Competitiveness Analysis Of Crossbreed Indigenous Chicken Commodity In Malang Regency

Helmi, Muhammad (2018) Competitiveness Analysis Of Crossbreed Indigenous Chicken Commodity In Malang Regency. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui daya saing dari komoditas crossbreed ayam kampung di Kabupaten Malang dalam bentuk keuntungan kompetitif dan keuntungan keuntungan komparatif (harga privat/harga sosial). Data dianalisa menggunakan metoda survey dan deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) dengan indikatornya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan keuntungan privat/Private Profitability (PP) yang dihasilkan peternakan ayam Jawa asli adalah Rp. 7.734,31,- per ekor dan keuntungan sosial/Social Profitability (SP) sebesar Rp. 9.094,57,- per ekor. Sedangkan peternakan ayam Jawa super memiliki keuntungan privat/PP Rp. 9.707,44,- per ekor dan keuntungan sosial/SP sebesar Rp. 10.937,05,- per ekor. Berdasarkan hasil analisis daya saing, komoditas ayam kampung di Kabupaten Malang menunjukkan memiliki keuntungan kompetitif dan komparatif. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil Profit Cost Ratio (PCR) dan Domestic Resource Cost Ratio (DRCR) masing – masing sebesar 0,44; 0,40 (ayam kampung Jawa asli) dan 0,35; 0,33 (ayam kampung Jawa super). Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa komodiatas ayam kampung di Kabupaten Malang memiliki daya saing dan ayam Jawa super memiliki efektifitas lebih baik dibanding ayam Jawa asli. Peternak ayam kampung untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produk agar meningkatkan efektifitas dan daya saing yang sudah dimiliki.

English Abstract

The growth of population in Indonesia was increasing year by year, and it followed with better income, level of education, life necessity, and more fulfillment of animal protein requirements. Problems that arise, this demand can not be met by domestic production so that forced to import to meet it. Therefore, it needs a solution to be able to meet the needs by developing the potential commodity local owned by the nation that is indigenous chicken. Indigenous chickens have the potential to be developed. It has the advantages of the high consumer preference, the price of meat and eggs are expensive and relatively stable. Although indigenous chicken production still needs to be improved again to produce more, fewer input costs and have bargaining power and has competitiveness. The purposes of this study were to determine the competitiveness of crossbreed indigenous chicken commodities in Malang Regency based on competitive advantages and comparative advantage (private price/social price). The type of data used were the amount of production, production costs, total revenue by indigenous chicken farmers. Also, price comparison and justification use secondary data taken from source sharing. This research method was the survey and descriptive qualitative using Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) and it’s indicator as a benchmark of the influence of government policy on commodities discussed. The sample of the research was determined by purposive and analyzing using six respondents who had population chicken among 500 – 3,000 bird either farmer of the native Javanese type and the super Javanese type. The results of this study indicated the private profit /Private Profitability (PP) generated by the native Javanese indigenous chicken farm was 7,734.31 IDR/bird and social profit/Social Profitability (SP) with 9,094.57 IDR/bird, for Super Javanese indigenous chicken farm had a private profit/PP of 9,707.44 IDR/bird and social profit/SP of 10,937.05 IDR/bird. Based on the results of competitiveness analysis, indigenous chicken commodities in Malang Regency shown the competitive advantages and comparative advantages. This was proved with calue of PCR and DRCR respectively 0.44; 0.40 (native Javanese type) and 0.35; 0.33 (super Javanese type). While the impact of the government's policy, that already implemented in 2009 is Value Added Tax (VAT) 10% (ten percent) rate for sales goods. Including; feeds, vitamins, and medicines for the indigenous chickens under the provisions of the Constitution No.42 of 2009 article 7 was still not able to support chicken farmer by result the value of PAM. The impact of government policies analyzed through the PAM matrix was policy on output, inputs, and both. The policy indicators on input are obtained from the value of Transfer Input (TI), Factor Transfer (FT), and Nominal Protection Coefficient Input (NPCI). Policy on output can be seen from Transfer Output (TO) and Nominal Protection Coefficient Output (NPCO). Government policy on input-output can be seen on the value of Effective Protection Coefficient (EPC), Net Transfer (NT), Profit Coefficient (PC), and Producer Subsidy Ratio (SRP). Transfer Output (TO) value is 0 IDR (TO = 0 IDR), it means that on the breeding of native Javanese indigenous chicken and super Javanese indigenous chicken have the same number. The data shows that there is no distortion value of private prices and social prices and government policy. It also shows that the transfer of output from consumer to producer is 0 IDR/bird. The Effective Protection Coefficient (EPC) value in this research showed the negative result that is 0.91 (native Javanese indigenous chicken) and 0.92 (super Javanese indigenous chicken) (EPC <1). So it indicates that the policies enacted by the government still can not protect domestic producers and efficiently run. It can illustrate that the policy has not protected local farmers and spur production because they have not obtained protection facilities from the government because the social costs are higher than their private costs. The Producer Subsidy Ratio (SRP) value of native Javanese indigenous chicken is -0.04 and super Javanese indigenous chicken is -0.04, (SRP <0). In other words, government policy about 10% VAT has a negative impact on the indigenous chicken farmer, because the farmer incurs greater production cost ± 0.04 % of the opportunity cost to produce. Based on the results of this study it could be concluded that the commodities of indigenous chicken in Malang Regency have the competitiveness. The super Javanese indigenous chicken had better effectiveness than the native Javanese indigenous chicken. Indigenous chicken farmer in Malang Regency can improve their profit and competitiveness by joining in active extension programs to improve farmers' capabilities, knowledge, and increase their product quality and quantity.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FPT/2018/275/051805040
Uncontrolled Keywords: Crossbreed Ayam kampung, daya saing, Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM)
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.5 Chickens and other kinds of domestic birds
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan > Peternakan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 03 Oct 2018 08:36
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2022 08:31
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