Pengaruh Nepotisme terhadap Kepuasan Kerja, Komitmen Organisasional dan Intention to Stay: Studi pada Karyawan Hotel Melati di Denpasar

Putra, MadeSurya (2012) Pengaruh Nepotisme terhadap Kepuasan Kerja, Komitmen Organisasional dan Intention to Stay: Studi pada Karyawan Hotel Melati di Denpasar. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Satu masalah penting dalam interaksi sosial antar manusia di organisasi adalah masalah nepotisme. Persepsi pekerja terhadap nepotisme di organisasinya mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja, komitmen organisasional dan keinginan pekerja untuk tetap di organisasi ( intention to stay ). Nepotisme menjadi masalah penting karena berdampak terhadap fungsi-fungsi manajemen sumber daya manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji dan mengembangkan model pengukuran variabel nepotisme dari perspektif etis dan menguji serta mengembangkan model teoritik nepotisme dalam kaitannya dengan intention to stay dan dalam kerangka berpikir Equity Theory serta Organizational Justice . Metode kuantitatif dilengkapi dengan indepth interview digunakan untuk menganalisis data penelitian. Responden dipilih dengan metode simple random sampling sebanyak 81 responden sedangkan informan dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling . Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner yang menggunakan skala Likert sedangkan indepth interview dilakukan dengan semi structure interview. Analisis statistik menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS). Data empiris membuktikan bahwa nepotisme sebaiknya diukur dengan indikator refleksif dari perspektif etis dan bukan hanya dengan melihat hubungan keluarga/kekerabatan. Nepotisme berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja namun tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasional karena ketiadaan prosedur tetap. Kepuasan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasional namun tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intention to stay karena karakteristik organisasi dan kondisi pasar tenaga kerja di kota Denpasar. Komitmen organisasional tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intention to stay karena komitmen organisasional lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh indikator yang bersifat emosional dalam bentuk hubungan keluarga dan nilai collectivism . Pengelola hotel melati disarankan tetap menggunakan gaya manajemen Familiar Style yang menekankan nilai collectivism dalam hubungan kerja karena dapat menurunkan turn-over pekerja. Pengelola hotel melati disarankan tetap merekrut pekerja dari lingkungan terdekat dengan memperhatikan societal value yang berlaku karena perekrutan dengan teknik ini meningkatkan daya tahan ( survival ) hotel melati di lingkungannya. Disarankan penelitian selanjutnya langsung menghadapkan pekerja hotel dengan kuesioner tanpa perantara pengelola hotel untuk menghindari kemungkinan intervensi pendapat. Disarankan agar penelitian selanjutnya menggunakan indikator refleksif dari perspektif etis dan melakukan pengujian terhadap organisasi yang berbeda seperti perusahaan manufaktur atau organisasi pemerintah. Peneliti selanjutnya disarankan untuk memasukkan variabel lain seperti kinerja pekerja dan kondisi penawaran tenaga kerja sebagai variabel mediasi atau moderator di antara kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasional dengan

English Abstract

One important issue in the social interaction between people in organizations is a matter of nepotism. Workers perceptions of nepotism in the organizations affect job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and the desire of workers to stay in organization (intention to stay). Nepotism becomes an important issue because it affects the functions of human resource management. The purposes of this study were to test and develop models of nepotism variables measurement from an ethical perspective and to test and develop theoretical models of nepotism in relation to intention to stay and within the framework of Equity Theory and Organizational Justice. Quantitative methods equipped with an indepth interview were used to analyze research data. Respondents were selected using simple random sampling method yielding 81 respondents, while informants were selected using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through questionnaires using Likert scale whereas indepth interviews were conducted as semi-structure interview. The statistical analysis was conducted using Partial Least Square (PLS). The obtained empirical data proved that nepotism had better be measured by reflexive indicators from the ethical perspectives and not just by looking at family relationships (kinship). Nepotism has significant effect on job satisfaction, but it has no significant effect on organizational commitment in the absence of fixed procedures. Job satisfaction has significant effect on organizational commitment, but it has no significant effect on intention to stay due to organization characteristics and labor market conditions in the city of Denpasar. Organizational commitment does not significantly influence the intention to stay because organizational commitment is influenced more by emotional indicators in the forms of family relationships and collectivism value. It is suggested that hotel melati (budget accommodation/hotel) management continue to use familiar style of management that emphasizes the value of collectivism in employment relations because it can reduce employee turnover. It is suggested that hotel melati management keep recruiting employees from the immediate environment by taking into account societal values that apply for recruitment to improve the survival of hotel melati in the neighborhood. It is suggested that further research directly confronts hotel employees with questionnaires without hotel managers intermediaries to avoid the possibility of intervention of opinion. It is recommended that further research use reflexive indicators from the ethical perspectives and perform testing on different organizations such as manufacturing companies or government organizations. Further researchers are suggested to include other variables such as worker s performance and labor supply conditions as mediating variables or moderators between job satisfaction and organizational commitment and intention to stay.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: DES/658.3/PUT/p/061200059
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.3 Personnel management (human resource management)
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Kimia, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2012 11:23
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2012 11:23
Full text not available from this repository.

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