Rambaradellangga., Arryng (2017) AnalisisKemampuanRuang Terbuka HijaudalamMereduksi CO2danSuhuUdarasertaPengaruhnyaTerhadap Tingkat KenyamananKampusUniversitasBrawijaya. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Lingkunganmenjadisalahsatuhal yang paling utamadan paling diperhatikandalambeberapatahunbelakanganini. Terjadinyaperkembanganteknologi di Indonesia terlebihteknologi di bidangtransportasiyang tumbuhdengancepat, berdampakpadapertumbuhanjumlahkendaraanmerupakansalahsatufaktor yang mempengaruhikualitasudara yang secaratidaklangsungikutmendorongpeningkatankebutuhanenergi yang padaakhirnyamenyebabkanbertambahnyabuangansisaenergi yang berpotensimencemarilingkungan.RTH kotamerupakanbagiandaripenataanruangperkotaan yang berfungsisebagaikawasanlindung, RTH akantersediabanyaktumbuhan yang dapatmenyerapkarbondioksida (CO2). KeberadaanRuang Terbuka Hijaumerupakansalahsatuunsurpentingdalammembentuklingkungan yang nyamandansehat.Sehubungandenganpermasalahantersebut, makapenelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuiseberapabesarpotensidayaserap CO2olehruangterbukahijausertamenganalisanilaikonsentrasi CO2dansuhuudaraterhadaptingkatkenyamanan di kampusUniversitasBrawijaya. PenelitiandilaksanakanselamabulanJuni - Juli 2017 padaRTHUniversitasBrawijaya. Terdapatlimalokasipengamatan yang tersebar, setiaplokasimemilikitigatitikpengamatan, yaitupadakondisitajukrapat, tajuksedangdanterbuka.Variabel yang diamatikadar CO2, suhuudara, kelembabanudara, jumlahkendaraan, analisisvegetasi, dan THI (Thermal Humidity Index). Dalamsatuharipengamatandilakukan 4kali padapukul 03.00, 07.00, 13.oo dan 17.00 WIB. Pengelolaan data pengamatanmenggunakanaplikasi Microsoft excel sehinggadidapatkan rata-rata dariseluruhtitikpengamatantersebut. Dari hasilpenelitiandiketahuibahwabebankadar CO2 di lingkunganUniversitasBrawijayamasihtinggi. Hal inidisebabkanolehtingginyaaktifitaskendaraanbermotor. Padakondisi weekend/akhirpekan RTH memilikikondisiudaralebihbaikdaripadakondisi weekday/harikerja, halinidiakibatkanolehtingginyamobilitaskendaraanbermotor. Kadar CO2 rata-rata di udarapadakondisi weekend sejumlah 426,6 ppm, sedangkanpadakondisi weekday didapathasilsejumlah 430,06 ppm.Perhitungankadarbeban CO2/jam olehkendaraanbermotorpadakondisi weekend adalah 116.568,133 gr/jam sedangkanpadasaatkondisi weekday kadar CO2mencapai 546.838,78 gr/jam. Kondisitersebuttidakdiimbangiolehkemampuan RTH dalammereduksikadar CO2 di udara yang berjumlah467.698,89 g/jam.Padakondisiweekend rata-rata suhuadalah 26,6oC dankelembaban 63,7%, sedangkanpadakondisiweekday rata-rata suhuadalah 25,6oC dengankelembaban 66,5%.Namunpadakondisiweekenddanweekday, RTH masihmasukdalamkategorinyamandengannilai THI tidaklebihdari 27 padasemuatitiklokasipengamatan.Kenyamanantersebutdisebabkanpenutupanvegetasi yang mampumenurunkansuhu 1,3oC.
English Abstract
The environment becomes one of the most important and least observed in recent years. The occurrence of technological developments in Indonesia especially in the field of transport technology that grows rapidly, impacting on the growth in the number of vehicles is one of the factors that affect the quality of air is indirectly taking part encourage increased energy needs that ultimately led to the increase of the exile the remaining energy that could potentially pollute the environment. Open green space city is part of the urban space structuring that acts as a protected area, open green space will be available a lot of plants that can absorb carbon dioxide (CO2). The existence of open green space is one of the essential elements in shaping an environment that is comfortable and healthy. With regard to these problems, then this research aims to find out how big the potential absorption of CO2 by the open green space and analyze the value of CO2 concentration and temperature of the air against the comfort level on the campus of the University of Brawijaya. The research was carried out during the months of June-July 2017 at open green space University of Brawijaya. There are five locations scattered observations, each location has three points of observation, i.e. on condition high cover heading, low headings and open. The observed variable levels of CO2, air temperature, air humidity, the number of vehicles, analysis of vegetation, and THI (Thermal Humidity Index). In a day of observation was done 4 times at 03.00, 07.00, 13. oo and 17.00 pm. Management observation data using a Microsoft excel application so that the average obtained from the observation of the entire point. From the results of the research note that the burden of the levels of CO2 in the environment University of Brawijaya is still high. This is due to the high activity of a motor vehicle. On the conditions of the weekend/weekend open green space has air condition better than the condition of the weekday/workday, it is caused by the high mobility of the motor vehicle. Average CO2 levels in the air on the conditions of the weekend a number of 426.6 ppm, while the weekday results obtained on condition of a number of 430.06 ppm. Calculation of CO2/hour by motor vehicle on the conditions of the weekend was 116568.133 g/hour whereas the condition at the time of CO2 levels reach the weekday 546838.78 g/hour. The condition is not offset by the ability of open green space in the reduction of the levels of CO2 in the air is totalled467698.89g/hour. On the condition the weekday open green space still less to reduce the burden of CO2 levels. On Wednesday the average temperature is 26.6oC and 63.7%, whereas the humidity conditions of the weekday the average temperature is 25.6oC with moisture 66.5%. However on the weekday and weekend conditions, still fall into the category open green space comfortable with THI value no more than 27 on all points of the location of the observation. The comfort of it caused the closure the vegetation that is capable of lowering the temperature by 1.3oC.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2017/985/051712488 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | - |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.9 Flowers and ornamental plants > 635.97 Other groupings of ornamental plants > 635.977 Trees |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 21 Dec 2017 03:14 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jan 2022 08:06 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/7348 |
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