Retnosari, Karlina (2015) Pengaruh Pemberian Susu Sapi Bubuk Terhadap Kadar Tumor Necrosis Factor- (TNF-) Jaringan Adiposa Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus Novergicus Strain Wistar) Jantan Model Diabetes Melitus TipeII. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
LatarBelakang : Diabetes melitus adalah ketidakmampuan tubuh untuk membuat atau menggunakan insulin. Banyak bukti bahwa vitamin D terlibat dalam metabolisme glukosa dan sebagai immunosupresor. susu sapi bubuk mengandung berbagai komponen diantaranya whey protein, kalsium, vitamin D yang diduga dapat menekan atau menurunkan kadar Tumor Necrosis Factor- (TNF-) jaringan adiposa pada diabetes mellitus tipe II. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian susu sapi bubuk terhadap kadar TNF- jaringan adiposa pada tikus wistar model diabetes mellitus tipe II. Metode :Penelitian eksperimental menggunakan Post Test Only Control Group Design.Sejumlah 30 tikus wistar dibagi secara acak menjadi 5 kelompok.kelompok K (-) adalah kelompok kontrol negatif dengan perlakuan diet normal tanpa induksi streptozotocin. Kelompok K (+) adalah kelompok kontrol positif dengan perlakuan diet tinggi lemak dan induksi streptozotocin. Sedangkan kelompok P1, P2, dan P3 diberikan diet tinggi lemak dan induksi streptozotocin serta susu sapi bubuk 0,9; 1,8; dan 2,7 gram/hari. Hasil :Terdapat pengaruh pemberian susu sapi bubuk dengan berbagai dosis terhadap kadar TNF- jaringan adiposa tikus. UjiPost Hoc Tuckeymenunjukkanadanyaperbedaanantarkelompok (p = 0,001). Ujikorelasi Spearmanmenunjukkanketigadosissususapibubukberpengaruh terhadap penurunankadarTNF-jaringanadiposasecarasignifikan. Dosis yang paling efektifadalah2,7 gram/harikarenadapat menekan/menurunkankadarTNF-jaringanadiposamendekatikelompoknegatifhinggatidaksignifikandengankelompoknegatif. Kesimpulan : Pemberiansususapibubukdengandosis 0,9; 1,8; and 2,7 gram /hariselama 8 minggumampumencegahpeningkatankadarTNF-jaringanadiposapadatikusdengan diabetes mellitus secarasignifikandandosis yang paling efektifadalahdosis2,7 gram/hari.
English Abstract
Background: Diabetes mellitus is inability body to make or use insulin. Much of the evidence that vitamin D involved in glucose metabolic and as immunosupresor. dairy milk powder contains of various components such as whey protein, calcium, and vitamin D. These components are thought to be able to prevent an increasement levels of Adiposetissue Tumor Necrosis Factor- (TNF-) in diabetes mellitus type II. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of powdered milk in adiposetissue TNF- levels on Wistar rat model of diabetes mellitus type II. Methods:This is an experimental study using Post Test Only Control Group Design. ThirtyWistar rats were randomly divided into five groups. Group K (-) is the negative control group with normal diet without induction treatment of streptozotocin. Group K (+) is the positive control group treated with high fat diet and streptozotocin induction. While the groups P1 , P2 , and P3 are given a high fat diet, streptozotocin induction and milk powder 0.9, 1.8, and 2.7 grams / day . Results: There is an effect of dairy milk powder with various doses in rat adipose tissue TNF- levels. Post Hoc Tuckey test showed a difference between groups ( p = 0.001 ) . Correlation Spearman test showed that all of three doses milk powder could prevent adipose tissue TNF- levels significantly. The most effective dosesare2,7 g / day because it can reduce of adipose tissue TNF- levels closer to the negative group. Conclusion: Giving a dairy milk powder with some doses such as 0.9, 1.8, and 2.7 g / day for 8 weeks were able to prevent the increasement of TNF- levels in adipose tissue in rats with diabetes mellitus was significant and the most effective doses are 2.7 grams / day.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FK/2015/625/051505432 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 613 Personal health and safety > 613.2 Dietetics |
Divisions: | Fakultas Kedokteran > Ilmu Gizi |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 20 Aug 2015 15:30 |
Last Modified: | 19 Oct 2021 09:08 |
URI: | |
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