Pemodelan Kinetika Pembentukan Hidrat Propana Butana Melalui Proses Affinity Kimia dengan Variasi Temperatur

Azhari, Achmad Andi (2018) Pemodelan Kinetika Pembentukan Hidrat Propana Butana Melalui Proses Affinity Kimia dengan Variasi Temperatur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Energi adalah hal yang penting dan tidak dapat dilepaskan perannya dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu energi terbarukan yang adalah Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH). Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH) adalah campuran dari gas alam dengan air yang terjadi pada tekanan tinggi dan suhu diatas titik beku air. Dikarenakan telah banyak eksperimen tentang pembentukan hidrat namun sedikit sekali percobaan bagaimana merumuskan komposisi hidrat yag paling sesuai sehingga kami membuat pemodelan laju affinity dalam pembentukan hidrat, penelitian kami dilakukan secara numeric modelling semi empiris dari beberapa persamaan dengan menggunakan software excel, Dari Hasil Pemodelan di dapatkan persamaan Ai = - RT ln ( ζQi ) sebagai pemodelan Affinity kimia dan [

English Abstract

Energy is an important and indispensable role in the life of Indonesian society. One of the renewable energy is Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH). Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH) is a mixture of natural gas with water that occurs at high pressures and temperatures above the freezing point of water. Because to many experiments on hydrate formation but very few experiments how to formulate the most suitable hydrate composition so we modeled the affinity rate in hydrate formation. This research is done by numeric modeling semi empirical from some equations by using excel software, From Modeling Result in get equation Ai = - RT ln (ζQi) as chemical Affinity modeling and [ln (ti / tK exp (1- ti / tK)] as the time of hydrate formation, so it can be known the influence of temperature variation on the process of hydrate propane butane formation. In addition, also done research to validate the form on affinity comparison chart and formation time to get the composition of pressure and time is near ideal. The temperature of the formation are 277°K, 275°K, 273°K, 271°K dan 269°K. The results obtained from the comparison of experimental results and calculations that is at a temperature condition of 277°K with 2bar pressure has the best composition due to the high rate of Affinity (Ai), the faster the formation time of hydrate, because the rate of hydrate formation is influenced by mass transfer and kinetic energy from the gas molecule to the water molecule cavity. With high pressure, mass transfer of gas and kinetic energy of gas molecules will be higher. So in need of a temperature that is low at the time of hydrate formation, so the ice crystals do fast freeze and klatrat can enter with the comparison of pressure and time accordingly.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/212/051802019
Uncontrolled Keywords: Hydrate, Pemodelan affinity, Validasi bentuk grafik
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.04 Special topics of applied physics > 621.042 Energy engineering
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 27 Mar 2018 02:50
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2021 01:58
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