Penilaian Kinerja Supllier Tebu dengan Integrasi Metode Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) dan Analytic Network Process (ANP) (Studi Kasus : PG Kebon Agung Malang, Jawa Timur)

Triana, Erita Ajeng (2018) Penilaian Kinerja Supllier Tebu dengan Integrasi Metode Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) dan Analytic Network Process (ANP) (Studi Kasus : PG Kebon Agung Malang, Jawa Timur). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Kebutuhan gula nasional terus mengalami peningkatan, seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk, perkembangan industri makanan dan minuman, serta perkembangan hotel dan restoran. Kebutuhan bahan baku tebu di PG Kebon Agung bergantung pada kesediaan petani menanam tebu, sehingga muncullah program kemitraan. Pola kemitraan ini tidak menjamin petani loyal pada perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kriteria, subkriteria pemilihan supplier, dan urutan kinerja supplier berdasarkan subkriteria terpilih. Penelitian ini menggunakan integrasi metode Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) dan Analytic Network Process (ANP). Responden yang digunakan berjumlah 6 orang yakni 1 bagian produksi, 1 bagian quality control dan 4 bagian tanaman kasi tebu rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan 5 kriteria dan 14 subkriteria, yang terpilih berdasarkan kondisi perusahaan. Kriteria terpilih tersebut terdiri dari kualitas, pengiriman, kemampuan teknis, jiwa bisnis, dan perilaku. Hasil kuesioner diolah dengan metode DEMATEL dan ANP. Metode DEMATEL digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan kriteria dan subkriteria. ANP digunakan urutan kinerja supplier berdasarkan bobot subkriteria terpilih. Hasil Pengolahan DEMATEL menunjukkan prioritas utama dalam penilaian kinerja supplier pada kriteria kualitas dengan nilai 2.207, dan subkriteria teknik penanaman tebu dengan nilai 6.789. Kriteria dan subkriteria yang paling ix mempengaruhi adalah kriteria kualitas dengan nilai 0.270 dan subkriteria adalah jumlah ruas dalam satu tebu dengan nilai 1.021. Hubungan tertinggi terdapat pada kriteria kualitas dengan kemampuan teknis dengan nilai 0.278 dan subkriteria jumlah ruas dalam satu tebu dengan panjang tanaman tebu dengan nilai 0.326. Hasil Pengolahan ANP bobot tertinggi pada kriteria kemampuan teknis dengan nilai 0.219 dan subkriteria ketepatan waktu pengiriman dengan nilai 0.117.

English Abstract

National sugar is increasing, along with the increased of population, the increased of the food and beverage industry, and the hotels and the restaurants. The sugarcane raw materials in Kebon Agung PG depends on the willingness of farmers to plant sugar cane, so the partnership program is emerged. This partnership system does not guarantee the loyalties of a farmers to the company. This study aims to determine the criteria, subcriteria on selecting the supplier, and the ordering supplier performance based on the selected sub-criteria. This research used the integration methods of Decision Making Trial Evoluation and Laboratory (DEMATEL) and Analytic Network Process (ANP). The amount of respondents was 6 people, consist of 1 from production team, 1 from quality control team and 4 from plant subsection tebu rakyat. This research used 5 criteria and 14 subcriteria, the selection based on the company conditions.The criterias are quality, delivery, technical capability, business soul’s , and attitude. The result of the questionnaire will processed using DEMATEL and ANP method. The DEMATEL method applied to find out the connection of criteria and subcriteria. The ANP method applied to find out the sequence subcriteria based on selection subcriteria integrity. The results by using DEMATEL method show that the main priority in evaluating supplier performance on quality criteria xi value is 2,207, and planting sugar cane sub-criteria value is of 6.789. The most influential of the criteria and sub-criteria on quality crieteria value is 0.270 and sub-criteria is the amount of joints in one sugar cane the value is 1,021. The highest connection is found out in the criteria of quality with technical ability and the value is 0.278 and sub-criteria of the number of joints in one sugar cane with a length of sugarcane and the value is 0.326. The results by using ANP method the highest integrity on the technical ability criteria with a value of 0.219 and sub-criteria for delivery time with a value of 0.117.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (UNSPECIFIED)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2018/489/051810330
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kinerja, Supplier, Tebu,/ Performance, Supplier, Sugarcane
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.6 Sugar, syrup, starch crop > 633.61 Sugarcane
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2019 02:28
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2019 02:28
Full text not available from this repository.

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