Putri, Arinda Rahma Dianing (2018) Pengaruh Kadar Air Terhadap Daya Dukung pada Tanah Lunak di Jalan Tol Gempol - Pasuruan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Jalan tol Gempol – Pasuruan merupakan jalan yang menghubungkan daerah Gempol, Sidoarjo dengan Kota Pasuruan. Dengan akan digunakannya lahan tanah sebagai keperluan jalan tol, maka diharapkan tanah dapat menahan beban baik dari beban struktur maupun beban kendaraan. Seperti yang telah diketahui bahwa tanah di daerah tersebut besifat kohesif, sehingga apabila terjadi anomali iklim yang dapat menyebabkan adanya variasi kadar air yang diterima oleh tanah, kondisi tanah menjadi tidak stabil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik tanah berdasarkan sifat fisik dan mekaniknya, mengetahui besar penurunan tanah dan besar daya dukung tanah yang terjadi akibat adanya variasi kadar air. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis sifat fisik dan mekanik tanah dengan hasil persentase distribusi lolos saringan no. 200 sebesar 92,15% yang berarti tanah termasuk ke dalam jenis tanah berbutir halus dengan kadar air sebesar 50,15% dan Gs sebesar 2,463. Pada pengujian Atterberg Limit didapatkan nilai Liquid Limit (LL) sebesar 56,12%, Plastic Limit (PL) sebesar 43,36%, Shrinkage Limit (SL) sebesar 11,86%, dan Plastic Index (PI) sebesar 12,70%, yang menurut aturan Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) tanah tersebut ke dalam jenis tanah MH atau OH dan menurut AASHTO tanah masuk ke dalam jenis tanah berlempung (A-7-5). Hasil uji pemadatan didapatkan nilai kadar air optimum (OMC) sebesar 31,25% dengan berat isi kering maksimum sebesar 1,2467 gr/cm3. Hasil pengujian pengembangan (swelling) dengan lama perendaman 4 hari didapatkan nilai pengembangan sebesar 0.812% dan nilai penurunan tanah dengan uji konsolidasi didapatkan sebesar 2,65 m dengan waktu konsolidasi selama 25,7 tahun. Dilakukan pengujian kuat tekan bebas (Unconfied Compression Test), uji triaksial (Triaxial Test), dan uji Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR) untuk mengetahui nilai daya dukung tanah (DDT) dengan variasi kadar air yaitu 20 %, 25 %, 31,25 %, 32 %, 33%, dan 38 %. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan bebas (Unconfied Compression Test) didapatkan semakin tinggi kadar air maka nilai qu dan Cu semakin kecil. Nilai qu terbesar didapatkan pada saat kadar air 20 % sebesar 2,421 kg/cm2, sedangkan Cu terbesar terjadi pada saat kadar air 20 % dengan nilai 1,210 kg/cm2. Untuk sudut geser (ф) dan kohesi (c) tanah yang diuji dengan uji triaksial didapatkan semakin besar kadar air maka nilai sudut geser semakin kecil. Nilai sudut geser (ф) terbesar didapatkan saat kadar air sebesar 20 % yaitu sebesar 11,74o, sedangkan untuk nilai kohesi (c) terbesar berada di sekitar OMC yaitu sebesar 0,421 kg/cm2. Untuk uji California Bearing Ratio (CBR) dilakukan dengan metode tak terendam (unsoaked) dan terendam (soaked) dengan lama perendaman 4 hari. Hasil yang didapatkan dari uji CBR tak terendam (unsoaked) yaitu semakin tinggi kadar air, maka nilai CBR semakin kecil begitu pula dengan nilai daya dukung tanah (DDT) yang terjadi. Nilai CBR tak terendam terbesar yaitu pada kadar air 20 % dengan nilai 9,57 % dan nilai daya dukung tanah sebesar 5,93 kg/cm2. Namun pada uji CBR terendam (soaked) didapatkan hasil bahwa semakin tinggi kadar air maka nilai CBR terendam (soaked) semakin besar, begitu pula dengan nilai daya dukung tanahnya. Nilai CBR terendam (soaked) terbesar terdapat pada kadar air 38 % dengan nilai 1,53 % dengan nilai daya dukung tanah senilai 2,40 kg/cm2.
English Abstract
Gempol - Pasuruan toll road is connecting Gempol, Sidoarjo with Pasuruan City. The land will be used as toll road, it is expected that the soil can supporting the load of the structure and vehicle. As it is known that the soil in those area is cohesive, so if there is a climate anomaly that can caused the variation of water content received by the soil, soil conditions became unstable. This study aims to determine the characteristics of soil based on physical and mechanical properties, to know the value of soil settlement and the value of soil bearing capacity that occurs due to variations in water content. In this study, the physical and mechanical properties of soil was analyzed with the percentage of distribution passing sieve of no. 200 are 92.15% it means that the soil type was belonged to the fine-grained soil with water content with 50,15% and Gs with 2,463. In Atterbergh Limit testing the soil has value of LL=56,12%, PL=43,36%, SL=11,86%, and PI=12,70%, based on Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) include MH or OH and based on AASHTO method include A-7-5 group. The results of swelling test with 4 days of soaking time are 0,812%, the value of soil settlement with consolidation test was obtained amounted to 2.65 m and time of consolidation for 25.7 years Unconfied Compression test, Triaxial test, and Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR) test were performed to determine soil bearing capacity with 20%, 25%, 31.25%, 32%, 33%, and 38% variation of water content. The result of Unconfined Compression Test was the higher of water content, the value of qu and Cu were getting smaller. The biggest value of qu and Cu was reached when 20 % of water content by 2,421 kg/cm2 and 1,210 kg/cm2. The shear angle (ф) and soil cohesion (c) was tested with Triaxial Test obtained that the higher of water content makes the value of shear angle getting smaller. The biggest shear angle value was reached when 20 % of water content by 11,74o, while the biggest value of soil cohesion was reached in around OMC value by 0,421 kg/cm2. California Bearing Ratio test was obtained with unsoaked method and soaked method with soak of sample for 4 days long.the results obtained from CBR unsoaked method is the higher of water content makes the CBR value getting smaller as well as the value of soil bearing capacity. The biggest value of CBR unsoaked method was reached when 20 % of water content by 9,57 % and the value of bearing capacity by 5,93 kg/cm2. But, the value CBR soaked method test was obtained if the higher of water content makes the value of CBR soaked method was getting bigger too, so does the value of bearing capacity. The bigger value of CBR soaked method was reached when 38 % of water content by 1,53 % with bearing capacity value by 2,40 kg/cm2.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FT/2018/415/051804836 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | tanah lunak, variasi kadar air, karakteristik tanah, kuat tekan bebas, triaksial, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), daya dukung tanah. soft soil, variation of water content, soil characteristics, Unconfied Compression Test, Triaxial Test, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), soil bearing capacity. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 624 Civil engineering > 624.1 Structural engineering and underground construction > 624.15 Foundation engineering and engineering geology > 624.151 Engineering geology > 624.151 3 Rock and soil mechanics > 624.151 36 Soil mechanics > 624.151 363 Soil stabilization |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 08 Oct 2018 01:34 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2021 04:10 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/12355 |
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