Eksplorasi Model – Model Contract Farming Di Kawasan UB Forest

Samporna, Dwi Genius (2017) Eksplorasi Model – Model Contract Farming Di Kawasan UB Forest. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Masyarakat sekitar hutan akan terus melakukan tekanan terhadap hutan bilamana tidak ada lapangan pekerjaan yang memadai dan rendahnya pendapatan rumah tangga yang mereka dapatkan. Merespon fenomena tersebut serta didorong oleh semangat otonomi daerah, Perum Perhutani sebagai pengelola hutan produksi di Pulau Jawa mengeluarkan Keputusan Nomor 136/Kpts/Dir/2001 tentang Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM). Keputusan yang mengatur mengenai hak dan kewajiban masyarakat dan perusahaan dalam mengelola hutan. Program PHBM sebagai sistem pengelolaan hutan yang dilakukan oleh individu atau kelompok pada lahan hutan negara yang dikelola Perum Perhutani memang dimaksudkan untuk memberikan keuntungan kepada pihak-pihak terlibat di dalamnya yaitu Perum Perhutani sendiri dan masyarakat sekitar hutan. Tujuan umum dari adanya program tersebut adalah terciptanya pengelolaan hutan yang lebih lestari dan meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat desa hutan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan akses dan control masyarakat terhadap lahan UB Forest, mendeskripsikan transfer hak lahan tersebut pada masyarakat, mendeskripsikan pola pengelolaan sistem Agroforesty kopi di UB Forest dan mendeskripsikan kelembagaan Agroforestry kopi di UB Forest Dusun Sumberwangi, Desa Donowoarih, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang. Data dikumpulkan melalui survey atau observasi lapangan, wawancara dengan panduan angket, serta dokumentasi. Data analisis menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, (1) Akses dan kontrol masyarakat di kawasan UB Forest, hasil pembahasan luas lahan yang dimiliki masyarakat mayoritas <1 ha. Sedangkan yang memiliki lahan lebih dari 2 ha hanya 2 responden. Proses mendapatkan lahan masyarakat ada beberapa proses seperti mendapatkan lahan dengan menyadap sehingga lahan yang di sadap menjadi hak kelola masyarakat atau petani hutan. Kedua dengan cara ganti rugi, masyarakata yang usianya atau tidak memiliki modal lahan yang dikelola akan di pindah tangankan atau di jual kepada masyarakat baik di kawasan UB Forest ataupun di luar kawasan serta mendapatkan lahan turun temurun dari keluarga. Pihak yang menentukan tanaman di UB Forest ada dua pihak sebelum dikelola UB yaitu PERHUTANI dan masyarakat. Perhutani menentukan tanaman utama berupa tanaman Pinus sedangkan masyarakat menanam di bawahnya dengan sistem tumpangsari. Penanaman tanaman tumpang sari ini terserah pada masyarakat. Penentuan tanaman di kawasan UB Forest melihat pada beberapa faktor yaitu musim dan modal (2) Transfer hak lahan masyarakat terhadap UB Forest, Syarat untuk mengolah lahan di kawasan UB Forest ada dua syarat yaitu yang pertama bersedia menanam pohon pinus dan bersedia menyadap pohon pinus. Hak masyarakat mengelola lahan di UB Forest, pertama mengelola tumpang sari dan menempati lahan sebagai rumah. Sementara kewajiban masyarakat menjaga kelestarian hutan, setor getah vii pinus, menanam dan merawat pinus, memadamkan api dan menjaga keamanan hutan. Sistem bagi hasil petani hutan untuk tanaman pinus, petani harus menyetor 30 kg setiap 2 minggu dan mendapatkan uang Rp 3.500 / kg. Tanaman kopi masyarakat dikenakan sistem 721 yaitu 70 % petani, 20 % perhutani, dan 10 % Lembaga. Sementara tanaman tumpang sari seperti sayuran dan umbi-umbian 100 % untuk masyarakat. Pengelolaan hutan mayoritas petani hutan mengelola lahan untuk ditanami tanaman jangka pendek 5 - 10 tahun dengan persentase 75,41 %. Perjanjian tertulis antara pihak perhutani dengan petani hutan tidak ada, hanya berupa lisan dari pihak perhutani kepada masyarakat atau petani hutan. (3) Pola pengelolaan sistem Agroforesty kopi di UB Forest, Jenis tanaman kopi yang dikembangkan oleh petani hutan ada dua Jenis yaitu kopi Robusta dan kopi arabika. Jenis tanaman kopi yang di tanam oleh masyarakat yaitu jenis kopi arabika dengan persentase 36,06 %%. Umur tanaman kopi yang dimiliki tanaman kopi mayoritas umur 3-5 tahun dengan persentase 42,62 %. Sementara hasil tanaman kopi kebanyakan masyarakat belum berproduksi karena umur kopi yang belum berproduksi dengan persentase 45,90%. Pemupukan tanaman kopi di kawasan UB Forest mayoritas petani hutan menggunakan pupuk kendang dengan kapasitas 14.875 kg setiap tahun. (4) Kelembagaan Agroforestry kopi di UB Forest, Penjualan kopi oleh petani hutan kepada tengkulak dengan harga kopi OC atau kopi kering Rp 18.000 – Rp 25.000 sementara glondongan atau basah Rp 4.000 – Rp 5.000 setiap kilo. Kelembagaan yang ada dikawasan UB Forest ada 3 yaitu lembaga masyrakat desa hutan ( LMDH ), POSDAYA dan Kelompok Tani UB Forest. partisipasi masyarakat di kawasan UB Forest mayoritas masyarakat pernah mengikuti 1- 2 Organisasi dengan persentase 60,66 %. Sementara untuk kegiatan kelembagaan pada kelembagaan LMDH seperti patroli hutan, memadamkan kebakaran dan penjarangan. Posdaya kegiatan yang dilakukan produksi kripik gote dan bubuk kopi.

English Abstract

The communities surrounding the forest will continue to make pressure on the forests where there is no adequate employment and low income households that they get. Respond to such phenomena as well as motivated by a spirit of regional autonomy, Perhutani as manager of forest production in Java issued a decree number 136/Kpts/Dir/2001 of the Joint Community forest management (PHBM). The decisiongoverning the rights and obligations of the community and the company in managing the forest. PHBM program as a sistem of forest management carried out by individuals or groups on a State forest land managed Perhutani indeed meant to give advantages to the parties involved in it i.e. Perhutani it self and the communities surrounding the forest. The general objective of the programme is the creation of a more sustainable forest management and the increasing income of the villagers. The purpose of this study is to describe the access and control community land against UB Forest, Describing the transfer of land rights in the society. Describe the pattern of the management sistem of coffee in Agroforesty UB Forest and describes the institutional coffee Agroforestry in UB Forest Hamlet Sumberwangi, Desa Donowoarih, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang. Data collected through surveys or field observations, interviews with question form guide, as well as documentation. Data analysis using quantitative and qualitative descriptive descriptive. The results showed, (1) the access to and control of the community in the area of Forest, the results of the deliberations of the UB land area owned by the majority society 0.1 ha-0.5 ha. While the land has more than 2 ha only 2 respondents. The process of getting the land community there are several processes such as getting the land with a tap so that land in community governance rights tap or forest growers. The second by way of indemnification, a society age or do not have a managed land capital will move hand over or sell to the community either in the regionor outside of the UB Forest region as well as get the hereditary lands of the family. The party that determines the plant in UB Forest there are two parties before managed UB i.e. PERHUTANI and the community. The main crops in the form of yarn determine the plant community sednagkan Pines planted underneath with intercropping sistem. Planting plants intercropping it is up to the community. Determination of the plants in the area of UB Forest looks at several factors namely, capital and experience. (2) Transfer of land use rights of communities against UB Forest, qualified to cultivate land in the area of Forest there are two UB terms i.e. the first community want to plant a pine tree and want to tap pine trees. The right of communities to manageland in the UB Forest, first managing the intercropping and occupying the land as their home. While the obligations of the community keep the sustainability of the forest, pine SAP setor, planting and tending of pine, extinguished the fire and maintain the security of the forest. ix Sistem for the results of forest farmers to plant pine, farmers must deposit 30 kg/2 weeks and earn money USD 3,500/kg. Coffee plant communities subject to sistemi.e. 721 70% of farmers, the Forestry Department, 20% and 10% of institutions. While crop intercropping such as vegetables and tubers 100% to the community. Forest management the majority of forest farmers manage the land for short term crops planted less than 5 years with the percentage of 60.66%. Written agreement between the parties the Forestry Department with the farmers of the forest does not exist, only the oral form of the Forestry Department to the community forest or farmer. (3) the management sistem Pattern Agroforesty coffee at UB Forest, a type of coffee crops developed by farmers of the forest there are two types namely Robusta and Arabica coffee. Types of coffee plants in cultivation by the community, namely the type of Arabica coffee with percentage 44.26%. Aged coffee plant owned by the coffee plant the majority aged 2-3 years with percentage 31.15%. While most community coffee crops have yet to produce because of the age of the coffee has not been productive with percentage 45.90%. Cultivation of coffee plant in the area of Forest forest farmer majority UB doesn't do fertilization with percentage 37.70%. (4) the institutional coffee Agroforestry in UB Forest, coffee Sales by farmers of the forest to the middleman with the price of coffee or dried coffee OC Rp 18,000 – Rp 25,000 while wet or whole Rp 4,000 – Rp 5,000 / kg. Existing institutional taeniatus UB Forest there are 3 i.e. the institution of the people of the village forest (LMDH), farmer groups and POSDAYA UB Forest. community participation in the majority of the Forest community of UB awasan never 1-2 organization with the following percentage 60.66%. While institutional activity on institutional LMDH as patrol forests, extinguish fires and thinning. Posdaya activities conducted to make production gote and coffee grounds.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2017/865/051711082
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.2 Ownership of land by nongovernmental groups
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Depositing User: Yusuf Dwi N.
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2017 08:48
Last Modified: 05 Oct 2020 10:10
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/7057
Full text not available from this repository.

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