Efek Rho Kinase Inhibitor ( Y-27632 ) Terhadap Ekspresi Α-Smooth Muscle Actin Pada Kultur Jaringan Kontraktur Soket

Wulandari, Meity (2014) Efek Rho Kinase Inhibitor ( Y-27632 ) Terhadap Ekspresi Α-Smooth Muscle Actin Pada Kultur Jaringan Kontraktur Soket. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui efek Rho kinase inhibitor terhadap ekspresi α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) pada kultur jaringan kontraktur soket. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara peningkatan dosis Rho kinase inhibitor dengan ekspresi α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) pada kultur jaringan kontraktur soket. Metode : Penelitian laboratorium eksperimental in vitro pada kultur sel fibroblas dari jaringan kontraktur soket. Kultur dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kontrol negatif, kontrol positif (induksi TGF-β 10ng), kelompok perlakuan 1 (TGF-β 10ng + Y-27632 10μM), kelompok perlakuan 2 (TGF-β 10ng + Y-27632 50μM), kelompok perlakuan 3 (TGF- β 10ng + Y-27632 100μM). Setelah 24 jam inkubasi, ekspresi α-SMA di evaluasi dengan ELISA. Data hasil penelitian di analisa menggunakan uji One-way ANOVA, korelasi Spearman dan regresi. Hasil : Pasca pemberian Y-27632 dosis 10 μM, 50 μM dan 100 μM tampak penurunan ekspresi α-SMA yang berbeda signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol positif (p=0.000). Penurunan ekspresi α-SMA bersifat dose response. Hal ini mulai tampak pada dosis minimal 10 μM (p=0.000) dan penurunan terbesar dihasilkan pada konsentrasi tertinggi yaitu 100 μM (p=0.004). Dosis efektif Y-27632 berdasarkan persamaan regresi sebesar 156 μM. Hubungan kedua variabel sangat kuat ( r= -0.823, p=0.000 ), dimana peningkatan dosis Rho kinase inhibitor akan diikuti oleh penurunan ekspresi α-SMA. Kesimpulan : Rho kinase inhibitor (Y-27632) mempunyai kemampuan menghambat ekspresi α- SMA pada kultur kontraktur soket. Peningkatan dosis Rho kinase inhibitor akan menyebabkan penurunan ekspresi α-SMA.

English Abstract

This study aimed to determine the effect of Rho kinase inhibitor (Y-27632) in inhibiting the expression of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) in the socket contracture tissue culture using ELISA method. The design is experimental laboratory. The culture divided into 5 groups. Negative control, positive control (TGF-β 10ng), group 1 (TGF-β 10ng + Y-27632 10μM), group 2 (TGF-β 10ng + Y-27632 50μM), group 3 (TGF-β 10ng + Y-27632 100μM). After 24 hours of incubation, α-SMA expression evaluated by ELISA. The data were analyzed using One-way NOVA, correlation-regression. After the administration of Y-27632 dose 10μM, 50μM and100μM seemed decline α-SMA expression were significantly different compared with the ositive control group (p = 0.000). α-SMA decreasing as dose response. It started from 10μM and the largest effects seen at the highest concentration 100μM. Effective dose of Y-27632 was 156 μM obtained by regression equation. A very strong correlation showed the increasing doses of Rho kinase inhibitors will be followed by a decline α-SMA expression (r = -0823, p = 0.000). This suggests that the Rho kinase inhibitor (Y-27632) has the ability to inhibit α-SMA expression at cellular level so the contraction of cells and tissues can be suPpressed in the socket contracture.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/572.8/WUL/e/041402672
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 572 Biochemistry > 572.8 Biochemical genetics
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Ilmu Kesehatan Mata, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 04 Jun 2014 14:41
Last Modified: 04 Jun 2014 14:41
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/157701
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