Putri, Rizka Andhini (2017) Efek Aplikasi Kompos dan Urea terhadap Laju Mineralisasi N, P, K serta Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) pada Tanah Terdampak Abu Vulkanik Gunung Kelud. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Abu vulkanik hasil letusan gunung Kelud memiliki pH tanah yang masam. Pada tanah yang masam sebagian besar usur hara makro seperti N, P, dan K menjadi tidak tersedia. Aplikasi bahan organik kompos kotoran ayam dan sapi serta kombinasinya dengan Urea diharapkan dapat memperbaiki ketersediaan hara dan pertumbuhan tanaman jagung pada tanah terdampak letusan gunung Kelud. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui efek dari aplikasi kompos dan urea terhadap ketersediaan N, P, dan K pada tanah terdampak letusan gunung Kelud dan (2) mengetahui efek dari aplikasi kompos dan urea terhadap serapan N, P, dan K tanaman jagung pada tanah terdampak letusan gunung Kelud. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Kaca Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Malang pada April hingga Desember 2016. Tanah terdampak letusan gunung Kelud diambil dari Desa Trisulo, Kecamatan Plosoklaten, Kabupaten Kediri. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua set percobaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari A1 (100% urea), A2 (100% kompos kotoran ayam), A3 (100% kompos kotoran sapi), A4 (50% urea + 50% kompos kotoran ayam) dan A5 (50% urea + 50% kompos kotoran sapi). Variabel pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, NH4+, NO3-, P-tersedia tanah, K-dd tanah, berat kering tanaman jagung, serta serapan N, P, dan K tanaman jagung. Hasil penelitian diuji menggunakan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda DMRT dan Korelasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan aplikasi 50% Urea + 50% kompos kotoran sapi (114 kg Urea ha-1 dan 9,36 Mg ha-1 kompos kotoran sapi) meningkatkan ketersediaan NH4+ sebesar 258,27%, NO3- sebesar 108,40%, dan N-tersedia sebesar 175,24% dibandingkan kontrol (288 kg Urea ha-1). Aplikasi 100% kompos kotoran ayam (12,26 Mg ha-1 kompos kotoran ayam) meningkatkan P-tersedia sebesar 20,51% dan K-dd sebesar 112,71% dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol. Aplikasi 100% kompos kotoran ayam (12,26 Mg ha-1 kompos kotoran ayam) meningkatkan serapan N dan meningkatkan serapan P secara signifikan masing-masing 70,30% dan 70,96% dibandingkan kontrol. Aplikasi 100% kompos kotoran sapi (18,73 Mg ha-1 kompos kotoran sapi) secara signifikan meningkatkan serapan K sebesar 263,44% dibandingkan kontrol.
English Abstract
Soil pH on volcanic ash of mount Kelud is acid. On acid soils, most macro nutrients such as N, P, and K are low. Application of organic compost of chicken and cow manures, and its combination with Urea is expected to improve nutrient availability and growth of maize plant on soil affected by Kelud eruption. The research was aim to (1) study the effect of compost and urea application on the availability of N, P, and K on soil affected by Kelud eruption and (2) study the effect of compost and urea application on N, P, and K uptake of maize on soil affected by Kelud eruption. The research was conducted at glasshouse of Agriculture Faculty, University of Brawijaya Malang in April until December 2016. The soil samples were taken from the Trisulo village, Plosoklaten district, Kediri regency. The research consisted of two sets experiments. This study using Complete Random Design (RAL) with 5 treatments and 3 replication. The treatment consisted of A1 (100% urea), A2 (100% composted chicken manure), A3 (100% composted cow manure), A4 (50% urea + 50% composted chicken manure) and A5 (50% urea + 50% composted cow manure). Variables of the observation include plant height, number of leaves, soil NH4+, soil NO3-, soil availability P, soil K-dd, dry weight biomass, and uptake of N, P, and K Maize. Data research determined by ANOVA test, according to a comparison of mean by DMRT and correlation between variables. The results of this study showed that the application of 50% Urea and 50% composted cow manure (114 kg Urea ha-1 and 9,36 Mg ha-1 composted cow manure) significantly increased the availability of NH4+ by 258,27%, NO3- increased by 108,40% and availability N increased by 175,24% compared to control treatment (288 kg Urea ha-1). Application of 100% composted chicken manure (12,26 Mg ha-1 composted chicken manure) increased availability P by 20,50% and soil K-dd by 112,71% compared to control treatment. Application of 100% composted chicken manure (12,26 Mg ha-1 composted chicken manure) increased N uptake and significantly increased P uptake by 70,30% and 70,96% compared to control. Application of 100% composted cow manure (18.73 Mg ha-1 composted cow manure) significantly increased K uptake by 263,44% compared to control.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2017/787/051711004 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | - |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.6 Edible garden fruits and seeds > 635.67 Corn |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 22 Dec 2017 00:58 |
Last Modified: | 13 Jun 2022 07:07 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/7422 |
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