Analisis Perbandingan Performa Algoritma Round Robin Dan Least Connection Untuk Load Balancing Pada Software Defined Network

Nugroho, Agung (2017) Analisis Perbandingan Performa Algoritma Round Robin Dan Least Connection Untuk Load Balancing Pada Software Defined Network. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perkembangan teknologi internet dimana para penggunanya yang menginginkan layanan yang selalu tersedia setiap saat cenderung semakin meningkat mengikuti perkembangan zaman yang biasanya belum tentu didukung dengan bertambahnya layanan server yang cukup memadai. Request pengguna yang terlalu banyak menjadikan beban kerja pada server meningkat dengan cepat yang mengakibatkan server down dalam waktu yang singkat serta dibutuhkan teknologi yang menangani penggunaan jaringan yang kompleks. Sebagai teknologi baru, software defined network menawarkan scalability dan programmability untuk penggunaan jaringan yang semakin kompleks seperti load balancing web server. Ada beberapa penelitian tentang load balancing pada software defined network (SDN) dengan berbagai algoritma yang diterapkan diantaranya yaitu algoritma round robin dan least connection. Tentunya performa yang dihasilkan dari alagoritma yang digunakan akan berbeda-beda. Analisis perbandingan performa algoritma round robin dan least connection untuk load balancing pada software defined network menggunakan 3 buah server. Pengujian dilakukan dengan 3 kategori rate yaitu low, medium, dan high. Parameter pengujian yang digunakan adalah throughput, response time, dan CPU Usage menggunakan Httperf dan psutil. Nilai rata-rata throughput antara algoritma round robin dan least connection hampir mendekati. Algoritma round robin lebih unggul dibandingkan algoritma least connection pada koneksi yang kecil. Sedangkan untuk koneksi yang besar algoritma least connection lebih unggul. Nilai rata-rata response time menujukan keunggulan algoritma round robin dibandingkan dengan algoritma least connection. CPU usage server dengan algoritma round robin lebih stabil pada setiap kategori rate. Sedangkan algoritma least connection lebih ringan beban dari algoritma round robin meskipun nilainya mengalami kenaikan pada setiap kategori rate.

English Abstract

The development of internet technology whom the users desire for the availaible services anytime tend to be increased following the current development which commonly not always supported by the increasing adequate server services. The highest users demand make the work load in server raised rapidly which cause down server in a short period along with the needs of technology which handle the utilization of complex connections. As a new technology, Software Defined Network offers scalability and programmability for the using of connections which become complex such as Balancing Web Server. There are some studies concerning with load balancing in Software Defined Network (SDN) with various algorithm which is applied, one of them is Round Robin Algorithm and Least Connection. Certainly, performance which is resulted from algorithm will be difference. The comparison analysis of Round Robin Algorithm Performance and Least Connection for load balancing in Software Defined Network is using three server. The experiment is done with 3 categories; low, medium, and high. The experiments parameter which is used are Throughput, Response Time, and CPU Usage use Httperf and Psutil. The average value of Throughput between Round Robin Algorithm and Least Connection is almost approached. Round Robin Algorithm is more excellent than Least Connection Algorithm in a tiny connection. On the other hand, for the bigger connection, Least Connection Algorithm is excellent. The average value of time response shows the superiority of Round Robin Algorithm rather than Least Connection Algorithm. CPU usage server with the Round Robin Algorithm is more stable in each rate category. On the contrary, Least Connection Algorithm is less of load than Round Robin Algorithm in spite of the value is raise in each rate category.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTIK/2017/332/051705956
Uncontrolled Keywords: Oad Balancing, Round Robin, Least Connection, Software Defined Network
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 004 Computer science > 004.6 Interfacing and communications
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: Yusuf Dwi N.
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2017 01:46
Last Modified: 26 Nov 2020 03:05
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