Bagaskara, Reindy Katon (2017) Evaluasi Daya Hasil Pendahuluan 12 Calon Jagung Hibrida. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui informasi daya hasil calon varietas yang di uji. Dengan hipotesis: terdapat perbedaan karakter hasil calon varietas hibrida yang di uji dengan varietas pembanding. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Brawijaya Griya Santha pada bulan Maret- Juli 2017, Alat yang digunakan untuk kegiatan penanaman dan pemeliharaan ialah cangkul, sabit, gunting, kamera, kertas label, papan impraboard, bambu dan tali rafia, meteran, penggaris dan timbangan analitik. Bahan yang digunakan adalah 12 calon jagung hibrida; UB41,UB42, UB43, UB44, UB45, UB46, UB47, UB48, UB49, UB50, UB51, UB52. Sedangkan untuk kontrol digunakan jagung varietas BISI 18 dan Pertiwi 3. Pupuk majemuk NPK (15,15,15), pupuk kompos, pupuk ZA, herbisida, insektisida, fungisida dan air. Penelitian dilakukan pada luas lahan 18,4 m x 43,4 m. Dengan plot seluas 4 m x 2,5 m, jarak antar plot 60 cm. Dalam 1 plot jarak tanam antar jagung adalah 70 cm x 20 cm (denah). Penelitian menggunakan metode rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 4 ulangan. Terdapat total 56 petak perlakuan yang terdiri dari 12 varietas jagung hibrida dan 2 varietas jagung pembanding (bisi dan pertiwi). Dalam 1 plot percobaan terdapat 70 tanaman (denah). Setiap plot perlakuan terdapat 6 sampel pengamatan. Parameter pengamatan dalam penelitian merupakan pengamatan kuantitatif, meliputi: Tinggi tanaman (cm), umur berbunga jantan (tasseling), umur berbunga betina (silking), panjang tongkol, jumlah tongkol per tanaman, umur panen, panjang tongkol kupasan (kernel), diameter tongkol (cm), panjang husk cover, kadar air, Jumlah baris per tongkol, bobot tongkol segar, bobot pipilan per tongkol, bobot 100 biji, rendemen hasil, dan potensi hasil. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan tabel annova (uji F). Jika terdapat perbedaan yang nyata dalam perlakuan, maka dilakukan uji lanjut dengan uji Duncan (DMRT) dengan taraf 5%. Dan nilai ragam genetik (KKG) dihitung menggunakan estimasi kuadrat tengah (KT). Berdasarkan hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan beberapa variabel menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda nyata dan tidak berbeda nyata. Karakter yang menunjukkan hasil berbeda nyata adalah perkecambahan 4 hst, tinggi tanaman 2 mst, tinggi tanaman 4 mst, tinggi tanaman 6 mst, umur tasseling, umur panen, panjang husk cover, panjang tongkol, diameter tongkol, jumlah baris per tongkol, bobot tongkol, kadar air, bobot 100 biji. Sedangkan karakter yang tidak berbeda nyata adalah perkecambahan 5 hst, perkecambahan 6 hst, tinggi tanaman 8 mst, tinggi letak tongkol, umur silking, bobot pipilan per tongkol, bobot tongkol ton.ha-1 , dan hasil biji pada kadar air 12% (ton.ha-1). Secara umum daya hasil 12 calon hibrida yang di evaluasi cukup baik, secara statistik tidak ada perbedaan daya hasil calon hibrida dibandingkan dengan varietas pembanding komersial BISI 18 dan Pertiwi 3. Namun terdapat perbedaan komponen dari masing-masing calon hibrida yang di uji. Dari hasil scoring berdasarkan komponen hasil penentu nilai keunggulan jagung diketahui urutan dari nilai keunggulan tertinggi ke terendah yaitu: UB 48, UB 45, UB 41, UB 50, UB 42, UB 44, UB 52, UB 46, UB 49, UB 47, UB 51, UB 43. Perlu dilakukan pengujian pada beberapa lokasi terhadap calon hibrida UB 48, UB 45, UB 41, UB 50, dan UB 42 berdasarkan potensi hasil dan nilai keunggulan jagung untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi lingkungan.
English Abstract
This study aims to determine the yield information of prospective varieties tested. With the hypothesis: there are differences in the character of the results of hybrid varieties candidates in the test with varieties of comparison. The experiment was carried out in experimental field of Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya Griya Santha in March-July 2017, The tools used for planting and maintenance activities are hoe, sickle, scissors, camera, paper label, impraboard board, bamboo and raffia rope, meter, ruler and scales analytic. The materials used are 12 candidates of hybrid corn; UB41, UB42, UB43, UB44, UB45, UB46, UB47, UB48, UB49, UB50, UB51, UB52. As for the control used varieties of corn BISI 18 and Pertiwi 3. NPK compound fertilizer (15,15,15), compost fertilizer, ZA fertilizer, herbicide, insecticide, fungicide and water. The study was conducted on a land area of 18.4 m x 43.4 m. With a plot of 4 m x 2.5 m, the distance between plots 60 cm. In 1 plot of intercropping distance is 70 cm x 20 cm (plan). The study used a randomized block design (RAK) method with 4 replications. There are a total of 56 treatment plots consisting of 12 hybrid corn varieties and 2 varieties of comparative maize (bisi dan pertiwi). In 1 experimental plot there are 70 plants (plan). Each plot of treatment there are 6 sample observations. The observation parameters in the study were quantitative observation, including: plant height (cm), male flowering (tasseling), female flowering (silking), cob length, number of cobs per plant, harvesting age, cob length (cm), husk cover length, moisture content, kernel row number per cob, fresh cob weight, kernels weight, 100 seed weight, yield rate, and yield potential. The data obtained were analyzed using annova table (F test). If there is a significant difference in treatment, then a further test with Duncan test (DMRT) with a level of 5%. And the genetic variant value (KKG) is calculated using middle square estimation (MS). Based on the analysis of variance shows several variables show different results significantly and not significantly different. The characters that showed significantly different results were germination 4 hst, plant height 2 mst, plant height 4 mst, plant height 6 mst, tasseling age, harvest age, husk cover length, cob lenght, cob diameter, number of rows per ear, water content, weight of 100 seeds. While the character that is not significantly different is germination 5 hst, germination 6 hst, plant height 8 mst, height of the location of cob, Age of silking,eight per ear, cobs weight ton.ha-1, grain yield at 12% (ton.ha-1) moisture content. Generally, the yield of 12 hybrid candidates evaluated is good enough, there is no statistically significant difference in hybrid candidate yield compared to the commercial comparison varieties of BISI 18 and Pertiwi 3. However, there are different components yield of each hybrid candidate in the test. From the results of scoring based on the components of the determinants of the value of maize superiority from sequence of the highest to lowest value of superiority are: UB 48, UB 45, UB 41, UB 50, UB 42, UB 44, UB 52, UB 46, UB 49, UB 47, UB 51, UB 43. It is necessary to test at several locations on prospective hybrids UB 48, UB 45, UB 41, UB 50, and UB 42 based on the potential yield and maize superiority value to know the effect of environmental interaction.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2017/468/051710655 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.1 Cereals > 633.15 Corn |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Yusuf Dwi N. |
Date Deposited: | 12 Dec 2017 07:00 |
Last Modified: | 03 Oct 2020 13:53 |
URI: | |
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