Uji Daya Hasil Lanjutan 14 Calon Varietas Jagung (Zea mays L.) Hibrida

Wicaksono, Kharismasetya Dermawan (2017) Uji Daya Hasil Lanjutan 14 Calon Varietas Jagung (Zea mays L.) Hibrida. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jagung (Zea mays L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan semusim yang diminati banyak petani di Indonesia. Selain dari hasil panen yang dijual berupa biji, daun dan batang tanaman jagung dapat dimamfaatkan untuk pakan ternak dan juga untuk industri. Seiring perkembangan zaman, jagung dapat dipolah menjadi tepung, minyak, ataupun menjadi produk makanan. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi, jagung dapat dijadikan salah satu bahan untuk bioethanol ataupun biofuel. Berdasarkan Badan Pusat Statistik (2016), Produksi jagung tahun 2015 sebanyak 19,61 juta ton pipilan kering, mengalami kenaikan sebanyak 0,60 juta ton (3,17 persen) dibanding tahun 2014. Pengingkatan produksi tersebut disebabkan oleh bertambahnya petani yang beralih menanam jagung. Walaupun jumlah produksi jagung terus mengingkat, namun belum mencukupi kebutuhan jagung nasional. Menurut data Kementrian Pertanian RI (2015), pada tahun 2013 dan 2014 impor jagung sebesar 3,17 juta ton, sedangkan pada tahunn 2015 impor jagung Indonesia sebesar 2,385 juta ton. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan komoditas jagung yaitu dengan pengembangan jagung dengan varietas unggul. Dalam upaya pengembangan varietas unggul dibutuhkan beberapa tahapan, diantaranya adalah uji daya hasil lanjutan yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui varietas unggul berdaya hasil luas. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Segaran, Kecamatan Wates, Kabupaten Kediri pada 16 Maret 2017 sampai 27 Juni 2017. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode RAK (Rancangan Acak Kelompok) dengan 15 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Dengan menggunakan 15 galur (UB20, UB21, UB22, UB23, UB24, UB25, UB26, UB27, UB28, UB29, UB30, UB31, UB32, dan UB33) dan 1 varietas jagung hibrida komersil Pioneer P-27. Tiap plot pengamatan terdapat 128 tanaman yang ditanam secara single row. Sehingga total tanaman yang ada sebanyak 5760 tanaman. Parameter yang diamati meliputi: tinggi tanaman, tinggi letak tongkol, umur tasseling, umur silking, umut panen, jumlah tongkol pertanaman, diameter tongkol, panjang tongkol, kadar air tongkol waktu panen, bobot tongkol dengan klobot, bobot tongkol tanpa klobot, bobot tongkol tanpa klobot per plot, bobot tongkol saat pemipilan, bobot pipilan pertongkol, bobot janggel, bobot 100 biji, randemen hasil, dan potensi per hektar. Data-data tersebut kemudian diuji dengan analisis ragam (uji F) menggunakan taraf 5%. Apabila terdapat beda nyata antara perlakuan yang diamati maka akan dilakukan uji lanjut menggunakan BNJ, dan dilakukan pemetaan nilai keunggulan karakter tanaman dengan metode skoring menggunakan 4 kuadran. Penilaian pada 4 kuadran tersebut berdasarkan pendapat konsumen ataupun petani. Penilaian keunggulan karakter tanaman dibagi menjadi; Sangat prosfektif = 10, prosfektif = 7,5, cukup prosfektif = 5, dan kurang prosfektif = 2,5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 7 Calon varietas yang mempunyai nilai karakter tanaman unggul melebihi varietas pembanding Pioneer P27, yakni Calon varietas UB24, UB27, UB28, UB29, UB31, UB32, dan UB 33. Keunggulan ii karakter tersebut didapat berdasarkan karakter tanaman meliputi tinggi tanaman, tinggi letak tongkol, perbandingan tinggi tongkol dengan tinggi tanaman, umur silking, panjang tongkol, diameter tongkol, bobot tongkol, bobot 100 biji, randemen, dan potensi hasil. Diantara 7 calon varietas unggul tersebut, terdapat 3 calon varietas yang mempunyai potensi hasil melebihi varietas pembanding Pioneer P27 (7,8 Ton/Ha), yakni Calon varietas UB30 (7,9 Ton/Ha), UB32 (7,9 Ton/Ha), dan UB33 (8,1 Ton/Ha).

English Abstract

Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the seasonal food commodities which demand a lot of farmers in Indonesia. Aside from crops that are sold in the form of seeds, leaves and stalks of corn plants can dimamfaatkan for animal feed and for industrial. Along with the times, can dipolah corn into flour, oil, or into food products. As the technology advances, the corn can be used as a material for bioethanol or biofuel. Based on the Central Bureau of Statistics (2016), corn production in 2015 of 19.61 million tonnes of dry pipelines increased by 0.60 million tons (3.17 percent) compared to 2014. The more production was caused by the increase of farmers are turning to plant corn. Although the amount of corn production continues mengingkat, but insufficient national corn. According to date from the Ministry of Agriculture (2015), in 2013 and 2014 maize imports amounted to 3.17 million tons, while in 2015 the import of maize tahunn Indonesia amounted to 2,385 million tons. One effort that can be done to meet the needs of maize, namely the development of corn varieties. In the development of high-yielding varieties takes several steps, including the advanced yield trials were conducted to determine broad yielding varieties. The research was conducted in Segaran Village, Wates Sub-district, Kediri Regency on March 16, 2017 until June 27, 2017. This research was conducted by using RAK (Randomized Block Design) with 15 treatments and 3 replications. Using 15 lines (UB20, UB21, UB22, UB23, UB24, UB25, UB26, UB27, UB32, UB29, UB30, UB31, UB32, and UB33) and 1 commercial hybrid corn varieties Pioneer P-27. Each observation plot has 128 plants planted in single row. So that the total of the existing plants as much as 5760 plants. The parameters observed were: plant height, cob height, age of tasseling, age of silking, umut harvest, number of cob plantation, cob diameter, length of cob, water content of cob time of harvest, cob weight with klobot, cob weight without corncop, croncop per plot, weights of cobs during snacking, cobweb weight, weight of cob, 100 seed weight, yield yield, and potential per hectare. The data are then tested by a variety analysis (F test) using a level of 5%. If there is a real difference between the observed treatment it will be tested further using BNJ, and mapping the value of the superiority of plant character with the scoring method using 4 quadrants. Assessment on the 4 quadrants are based on the opinions of consumers or farmers. Assessment of the superiority of plant characters is divided into; Very prosfective = 10, prosfective = 7.5, quite prosfective = 5, and less prosfective = 2.5. The results showed that there were 7 candidates of varieties that had superior character value compared to Pioneer P27 varieties, namely UB24, UB27, UB28, UB29, UB31, UB32 and UB 33 candidated varieties. The superiority of the character is obtained based on the character of the plant including the height of the plant, the height of the cob, the height ratio of the cob with the height of the plant, the age of silking, the length of the ear, the diameter of the ear, the weight of the cob, the weight of 100 seeds, the yield, and the yield potential. Among the 7 prospective varieties, there are 3 potential varieties that have potential yield over iv the varieties of Pioneer P27 (7.8 Ton / Ha), namely UB30 (7.9 Ton / Ha) varieties, UB32 (7.9 Ton / Ha ), and UB33 (8.1 Ton / Ha)

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2017/986/051712502
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.1 Cereals > 633.15 Corn
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2017 02:33
Last Modified: 04 Nov 2024 03:55
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/7341

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