Sulaksono, - (2017) Kewenangan Koordinasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Penyelenggaraan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini memiliki 3 (tiga) tujuan. Pertama, mengetahui, mengkaji, dan menganalisis dasar filsafat dan ratio legisKopertis tidak diberi kewenangan menyelesaikan sengketa penyelenggaraan perguruan tinggo swasta. Kedua, mengetahui, mengkaji, menganalisis, dan merumuskan implikasi hukum atas tidak diaturnya kewenangan Kopertis dalam menyelesaikan sengketa penyelenggaraan perguruan tinggi swasta terhadap lulusan. Ketiga, mengkaji, menganalisis, dan merumuskan pengaturan kewenangan Kopertis dalam menyelesaikan sengketa penyelenggaraan perguruan tinggi swasta di masa mendatang. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat problematika yang sangat pokok dan mendasar. Pertama, aspek filsafati, yakni kewenangan hadir untuk memberikan keadilan, kepastian, dan perlindungan. Namun, kewenangan Kopertis belum diatur terkait penyelesaian sengketa internal PTS. Kedua, dalam aspek teoritis, dalam negara hukum (the rule of law) tidak ada aktivitas lembaga pemerintahan tanpa kewenangan (no activity without authority). Kewenangan yang tidakdiaturdandibatasiolehperaturanperundang-undanganakanmenimbulkankekuasaan yang tidakterkontroldanterkendali, sehinggakondisiini yang menyebabkantindakansewenang-wenangdanpenyalahgunaanwewenang.Penelitianinimerupakanpenelitianhukumnormatifdenganmenggunakanpendekatanfilosofis, perundang-undangan, perbandingan, histori, dankonseptual.Bahanhukum yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahbahanhukum primer, sekunder, dantersier.Pengolahandananalisisdilakukandenganmenstrukturkan, mendeskripsikan, dan mensistematisasikanbahan-bahanhukum yang terdiridaritigatataran,yaitutataranteknis, tataranteleologis, dan tataransistimatisasieksternal.Hasilpenelitiandanpembahasandalamdisertasiinimeliputi 3 (tiga) hal.Pertama, darikeseluruhanperaturanperundang-undangansebagaimanatersebut di atas, tidakada yang mengatursecarakhususkewenanganKopertisdalammenyelesaikansengketa internal penyelenggaraan PTS. Hal inidisebabkanbelumadanya political will darinegarauntukmemahamikondisiriilpenyelenggaraanpendidikantinggioleh PTS. Kedua, sengketa PTS mempunyaiimplikasihukumpadakepastianhukumdalam proses akademikdanadministrasi yang meliputibadanhukum PTS, tenagapendidik, tenagakependidikan, mahasiswa, danlegalitasijazah. Ketiga, Kopertisharusdiberikankewenangan yang bersifatdesentralisasi.Diktisebagailembagapusattidakbisadengankomprehensifmemegangseluruhkewenangan.
English Abstract
There are three objectives on this research. First, knowing, reviewing and analyzing the based philosophy and ratio legis on the Kopertis ‘empty of authority to resolve the dispute over the implementation of private higher education. Second, knowing, reviewing, analyzing, and formulating legal implications for the non-regulation on Kopertis authority in resolving the dispute over private university to it graduation. Third reviewing, analyzing, and formulating the regulation on the Kopertis authority in resolving the dispute over the implementation of private higher education in the future. The are same basic and fundamental problematic in this research. First, the philosophical aspect, namely the authority is to provide justice, certainty, and protection. However, the Kopertis’ authority related to the internal dispute resolution of private higher education has not been regulated. Second, theoretically, in the nation law the rule of law), there is no government policy (institution) without any authority (no activity without authority). The authority which has not regulation and limitation by regulation law would bring uncontrolled power. This would bring authoritarian and abuse of power. There are 3 problems of the studies on this research; first, why the regulation of law in education field do not ruled the Kopertis authority to overcome?. Second, what is the implication of law affected of authority empty toward Kopertis to involve in internal dispute of private higher education?. Third, how the term of authority toward Kopertis to solve the internal dispute of private higher education in the future. This research is the normative law research used philosophical approach, legal laws, comparison, history, and conceptual. The sources of law guided this research is the law sources;. Primary, secondary, and tertiary, the term of arrangement and analysis formulated in; classifying, description, and systematic these three sources into three concepts; technically, theologically and external structure. The result of this research formulated into 3 categories; first, from all the law regulation as mention above, there is no certain regulation toward Kopertis authority to involve the private higher education dispute. It is caused by the empty of political will by the nation to understand the real condition of private higher education. Second, the law implication caused by the dispute impact to the legal certainty toward academicals process, lecturer, educational staff, students, and the diploma legality. Third, there was regulation mandated Kopertis decentralization authority. Means, although Dikti is the central official should not hold the authority at all
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DIS/344.072/SUL/k/2017/061712092 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law > 344.07 Education |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 28 Mar 2018 04:22 |
Last Modified: | 28 Dec 2020 13:14 |
URI: | |
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