Students’ Perception on English Speaking Activity of “Hari Bahasa” at SMAIT As-Syifa Boarding School Subang

Annisa, Rifka Naya (2017) Students’ Perception on English Speaking Activity of “Hari Bahasa” at SMAIT As-Syifa Boarding School Subang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Berbicara tampaknya menjadi salah satu keterampilan penting yang harus dilakukan karena itu adalah cara yang paling umum bagi seseorang untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain. SMAIT As-Syifa membuat sebuah program dimana para siswa dapat mengekspresikan keahlian mereka terutama dalam berbicara. “Hari Bahasa” dibuat untuk membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mereka dengan menggunakannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap Kegiatan Berbahasa Inggris pada “Hari Bahasa” di lingkungan SMAIT As-Syifa Boarding School Subang. Subyek penelitian ini adalah XI IPS yang dipilih berdasarkan rekomendasi dari guru bahasa Inggris yang mengajar mereka di kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua instrumen yaitu angket siswa dan wawancara. Instrumen tersebut diadaptasi dari Mahbubah (2015). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa "Hari Bahasa" adalah sebuah program yang bagus yang diselenggarakan oleh SMAIT As-Syifa Boarding School Subang. Ada beberapa kelebihan yang dapat disimpulkan, pertama dengan menerapkan "Hari Bahasa", para siswa dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mereka khususnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Kedua, para siswa percaya diri untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Antusiasme siswa terhadap "Hari Bahasa" tinggi tetapi sayangnya itu tidak memenuhi kriteria Dulay, et al (1982) mengenai lingkungan bahasa sebagaimana Dulay, et al (1982) sebutkan bahwa lingkungan sangatlah penting bagi siswa, sehingga diharapkan semua guru dan senior dapat disertakan dalam pelaksanaan "Hari Bahasa" untuk mensukseskan "Hari Bahasa".

English Abstract

Speaking seems to be one of the important skills that have to be accomplished because it is the most common way for people to deliver message to the others. SMAIT As-Syifa was creating a program where the students can express their skill especially in speaking. “Hari Bahasa” was created in order to help the students to improve their speaking skill by using it on their daily life This research used Case Study to investigate the students’ perception toward English Speaking Activity on “Hari Bahasa” in the area of SMAIT As-Syifa Boarding School Subang. The subject of this study is XI IPS that was chosen based on the recommendation from the English teacher who taught them in the classroom. The researcher used two instruments in this study which were students’ questionnaire and interview guideline. Those instruments were adapted from Mahbubah (2015). The result showed that “Hari Bahasa” was a good program that was held by SMAIT As-Syifa Boarding School Subang. There were some advantages that can be concluded from the findings, first by implementing “Hari Bahasa”, the students could improve their speaking skill especially English. The second, the students are confident to speak up especially on “Hari Bahasa”. The enthusiasm of the students toward “Hari Bahasa” was high but unfortunately it did not meet with the criteria of Dulay, et al (1982) about a language environment. As Dulay, et al (1982) said that language environment is very important to the learners, because it can affect how the learner master the target language from exposures they get, however, the environment of SMAIT As-Syifa Boarding School Subang is still lack in terms of supporting the students to be active to use English on “Hari Bahasa”, so it hopes that the teacher and senior on the third grade can be included in the implementation of “Hari Bahasa” in order to succeed it.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2017/841/051800415
Uncontrolled Keywords: Speaking, “Hari Bahasa”, Language Environment.
Subjects: 400 Language > 421 Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard English > 421.55 Standard British spelling and pronunciation
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2018 10:41
Last Modified: 01 Dec 2020 15:58
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