Efektivitas Pemberian Jus terong Ungu (Solanum melongena L.) Terhadap Penurunan Jumlah Sel Busa (Foam Cell) Di Lapisan Intima Aorta Tikus Putih (Rattus novergicus strain Wistar) yang Diberi Diet Atero

Paramastri, DhebyC (2013) Efektivitas Pemberian Jus terong Ungu (Solanum melongena L.) Terhadap Penurunan Jumlah Sel Busa (Foam Cell) Di Lapisan Intima Aorta Tikus Putih (Rattus novergicus strain Wistar) yang Diberi Diet Atero. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sel busa adalah sel yang merupakan bentukan makrofag berisi lemak dan ditemukan berupa fatty streak yang terbentuk akibat adanya LDL di dalam intima yang teroksidasi. Terong ungu (Solanum melongena L.) merupakan sejenis tanaman sayuran berbentuk lonjong dan berwarna ungu karena mengandung pigmen antosianin yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 8 – 85 mg per 100 gram serta zat aktif lainnya yaitu chlorogenic acid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas jus terong ungu terhadap penurunan jumlah sel busa di lapisan intima aorta tikus putih (Rattus novergicus strain Wistar) yang diberi diet aterogenik. Penelitian True Experimental Laboratoric dengan metode Control Group Post Test Design ini menggunakan sampel tikus putih yang dipelihara di Laboratorium Farmakologi FKUB. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan menggunakan metode RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) dengan jumlah sampel total sebanyak 30 tikus putih. Data diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 16. Uji statistik menggunakan one way ANOVA dan uji lanjutan Post Hoc Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara dosis I (1,3 gr/3 ml), dosis II (2,6 gr/3 ml) dan dosis III (5,2 gr/3 ml) jus terong ungu terhadap penurunan jumlah sel busa (α= 0,05;p<0,001). Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa jus terong ungu efektif dalam penurunan jumlah sel busa di lapisan intima tikus putih. Dosis I (1,3 gram/3ml) merupakan dosis minimum untuk dapat menurunkan jumlah sel busa di lapisan intima aorta tikus putih.

English Abstract

Foam cell is a cell which formed by macrophag that contains lipid and it can be found fatty streak which formed by LDL inside intima that oxidized. Purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is kind of vegetable plant which has oval-shaped and purple-colored because it contains high anthocyanin pigmen level, that is 8 – 85 mg per 100 gram edible portion and also another active substance, that is chlorogenic acid. This study was aimed to determined the effectiveness of purple eggplant to decrease amount of foam cells in white rat (Rattus novergicus strain Wistar) aortic intima layer that is given atherogenic diet. This true experimental laboratoric study using control group post test design performed in white rat that placed in pharmacologic laboratory of Brawijaya University. Sampling was carried out by completely random sampling with 30 rats for total sample. Data were processed and analyzed using SPSS 16. Statictical test was using one way ANOVA and post hoc tukey after it. The result showed that has significant effect between dosage I (1,3 gram/3 ml), dosage II (2,6 gram/3 ml) and dosage III (5,2 gram/3 ml) of purple eggplant juice to decrease amount of foam cells (α= 0,05;p<0,001). Based on this study, it can be conclude that purple eggplant juice was effective to decrease amount of foam cells in white rat aortic intima layer. Dosage I (1,3 gram/ 3ml) was the minimum dosage that can decrease amount of foam cells in white rat aortic intima layer.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FK/2013/429/051305833
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 613 Personal health and safety > 613.2 Dietetics
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran > Ilmu Gizi
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2013 08:57
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2021 01:14
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/123712
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