan aplikasi, kesesuaian identitas pada aplikasi dengan pengemudi asli dan ketepatan waktu (penjemputan). (3) Dengan menggunakan metode Stated Preference didapat hasil pemodelan pemilihan moda antara Grab Car dan Go Car adalah : 1. Selisih biaya perjalanan UGRABCAR – UGOCAR = 0,378 – 0,339 Δ X1 Selisih biaya perjalanan antara transportasi Grab Car dan Go Car sebesar 1.115 rupiah akan menghasilkan probabilitas yang seimbang. 2. Selisih waktu mendapatkan angkutan UGRABCAR ii– UGOCAR = 0,179 – 0,135 Δ X2 Selisih waktu tunggu antara transportasi Grab Car dan Go Car sebesar 1,325 menit akan menghasilkan probabilitas yang seimbang.
English Abstract
Malang City is one of the cities that always develops and does not develop from the activities and developments of the present era. Human beings are facilitated in the movement activities by the presence of online taxis. In the opinion of the people who have used online taxi services, with the availability of online taxi transportation in Malang City, it is very helpful and facilitates transportation transportation. There are two online taxi companies currently operating in Malang City, namely Grab Car and Go Car. (1)The purpose of performance appraisal and selection of online taxi modes in Malang is to find out how online taxi passengers today, (2) understand the performance of online taxis in Malang city and (3) factors influence passengers choosing an online taxi between Grab Car and Go Car. The object of this study was the consumers who had used online taxi services from Grab Car and Go Car companies. Using the Important Performance Analysis method and determined by the respondents as many as 400 people were obtained from the calculation of the Lameshow formula, then filled out the questionnaire containing several attributes that refer to Ministerial Regulation number 46 of 2014 about Minimum Service Standards for Transporting People with Public Motorized Vehicle are not on the Route and number 28 of 2015 about Chages to the Minister of Transportation Regulations number 46 of 2014. While the attributes in the Stated Preference method respondents filled out questionnaire contains attributes of the cost and time ratio of getting online taxi transportation. The result of this study shows that the (1)socio-economic characters of the respondents are at age of 17-25 years old, female, have the highest education level of high school, students with average income less than 1 million rupiahs, single in marital status, travel frequency 1-5 times a week, and with the use of personal expenses.(2) The Important Performance Analysis method attributes included in the quadrant I category (the main priority of improvement) are the suitability of mobile numbers with applications, the suitability of vehicle identity with applications, suitability of identity to applications with the original driver, and punctuality (pickup). (3) By using the Stated Preference method, the results of modeling the modal choice between Grab Car and Go Car are: 1. Difference in travel costs UGRABCAR – UGOCAR = 0,378 – 0,339 Δ X1 The difference in the cost of peas that travels between Grab Car and Go Car transportation of 1.115 rupiah will produce a balanced probability. 2. Difference in time needed to get transportation UGRABCAR – UGOCAR = 0,179 – 0,135 Δ X2 The difference in waiting time between Grab Car and Go Car transportation of 1,325 minutes will produce a balanced probability.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FT/2019/131/051904611 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | karakteristik penumpang,kinerja taksi online,Important Performance Analysis,Stated Preference passengers characteristics, online taxi performance,Important Performance Analysis, Stated preference. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.3 Personnel management (human resource management) > 658.306 Job analysis |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 19 Aug 2020 07:43 |
Last Modified: | 19 Aug 2020 07:43 |
URI: | |
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