Perancangan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Berdasarkan Kompetensi Spencer Menggunakan Metode 360 Degree Feedback

Izzah, Putri Nur’aini Aqidatul (2018) Perancangan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Berdasarkan Kompetensi Spencer Menggunakan Metode 360 Degree Feedback. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Studi kasus yang diambil dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebuah bounding group yang menaungi 9 anak perusahaan dan telah berdiri sejak tahun 2003. Walaupun telah lama berdiri, bounding group yang diawali dengan berdirinya perusahaan distributor bahan kimia ini merupakan perusahaan keluarga yang tidak begitu tertata. Bounding group ini kemudian melakukan pembenahan manajemen nya pada tahun 2017, salah satunya adalah manajemen sumber daya manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode 360 Degree Feedback untuk penilaian kinerja nya. Sebelum melakukan penilaian kinerja, dilakukan perhitungan untuk mengetahui bobot tiap kriteria penilaian dan bobot tiap sumber penilai dengan menggunakan metode AHP. Responden terpilih kemudian mengisi kuisioner perbandingan berpasangan yang kemudian diikuti dengan perhitungan bobot tiap kriteria penilaian dan sumber penilai. Kemudian, penilaian kinerja dilakukan dengan meminta sumber penilai terpilih untuk mengisi form penilaian kinerja karyawan. Perhitungan nilai hasil penilaian kinerja dilakukan dengan mengalikan nilai yang ada dengan bobot-bobot yang telah didapatkan sebelumnya. Kriteria penilaian yang digunakan berawal dari 5 jenis kompetensi berdasarkan karakteristiknya yaitu motives, traits, self-concept, knowledge dan skills. Kemudian, tiap kompetensi tersebut terdapat 19 sub-kompetensi yang berasal dari Kamus Kompetensi Spencer yang telah dipilih. Setiap sub-kompetensi memiliki indikator-indikator yang dibuat berdasarkan Kamus Kompetensi Spencer yang kemudian disesuaikan dengan jobdesc masing-masing karyawan. indikator-indikator inilah yang kemudian menjadi kriteria penilaian kinerja karyawan pada penelitian ini. Dari penelitian ini kemudian menghasilkan beberapa rekomendasi perbaikan untuk menghadapi permasalahan sumber daya manusia perusahaan. Yang pertama yaitu dengan melakukan pemanggilan karyawan bersangkutan untuk melakukan evaluasi serta couching terkait hasil penilaian kinerja yang didapatkan, dan mulai menerapkan sistem atau cara baru untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat kerja karyawan. beberapa diantaranya yaitu adanya pemberian reward, sistem “employee of the month”, memberikan kesempatan untuk menambah wawasan karyawan dengan mengikuti seminar/workshop/pembekalan ilmu terkait kompetensi yang dirasa masih kurang, dan mengadakan kegiatan indoor maupun outdoor yang dapat menambah kedekatan antar karyawan.

English Abstract

Human resource management is really important to be considerate, in order to help the organization to achieve its goals. One of the ways to do a human resource management is employees’ performance appraisal. The case study taken in a bounding group that recently reforms its management in 2017, including their human resource management. This study used the AHP method to determine the weight of each assessment criteria and assessment source. Also, the 360 Degree Feedback method used for assessing its performance and using Spencer's Competence in determining its performance evaluation criteria. Before conducting a performance assessment, weights for every criteria were calculated using AHP. The selected respondents then filled out a questionnaire consist of paired comparisons and then followed by calculate the weight of each assessment criterion and the assessment source. Then, the performance appraisal form was filled out by the assessment source. The calculation of the value of the performance appraisal is done by multiplying the existing value with the weights that has been previously obtained. The assessment criteria that we used were started form 5 types of competencies based on its characteristics, those were motives, traits, self-concept, knowledge and skills. Those competencies consist of 19 sub-competencies, those were obtained from Spencer’s Competency Dictionary. Every sub competency had their own indicators obtained from Spencer’s Competency Dictionary and also being adjusted to the employees’ job desc. These indicators become the performance evaluation criteria of ISG employees’ performance appraisal. From this study, there are some recommendations for improvement that writer can suggest to deal with the problems of the company's human resources. The first is by calling on the employee concerned to conduct an evaluation and couching regarding the results of the performance appraisal, and start implementing new systems or ways to increase motivation and employee’s morale. There’re rewarding system, the "employee of the month" system, providing opportunities to broaden employees' perspectives by attending seminars or workshops or any kind of debriefing related to their hard skill or soft skill that employees’ are still lacking, and holding indoor and outdoor activities that can refresh the employees’ mind and also to tighten the closeness between employees.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/1139/051812132
Uncontrolled Keywords: Penilaian Kinerja, Kompetensi Spencer, 360 Degree Feedback, Analytical Hieracchy Process Performance Appraisal, Competence Spencer, 360 Degree Feedback, Analytical Hierarchy Process
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.3 Personnel management (human resource management) > 658.31 Elements of personnel management > 658.312 Conditions of employment, performance rating, utilization of personnel > 658.312 5 Performance rating (evaluation)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 13 May 2019 03:59
Last Modified: 13 May 2019 03:59
Full text not available from this repository.

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