Simulasi Pengaruh Sudut Chamfer Satu Sisi Dan Burn Off Length Terhadap Distribusi Suhu Al-6061 Dengan Fem

Setiadi, Rudi (2018) Simulasi Pengaruh Sudut Chamfer Satu Sisi Dan Burn Off Length Terhadap Distribusi Suhu Al-6061 Dengan Fem. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Teknologi CDFW (continous drive friction welding) mulai dikembangkan karena prosesnya yang murah, cepat, dan aman. CDFW dilakukan dengan cara memberikan rotasi ke benda kerja pertama dan memberikan tekanan ke benda kerja kedua sehingga menimbulkan gesekan. Gesekan yang terjadi menghasilkan panas yang dapat menyambungkan kedua benda kerja tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sudut chamfer satu sisi dan burn off length benda kerja yang dihasilkan dari proses pengelasan CDFW. Material yang digunakkan pada benda kerja pertama dan kedua yakni Al-6061. Penelitian ini menggunakan software berbasis elemen hingga. Modelling diatur dengan cara material pertama Al-6061 dirotasi dengan kecepatan 1600 Rpm dan material kedua Al6061 ditekan dengan friction pressure sebesar 5 Mpa selama friction time 5 detik. Pada material pertama Al-6061 diberikan sudut chamfer dengan variasi 00, 150, dan 300 sedangkan variasi Burn Off Length benda kerja yakni 3 mm, 5 mm, dan 7 mm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar sudut chamfer dan semakin besar burn off length benda kerja menyebabkan distribusi suhu yang dihasilkan semakin besar yang diakibatkan oleh proses pengelasan CDFW. Distribusi suhu maksimum tertinggi sebesar 231,34°C dimiliki model 3 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 0°C dan Burn Off Length 7mm. Nilai Distribusi suhu tertinggi kedua sebesar 228,45°C dimiliki model 1 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 0° dan Burn Off Length 5mm. Ketiga yaitu sebesar 225,58°C dimiliki model 1 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 0° dan Burn Off Length 3mm. Keempat yaitu sebesar 220,74°C dimiliki model 9 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 30° dan Burn Off Length 7mm. Kelima yaitu sebesar 218,25°C dimiliki model 8 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 30° dan Burn Off Length 5mm. Keenam yaitu sebesar 215,18°C dimiliki model 7 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 30° dan Burn Off Length 3mm. Ketujuh yaitu sebesar 212,65°C dimiliki model 6 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 15° dan Burn Off Length 7mm. Kedelapan yaitu sebesar 207,04°C dimiliki model 5 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 15° dan Burn Off Length 5mm. Dan suhu maksimum terendah sebesar 202,31°C dimiliki model 4 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 15° dan Burn Off Length 3mm. dikarenakan semakin besar sudut chamfer maka semakin besar juga luas permukaan yang terdeformasi sehingga mengakibatkan semakin besar luas daerah HAZ dan semakin besar burn off length maka suhu benda kerja semakin tinggi dikarenakan membutuhkan waktu yang lama pada saat proses pengelasan dan mengakibatkan semakin besar friction pressure pula yang mengakibatkan daerah HAZ semakin besar..

English Abstract

CDFW technology begins to be developed because the process is cheap, fast, and safe. CDFW works with giving a rotation to the first working thing and giving the pressure to the second working thing to produce the friction. The result of this friction is a flaming that can combine both of things. The goal of this research is to discover the impact of one side chamfer angle and burn of length of working thing from CDFW welding process. Material used in the first and second working thing is Al – 6061. This research used software based on finite element. Modeling is arranged with the first material, Al – 6061, is rotated on 1.600 Rpm speed and the second material was pressed with 5 Mpa friction pressure for 5 second. On the first material, Al-6061, was gave a chamfer angle with variations of 00, 150, and 300, while burn off lengths of working thing are 3mm, 5mm, dan7mm. The result of this research shows that the greater chamfer angle and burn off length of working thing, the greater temperature transmission caused by welding process of CDFW. The first highest temperature transmission is 231,34 °C owned by third model with variations of chamfer angle 0°C and Burn Off Length 7mm. the second highest temperature is 228,45°C owned by eight model with variation of chamfer angel 0° and Burn Off Length 5mm. The third highest temperature is 225,58°C owned by first model with variation of chamfer angel 0° and Burn Off Length 3mm. The fourth highest temperature is 220,74°C owned by ninth model with variation of chamfer angel 30° and Burn Off Length 7mm. The fifth highest temperature is 218,25°C owned by eight model with variation of chamfer angel 30° and Burn Off Length 5mm. The sixth highest temperature is 215,18°C owned by seventh model with variation of chamfer angel 30° and Burn Off Length 3mm. The seventh highest temperature is 212,65°C owned by sixth model chamfer angel 15° and Burn Off Length 7mm. The eight highest temperature is 207,04°C owned by fifth model chamfer angel 15° and Burn Off Length 5mm. and the lowest highest temperature is 202,31°C owned by fourth model chamfer angel 15° and Burn Off Length 3mm. the greater chamfer angle, the greater surface area deformed, so it caused the greater HAZ area and burn off length effecting a higher working thing temperature because of a long time process of welding. The greater friction pressure also caused a wider HAZ area.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2017/1151/051801325
Uncontrolled Keywords: Continous drive friction welding, Burn Off Length, sudut chamfer, Distribusi Suhu. Continous drive friction welding, Burn Off Length, Chamfer angle, Temperature Distribution.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 671 Metalworking Processes and primary metal products > 671.5 Joining and cutting of metals > 671.52 Welding
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2018 02:21
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2020 16:05
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