Emeralda, Nadya Rizki (2018) Pemenuhan Hak Memperoleh Pendidikan Formal Bagi Anak (Studi Di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak Kelas Ii Bandung). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Anak merupakan seseorang yang akan berperan dalam menentukan sejarah bangsa serta sebagai cermin sikap kehidupan bangsa dimasa datang.Penjelasan anak terdapat juga didalam Pembukaan UUD 1945, UU SPPA, UU Sisdiknas, UU Perlindungan Anak, dan Konvensi Hak Anak. Akan tetapi pada skripsi ini terfokus tentang pemenuhan hak memperoleh pendidikan formal yang terdapat di LPKA.Di LPKA Bandung ini terdapat permasalahan utama dalam pemenuhan hak memperoleh pendidikan formal seperti tidak terdapatnya program paket B dan C bagi anak dan terdapatnya stigmatisasi atas status tahanan pada anak. Sehingga terdapatnya pertentangan terhadap UU SPPA, Perlindungan Anak dan UU SISDIKNAS. Berdasarkan latar belakang penelitian diatas, maka dirumuskan 2 (dua) rumusan. Rumusan permasalahan pertama tentang pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak memperoleh pendidikan formal bagi anak di LPKA Bandung dan rumusan masalah kedua yaitu hambatan yang terdapat dalam pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak memperoleh pendidikan formal di LPKA Bandung. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis empiris dengan mengaitkan hukum dengan perlakuan nyata manusia, yang dibantu dengan bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Teknis Analisa bahan hukum dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan pengumpulan data di perpustakaan dan yang terdapat di LPKA Bandung yang kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan peraturan perundang – undangan yang berlaku. Berdasarkan dari fakta yang ditemukan di LPKA Bandung dari hasil wawancara dan kuisoner yang dilakukan di LPKA Bandung dapat diketahui bahwa di LPKA Bandung telah memenuhi hak memperoleh pendidikan formal bagi anak telah sesuai dengan Pasal.48 UU Perlindungan Anak, Pasal. 60 UU HAM, Pasal. 83 ayat 1 UU SPPA, Pasal. 92 UU SPPA, Pasal. 12 ayat 1 huruf a dan b UU SISDIKNAS. Akan tetapi di LPKA Bandung dalam pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak memperoleh pendidikan formal tidak terdapat program paket B dan C dan hanya terdapat program paket A saja. Untuk program paket A sendiri dilaksanakan selama 3 – 6 bulan mulai dari hari Senin sampai Jumat. Serta di dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat juga diskriminasi berupa stigmatisasi atas status anak tersebut yang berhubungan dengan hukum yang menyebabkan anak tersebut mengalami trauma. Terdapat juga 2 hambatan yang terjadi di LPKA Bandung dalam pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak memperoleh pendidikan formal di LPKA, antara lain xi hambatan internal dan hambatan eksternal. Untuk hambatan internal yaitu tidak terdapatnya program paket B dan C, kurangnya tenaga pengajar di LPKA. Serta untuk hambatan eksternalnya antara lain masih kurangnya konsentrasi anak dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar, terdapatnya proses diskriminasi berupa stigamatisasi atas status anak, dan yang terakhir adalah kurangnya terpenuhinya kebutuhan operasional di LPKA dalam proses pembelajaran seperti buku dan alat tulis. Untuk meminimalisir hambatan yang terdapat di LPKA dalam pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak memperoleh pendidikan formal bagi anak, maka terdapat solusi yang diberikan yaitu untuk solusi hambatan internal antara lain disediakannya kesempatan untuk mengulang pendidikan bagi anak yang tidak lulus, disediakannya tenaga bantuan dalam proses belajar mengajar untuk anak tingkat SD. Untuk penyelesaian hambatan eksternal terdapat solusi antara lain disediakan tenaga konselor khusus anak, diadakanya sosialisasi hukum tentang larangan untuk melakukan diskriminasi terhadap anak, dan meminta kepada pemerintah pusat ataupun pemerintah daerah untuk lebih memperhatikan keberadaan LPKA Bandung.
English Abstract
Children are the one who will play a role in determining the nation's history as well as the attitude of the nation's life mirrors in the future.Explanation about children are also written in the Constitution 1945, Law of SPPA, Education Law, Law of Children Protection, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, in this thesis focused on the fulfillment of the right to acquire formal education contained in Special Development Department for Children.In Special Development Department for Children Bandung there are major problems in the fulfillment of the right to acquire formal education such as the absence of programming packages B and C for children and the presence of stigmatization on the status of prisoners in children. So the presence of the opposition to the Law of SPPA, Child Protection and Education Law. Based on the research background above, then the research problem formulatedinto two (2) formulation. The first formulation is about issues on the implementation of the fulfillment of the right to get formal education for children in Special Development Department for ChildrenBandung and the second formulation is constraints that contained in the implementation of rights fulfillment of formal education in Special Development Department for ChildrenBandung. This research is empirical juridical with legal associate with the real treatment of humans, who assisted with the primary and secondary legal materials. Technical analysis of legal materials by interview and data collection in the library and which are located inSpecial Development Department for Children Bandung were then analyzed by the laws that applied. Based on the facts found in Special Development Department for Children Bandung from interviews and questionnaires conducted in Special Development Department for Children Bandung can be seen that in Special Development Department for Children Bandung has met the right in obtaining formal education for children that accordance with the clause of48 about Child Protection Law, The clause of 60 about Human Rights Law, The clause of 83 paragraph 1 of SPPA Law, The clause of 92 about SPPA Law, The clause of 12 paragraph 1 letter a and b about Education Law. But in Special Development Department for Children in Bandung, when implementing formal fulfillment of the right to obtain formal education there were no B and C packages programs and there is only A package program only. The A package for the program itself is conducted for 3-6 months starting from Monday to Friday. As well as in its implementation there is also discrimination in the form of stigmatization on the status of the child is related to the law that caused the child traumatized. xiii There are also 2 barriers that occur in Special Development Department for Children Bandung in implementing the fulfillment of the right to formal education in Special Development Department for Children, among other barriers to internal and external obstacles. For internal barriers that absence of program packages B and C, lack of teachers in Special Development Department for Children. As well as for external barriers include the lack of concentration of children in the process of teaching and learning activities, the presence of such discrimination stigamatisasi process on the status of children, and the last one is the lack of fulfillment of operational needs in Special Development Department for Children in the process of learning such as books and stationery. To minimize the obstacles that are in Special Development Department for Children in the implementation of the fulfillment of the right to formal education for children, then there is a solution given that for the solution of internal barriers include the provision of an opportunity to repeat the education of children who do not pass, the provision of energy aid to the learning process for children level of Elementary School. For the completion of the external barriers are supplied power solutions include the child's special counselor, implementation of legal socialization about the prohibition to discriminate against children, and to ask the central government or local governments to pay more attention to the existence of Special Development Department for Children Bandung.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FH/2018/57/051802105 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pemenuhan, Hak Memperoleh Pendidikan Formal, Anak |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law > 344.07 Education |
Divisions: | Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum |
Depositing User: | soegeng sugeng |
Date Deposited: | 20 Apr 2018 09:04 |
Last Modified: | 22 Oct 2021 08:39 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/9681 |
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