Khoiriyah, Lulu Lazimatul (2018) Hubungan Antar Karakter Komponen Hasil Dengan Hasil Pada Tanaman Ciplukan (Physalis sp.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Ciplukan (Physalis sp.) merupakan tanaman yang telah banyak diketahui oleh sebagian besar penduduk di Indonesia dan telah banyak dibudidayakan baik di Indonesia maupun mancanegara. Tanaman ini mempunyai beragam nama daerah/lokal di Indonesia. Hal itu menandakan bahwa tanaman ini dapat tumbuh dan berkembang di Indonesia dan berpotensi untuk dibudidayakan secara maksimal. Hal itu perlu adanya perhatian khusus terhadap tanaman ini dengan cara meningkatkan teknologi budidaya ciplukan sehingga memiliki produksi dan kualitas yang lebih baik. Pemuliaan tanaman merupakan suatu kegiatan dari budidaya pertanian untuk mengembangkan tanaman ciplukan yang memiliki kualitas dan kuantitas hasil yang baik ditunjang dengan kemampuan untuk mendapatkan genotip-genotip unggul dalam tahapan seleksi. Dalam tahapan seleksi sering ditemukan masalah dalam menentukan pilihan terhadap kriteria yang dianggap unggul, sehingga perlu diketahui hubungan antara komponen hasil dengan hasil yang terdapat pada tanaman ciplukan. Hal tersebut yang melatarbelakangi penelitian dilaksanakannya penelitian ini. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Dadaprejo, Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 1 Maret – 25 September 2017. Pengambilan data dan analisis data dimulai dari awal pertumbuhan sampai panen. Alat yang digunakan adalah seperangkat alat budidaya, seperangkat alat budidaya, seperangkat alat ukur, mulsa, bambu, tali, papan penelitian dan alat tulis. Bahan penelitian yang digunakan antaralain berupa bibit ciplukan, pupuk kompos, cocopeat, pupuk Urea, SP-36, KCL, dan pembasmi serangga karbofuran. Penelitian disusun berdasarkan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan perlakuan terdiri dari 34 aksesi dengan ulangan sebanyak tiga kali sehingga diperoleh 102 satuan percobaan. Setiap percobaan terdiri dari 5 tanaman, sehingga terdapat 510 satuan tanaman ciplukan. Pengamatan dilakukan pada sampel tanaman yang ditentukan. Jarak yang digunakan dalam penanaman adalah 80x40 cm. Karakter pengamatan berdasarkan ciri kuantitatif terdiri dari panjang batang tanaman (cm), diameter batang (cm), jumlah percabangan tersier (cabang), jumlah bunga per cabang tersier (bunga), jumlah bunga per tanaman (bunga), jumlah buah per tanaman (buah), jumlah buah segar per tanaman (buah), bobot buah per tanaman/ yield (g/tanaman), bobot buah segar tanpa kelopak per tanaman (g/tanaman), panjang tangkai buah (cm), panjang kelopak (cm), diameter kelopak (mm), diametar buah (mm), panjang buah (cm), bobot per buah dengan kelopak, bobot per buah tanpa kelopak dan kemanisan buah. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis korelasi yang dilakukan dengan perhitungan menggunakan analisis ragam dan analisis koragam. Berdasarkan analisis korelasi terhadap komponen hasil dan hasil ciplukan memiliki hubungan yang berkorelasi positif dan negatif serta tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan korelasi. Karakter yang menunjukkan korelasi genetik nyata positif antara lain pada karakter bobot buah per tanaman dengan karakter tinggi batang tanaman (0.45), diameter batang tanaman (0.23), jumlah bunga per tanaman (0.79), jumlah buah per tanaman (0.81), jumlah buah segar per tanaman (0.84), bobot buah segar per tanaman (0,99), dan panjang tangkai buah (0,35) dan analisis korelasi fenotip positif yang berbeda nyata yaitu antara bobot buah per tanaman dengan karakter tinggi batang (0.43), diameter batang tanaman (0.23), jumlah bunga per tanaman (0.77), jumlah buah per tanaman (0.80), jumlah buah segar per tanaman (0.84), bobot buah segar per tanaman (0.99), panjang tangkai buah (0.28). Adanya hubungan yang berbeda nyata dan tidak searah berdasarkan analisis korelasi genetik yaitu karakter bobot buah per tanaman dengan karakter jumlah bunga per cabang (-0.28) dan derajat kemanisan buah (-0.37). Korelasi nyata negatif pada analisis korelasi fenotip pada karakter bobot buah per tanaman dengan derajat kemanisan buah (-0.33). Hasil analisis korelasi juga menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan antar karakter komponen hasil dengan hasil yaitu pada analisis korelasi genetik pada bobot buah per tanaman dengan jumlah cabang tersier (0.12), panjang kelopak buah (0.09), diameter kelopak buah (0.08), diameter buah ( 0.09), panjang buah (0.13), bobot per buah dengan kelopak (0.08) dan bobot per buah tanpa kelopak (0.09) dan analisis korelasi fenotipnya yaitu antara bobot buah per tanaman dengan jumlah cabang tersier (0.12), jumlah bunga per cabang (-0.15), panjang kelopak (0.07), diameter kelopak (0.09), diameter buah (0.08), panjang buah (0.10), bobot per buah dengan kelopak (0.08), bobot per buah tanpa kelopak (0.09). Hubungan kekerabatan antara dua karakter atau lebih dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik dan lingkungan. Terdapat hubungan yang berbeda nyata antara karakter bobot buah per tanaman dengan karakter tinggi batang tanaman, diameter batang tanaman, jumlah bunga per cabang, jumlah bunga per tanaman, jumlah buah per tanaman, jumlah buah segar per tanaman, bobot buah segar per tanaman, panjang tangkai buah, dan kemanisan.
English Abstract
Physalis (Physalis sp.) is a plant that has been widely known by most of the population in Indonesia and has been widely cultivated both in Indonesia and abroad. This plant has various local names in Indonesia that indicates that this plant can grow and develop there and potentially to be cultivated maximally. The plant cultivation needs special attention by using technology so as to have better production and quality. Plant breeding is an activity of agricultural cultivation to develop physalis to have a good quality and quantity supported by the ability to obtain superior genotypes in the selection stage. Here, the problem is often found in determining the criteria that are considered superior, so the relationship between the yield components with yield of physalis must be examined. These are the background that conducted this research. The research was conducted in Dadaprejo village, Junrejo sub-district, Batu city, East Java. The study was conducted on March 1 - September 25, 2017. Data collection and data analysis was started from the beginning of the growth until harvest. The tools used are a set of cultivation and measuring tools, mulch, bamboo, ropes, research boards and stationery. The research materials used include seeds, compost, cocopeat, Urea, SP-36, KCL, and carbofuran insectiside. The study was prepared based on a randomized block design (RAK) consisting of 34 accessions with three times repetitions to obtain 102 experimental units. Each experiments consists of 5 plants, so there are 510 physalis units. Observations were made on specified plant samples. The distance in planting is 80x40 cm. Observations characteristics were based on quantitative features consist of stem height of plant (cm), stem diameter (cm), number of tertiary branching (branch), number of flowers per tertiary branch (interest), number of flowers per plant (flower), number of fruits per plant (fruit), the amount of fresh fruit per plant (fruit), fruit weight per plant / yield (g/plant), fresh fruit weight per plant (g/plant), fruit stalk length (cm), length of fruit petals (cm), diameter of fruit petals (mm), diametar of fruit (mm), length of fruit (cm), weight per fruit with petalst, weight per fruit without petals and sweetness of fruit. The data obtained were analyzed using correlation analysis by calculating using variance analysis and covariance analysis. Based on correlation analysis of yield component and the yield of physalis have correlation positive and negative and do not show any correlation. The Characteristics that showed positive genetic correlation are fruit weight per plant with stem height character (0.45), plant stem diameter (0.23), number of flower per plant (0.79), number of fruit per plant (0.81), number of fresh fruit per plant (0.84), fresh fruit weight per (0.774), the number of fruits per plant (0.809), the number of fresh fruit per plant (0.841), the number of fruits per plant (0.841) , fresh fruit weight per plant (0.992), fruit stalk length (0.287) and analysis of positive phenotype correlation between fruit weight per plant and plant height (0.45), plant stem diameter (0.23), number of flower per plant (0.77), number of fruit per plant (0.80), total fresh fruit per plant (0.84) , fresh fruit weight per plant (0.99), fruit stalk length (0.28). The existence of significant negative analysis of genetic correlation are the character of fruit weight per plant with the character of the number of flowers per branch (-0.28) and sweetness of fruit (-0.37). Significant negative analysis of phenotypic correlation on fruit weight character per plant with character sweetness of fruit (-0.33). The result of correlation analysis also shows no significant between character of yield component with yield that are in genetic correlation analysis on fruit weight per plant with character of tertiary branch number (0.12), length of petals (0.09), diameter of petals (0.08), diameter of fruit (0.09) , fruit length (0.13), weight per fruit with petals (0.087) and weight per fruit without petals (0.095) and phenotypic correlation analysis that is between fruit weight character per plant with character of tertiary branch number (0.12), number of interest per branch (- 0.15), length of petals (0.07), diameter of petals (0.09), fruit diameter (0.08), fruit length (0.10), weight per fruit with petals (0.08), weight per fruit without petals(0.09). The relationship between two or more characters such is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. There is a significantly different relationship between the character of fruit weight per plant and the height character of plant stem, plant stem diameter, number of flowers per branch, number of flowers per plant, number of fruits per plant, number of fresh fruit per plant, fresh fruit weight per plant, length of fruit stalk, and sweetness of fruit.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2017/1051/051801808 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.3 Legumes, forage crops other than grasses and legumes > 633.304 Cultivation, harvesting, related topics |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Yusuf Dwi N. |
Date Deposited: | 05 Apr 2018 08:15 |
Last Modified: | 16 Dec 2020 15:15 |
URI: | |
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