Marianty, Renita (2010) Karakterisasi Fosfolipid Terstruktur dari Fosfolipid Kasar Serat Sawit dengan Konsentrat Asam Lemak Omega-3 dari Minyak Hasil Samping Pengolahan Ikan melalui Reaksi Asidolisis Enzimatis. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Serat sawit, merupakan limbah proses pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit masih mengandung sejumlah fosfolipid. Struktur molekul fosfolipid dapat di-restrukturisasi melalui reaksi kimia atau enzimatis dengan tujuan mendapatkan fosfolipid baru yang memiliki sifat fisiologis yang berbeda dari fosfolipid asalnya. Komposisi asam lemak pada fosfolipid serat sawit didominasi oleh asam lemak jenuh dan monoenoat. Fosfolipid terstruktur dengan kandungan asam lemak omega-3 dapat meningkatkan sifat fungsional dari fosfolipid serat sawit dalam aplikasinya sebagai agen pengemulsi. Konsentrat asam lemak omega-3 diperoleh melalui metoda kristalisasi urea dari minyak hasil samping pengalengan dan penepungan ikan tuna dan ikan lemuru. Sintesis fosfolipid terstruktur dilakukan pada kondisi optimal penelitian sebelumnya, namun, Fosfolipid terstruktur yang dihasilkan belum dikarakterisasi. Karakterisasi fosfolipid terstruktur meliputi jenis fosfolipid penyusunnya, kadar asam lemak omega-3, nilai HLB ( Hydrophilic Lipophilic Balance ), indeks aktivitas dan stabilitas pengemulsian, aktivitas antioksidan, dan analisis stereospesifik untuk mengetahui posisi asam lemak omega-3 pada fosfolipid terstruktur. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahap. Tahap I adalah ekstraksi fosfolipid dari serat sawit. Tahap II adalah pembuatan konsentrat asam lemak omega-3 dari minyak hasil samping pengalengan dan penepungan ikan tuna dan ikan lemuru. Tahap III adalah sintesis dan karakterisasi fosfolipid terstruktur. Sintesis fosfolipid terstruktur dilakukan dalam medium heksana, penambahan air 10%, dengan inkubasi pada water bath shaker suhu 40 0 C disertai agitasi 150rpm sesuai kondisi optimal penelitian sebelumnya (variable rasio fosfolipid : asam lemak omega-3 dan waktu inkubasi). Enzim lipase yang digunakan adalah jenis free enzyme dari Rhizomucor miehei dengan dosis 20% dari berat substrat. Ektraksi fosfolipid dari serat sawit dilakukan menggunakan pelarut kloroform dan methanol. Fosfolipid kasar serat sawit mengandung enam fraksi fosfolipid, yaitu PI,PC,PE,PG,PA dan DPG dengan kemurnian 61,92%. Komposisi asam lemak pada fosfolipid kasar serat sawit terdiri dari asam oleat (51,63%) dan asam palmitat (34,82%),selebihnya merupakan asam lemak jenuh. Teknik kristalisasi urea telah berhasil memberikan peningkatan kadar asam lemak omega-3 pada kisaran 1,5-1,7 kali dari minyak awalnya. Kandungan EPA dan DHA pada konsentrat sebesar 46,07 ; 52,80 ; 54,66 ; 45,12 %(b/b) masing-masing untuk konsentrat asam lemak omega-3 dari minyak hasil samping pengalengan dan penepungan ikan tuna dan ikan lemuru. Fraksi fosfolipid penyusun fosfolipid terstruktur terdiri dari enam fraksi fosfolipid, yaitu PI,PC,PE,PG,PA dan DPG. Kemurnian fosfolipid terstruktur meningkat dari 61,92% menjadi 73,29 ; 71,40 ; 71,50 dan 63,07 % serta inkorporasi EPA dan DHA sebesar 931,22 ; 1659,54 ; 965,37 ; dan 787,73 mg/100g masing-masing untuk fosfolipid terstruktur tuna kaleng, tuna tepung, lemuru kaleng dan lemuru tepung. EPA dan DHA paling banyak terinkorporasi pada fraksi PE. Fenomena migrasi asam lemak EPA dan DHA dari posisi sn -1 ke posisi sn -2 fraksi PE terjadi pada keempat produk fosfolipid terstruktur. Strukturisasi fosfolipid memberikan sifat emulsifikasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan fosfolipid kasar pada sistem emulsi minyak dalam air, terlihat dari Nilai HLB, ESI dan EAI dari keempat produk fosfolipid terstruktur lebih tinggi, namun aktivitas antioksidannya menurun dan terdapat efek sinergisme dengan α-tokoferol yang ditambahkan sebesar 100 ppm.
English Abstract
Palm-Pressed Fiber is a by-product of palm oil milling which contained an amount of phospholipids. The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed by either chemical or enzymatic reaction with a purpose to obtain tailor-made technological and/or physiological properties that differ from its natural substrate. The fatty acid composition of phospholipids from palm-pressed fiber were dominated by saturated fatty acid and monoenoic acid. Structured phospholipids with omega-3 fatty acid would increase the functional properties of phospholipids from palm-pressed fiber as an emulsifier. Omega-3 fatty acid concentrate were conducted by urea complexation method from tuna and sardine cannery and powdery effluents. Structured phospholipids synthesis was conducted on optimum condition as reported by previous researchers, however, there is very little information on its characterized. Those characterization were consisted of phospholipids and fatty acids profile, omega-3 fatty acid incorporation content, HLB (Hydrophilic Lipophilic Balance) value, emulsifying activity and stability index, antioxidant activity and stereo-specific analysis to determine regiospecifity of omega-3 fatty acid on structured phospholipids. This research was carried out in three stages namely : (1). Extraction of phospholipids from palm-pressed fiber ; (2). Synthesis omega-3 fatty acid concentrate by urea complexation method ; (3). Synthesis and characterization of structured phospholipids. Structured phospholipids synthesis was conducted in hexane medium with added of 10% water and incubated in a water bath shaker at 40 0 C and agitation at 150 rpm suitably on optimum condition as reported by previous researchers (variable on ratio phospholipids : concentrates of omega-3 fatty acid and incubation times). This research was using free enzyme lipase from Rhizomucor miehei with 20% dosage of substrate weight. Palm-pressed fiber was extracted successively with chloroform and methanol which contained of six phospholipids fraction, namely: PI,PC,PE,PG,PA and DPG with 61.92% purity. The main fatty acids of the phospholipids from palm-pressed fiber were C18:1 (51.63%) and C16:0 (34.82%), the remain was saturated fatty acid. The omega-3 fatty acids content were increased between 1,5-1,7 times from its initial oil using urea complexation method. EPA and DHA content on omega-3 fatty acid concentrate were 46.07 ; 52.80 ; 54.66 ; 45.12 % (w/w) from canned tuna, powdered tuna, canned sardine and powdered sardine effluents, respectively. These acidolysis reactions have successfully synthesized the structured phospholipids with degree of incorporation EPA and DHA were 931.22 ; 1659.54 ; 965.37 ; and 787.73 mg/100g for structured phospholipids from canned tuna, powdered tuna, canned sardine and powdered sardine, respectively. The phospholipids composition were PI,PC,PE,PG,PA and DPG with increasing in purity from 61.92% (crude palm-pressed fiber phospholipids) to 73.29 ; 71.40 ; 71.50 and 63.07 % for structured phospholipids from canned tuna, powdered tuna, canned sardine and powdered sardine, respectively. EPA and DHA were highly incorporated in PE fraction of structured phospholipids. The phenomena of acyl migration showed difficult to avoid of these reaction systems. The emulsifying properties of structured phospholipids were better than the crude phospholipids from palm-pressed fiber with increasing in HLB value, emulsifying activity and stability index in oil in water system. The antioxidant activity of structured phospholipids were decreasing due to the incorporation of omega-3 fatty acid. In fact, it showed that α-tocopherol in such an amount (100 ppm) had pro-oxidant activity. There were a synergistic effect observed between α-tocopherol and phospholipids.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/572.57/MAR/k/041001274 |
Subjects: | 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 572 Biochemistry > 572.5 Miscellaneous chemicals |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 09 Jan 2012 13:46 |
Last Modified: | 09 Jan 2012 13:46 |
URI: | |
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