Hubungan Antara Kerapatan Vegetasi Dan Tekstur Tanah Dengan Laju Infiltrasi Di Das Rejoso – Pasuruan

Marulani, Fitri (2017) Hubungan Antara Kerapatan Vegetasi Dan Tekstur Tanah Dengan Laju Infiltrasi Di Das Rejoso – Pasuruan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Rejoso merupakan salah satu dari empat DAS besar di Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Bagian hulu sungai Rejoso adalah lereng utara pegunungan Tengger bermuara di Pantai Utara Rejoso. DAS Rejoso memiliki keragaman tekstur tanah, hidrologi, dan penggunaan lahan. Tekstur tanah DAS Rejoso dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas Gunung Bromo menyebabkan sebaran tekstur dari hulu sampai hilir menjadi kasar sampai halus. Selain itu kegiatan intervensi manusia seperti penggunaan lahan dibidang pertanian juga semakin tinggi dan beragam. Keberagaman tersebut menyebabkan ruang pori (makro, meso, dan mikro) berubah, sehingga laju infiltrasi pada setiap keberagaman tersebut akan berbeda. Hal ini akan berdampak terhadap tangkapan air di DAS Rejoso yang akan dimanfaatkan sebagai fungsi hidrologi juga akan berbeda. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi hubungan antara kerapatan vegetasi penutup tanah dengan laju infiltrasi pada Latosol dan Andosol di DAS Rejoso. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari – Juni 2017 di DAS Rejoso yang terletak di Kecamatan Tutur, Pasrepan, Puspo, dan Tosari, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Pengukuran laju infiltrasi dilakukan di Latosol dan Andosol pada 5 plot dengan ulangan sebanyak 9 kali, serta di Kaldera Pegunungan Tengger yaitu, savana, semak belukar, dan lautan pasing masing-masing 3 ulangan. Adapun parameter pengamatan lainnya adalah tekstur tanah, berat isi tanah, berat jenis tanah, pori makro, meso dan mikro, serta kadar air awal. Hasil analisis tanah kemudian dilakukan uji statistik regresi dan korelasi menggunakan aplikasi microsoft excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laju infiltrasi sangat beragam yaitu dari kategori sangat cepat hingga agak lambat. Laju infiltrasi terendah di Andosol plot 4 dan 5 yaitu sebesar 81 -1 pada lahan tanaman semusim dan bero. Kedua plot merupakan bekas hutan produksi pinus yang baru dibuka 1 tahun terakhir dengan tekstur tanah lempung liat berdebu dan lempung berdebu. Sedangkan di Latosol laju infiltrasi terendah sebesar 5 -1di plot 4 lahan tanaman semusim dengan tekstur tanah liat, serta terdapat lumut di permukaan tanah yang mampu menghambat laju infiltrasi. Laju infiltrasi tertinggi di Andosol terdapat di plot 3 rata-rata 116 -1 (48 – 216 -1) dengan tekstur tanah lempung berpasir, sedangkan di Latosol pada plot 1 rata-rata 106 -1 (42 – 180 -1) dengan tekstur tanah lempung liat berdebu. Dibandingkan kedua jenis tanah tersebut laju infiltrasi di Andosol lebih tinggi daripada di Latosol. Laju infiltrasi tertinggi di Latosol terdapat di lahan hutan produksi pinus dan mahoni yang memiliki nilai LBD (Luas Bidang Dasar), kanopi, biomassa seresah dan understorey paling tinggi. Berbeda halnya di Andosol plot 3 di lahan tanaman semusim yang mana nilai LBD, kanopi, biomassa seresah dan understorey bukan yang tertinggi, tetapi tekstur tanahnya banyak mengandung pasir dibandingkan yang lainnya.

English Abstract

The Rejoso Watershed is one of four major watershed in Pasuruan, East Java. The upper part of the Rejoso river is derived from the northern slopes of the Tengger mountains empties on the North Coast of Rejoso. Rejoso watershed has soil texture, hydrology, and land use. The soil texture is affected by the activity of Mount Bromo causing the spread from upstream - downstream to rough - fine. In addition, human intervention activities such as land use in agriculture are also higher and more diverse. This diversity causes the pore space (macro, meso, and micro) to change, so that the infiltration rate at each diversity will be different. This will affect the water catchment in the Rejoso watershed which will be utilized as a hydrological function will also be different. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the density of cover vegetation and infiltration rate in Latosol and Andosol in Rejoso watershed. The research was conducted from January to Juny 2017 in Rejoso – Watershed that is located in Pasuruan District, East Java. Infiltration rate measurements were carried out in Latosol and Andosol in 5 classes and repeated 9 times, as well as in Tengger Mountain Caldera, savanna, shrub, and sea pasing, respectively 3 replications. Other observation parameters such as soil texture, soil weight, soil type, macro pore, meso and micro, and initial moisture content. The result of soil analysis then performed statistical test using microsoft excel application. The results showed infiltration rate is very diverse, ie from category very fast until somewhat slow. The lowest infiltration rate in Andosol is in plot 4 and 5, which is 81 -1 in annual crop fields and bero, both of which are former pine production forests that were opened only 1 year ago and then intensified soil treatment that can decrease infiltration rate and the texture of the soil is dusty clay and dusty clay. Whereas in Latosol the lowest rate of infiltration in plot 4 is 5 -1 in the annual crop field with clay texture, besides the ground surface is also a lot of moss that can inhibit the infiltration rate. The highest infiltration rate in Andosol is in plot 3, on average 116 -1 (48 - 216 -1) with sandy loam soil texture, whereas in Latosol in plot 1 average 106 -1 (42 - 180 -1) with a dusty clay soil texture. Compared to both types of soil the infiltration rate in Andosol is higher than in Latosol. The highest infiltration rate in Latosol is found in pine and mahogany production forest areas which have the highest LBD, canopy, livestock biomass and understorey values. Unlike in Andosol class 3 in seasonal crops where the value of LBD, canopy, litter biomass and understorey is not the highest, but the texture of the soil contains more sand than others.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2017/1000/051712683
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science > 631.42 Soil fertility, acidity, alkalinity
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: Yusuf Dwi N.
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2018 02:25
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2020 02:19
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