Kurniawati, Oktavia Devila (2017) Pengaruh Penerapan Media Wall Chart Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Surabaya terhadap Kemampuan Memahami Teks Prosedur Kompleks Siswa Kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan latar belakang siswa kelas X SMKN 1 Surabaya merasa kesulitan memahami teks prosedur kompleks. Hal tersebut dikarenakan acuan yang digunakan guru hanya bergantung pada buku teks pelajaran dengan media yang kurang inovatif. Tujuan penelitian ini meliputi (1) mendeskripsikan penerapan media wall chart berbasis kearifan lokal Surabaya terhadap kemampuan memahami teks prosedur kompleks siswa kelas X SMKN 1 Surabaya; dan (2) mendeskripsikan pengaruh penggunaan media wall chart berbasis kearifan lokal Surabaya terhadap kemampuan memahami teks prosedur kompleks siswa kelas X SMKN 1 Surabaya. Ancangan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksperimen semu. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan nonequivalent control group design. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu kelas X TKJ 1 (kelas kontrol) dan kelas X TPPP 2 (kelas eksperimen). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, wawancara, dan uji coba instrumen. Validitas intrumen yang digunakan yaitu validitas isi dan validitas butir soal continue. Uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus koefisien Cronbach’s Alpha. Teknik analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji-t dengan memerhatikan syarat normalitas dan homogenitas. Kemudian dilakukan uji hipotesis untuk menentukan efektif atau tidaknya media tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh perbedaan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami teks prosedur kompleks di kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen diketahui thitung (th) sebesar -3,064 dengan df 68. Nilai ttabel (ttb) pada taraf signifikasi 5% dan df 68 diperoleh sebesar 1,995. Berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut thitung (th) < ttabel (ttb) atau -3,064<1,995, thitung (th) lebih kecil dari ttabel (ttb). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media wall chart berbasis kearifan lokal Surabaya berpengaruh dalam pembelajaran memahami teks prosedur kompleks.
English Abstract
The background of this research is that Grade X students at SMKN 1 Surabaya was finding difficulty in understanding complex procedural texts. This difficulty was emerging because teachers only relied on textbooks which usually lack of innovation. The objective of this research are: (1) to describe the effect of the application of wall-chart media based on Surabaya local wisdom on the skill of understanding complex procedural texts and (2) to describe the effect of wall-chart media application based on Surabaya local wisdom on the skill of understanding complex procedural texts among Grade X students at SMKN 1 Surabaya. Research method is quantitative while type of research is quasi experiment. The design of research is nonequivalent control group design. The population of research includes all Grade X students at the Department of Production Engineering for Television Program and also all Grade X students at the Department of Network and Computer Engineering, at SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya. The sample of research is Grade X TKJ 1 (control class) and Grade X TPPP 2 (experiment class). Data collection technique involves test, intereview and instrument trial. Validity test used the validity of the content and item validity of continue questions. Reliability test is conducted using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient equation. Data analysis technique is performed with t-test to measure normality and homogeneity conditions. Hypothesis testing is implemented to determine whether the media is effective or not. Based on the result of this research, different skill in understanding complex procedural texts is found between control class and experiment class. It is apparent from postttest result from both classess, which indicates that tcount (th) is -3,064 with df 68. The rate of ttable (ttb) at significance value 5% and df 68 is obtained as 1,995. Pursuant to this calculation, tcount (th) < ttable (ttb) or indicated by -3,064<1,995, tcount (th) is smaller than ttable (ttb). It means that the use of wall-chart media based on Surabaya local wisdom is influential in learning how to understand complex procedural texts.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FBS/2017/522/051706603 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | pengaruh, media wall chart berbasis kearifan lokal Surabaya, teks prosedur kompleks |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 371 Schools and their activities; special education > 371.3 Methods of instruction and study > 371.33 Teaching aids, equipment, materials |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 14 Aug 2017 07:38 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2024 06:32 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/1286 |
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