Penggunaan Echinodorus radicans dan Pistia stratiotes untuk Fitoremediasi air tercemar timbal (Pb) serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Tanaman Amaranthus tricolor L.

Perwitasari, Prasidya (2017) Penggunaan Echinodorus radicans dan Pistia stratiotes untuk Fitoremediasi air tercemar timbal (Pb) serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Tanaman Amaranthus tricolor L. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kegiatan industrialisasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dapat menyebabkan pencemaran air dan tanah yang dapat mengakibatkan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman budidaya menurun. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi pencemaran lingkungan adalah dengan fitoremediasi. Pada penelitian ini, fitoremediasi menggunakan tanaman air yaitu Echinodorus radicans dan Pistia stratiotes. Kedua tanaman air tersebut mampu menyerap dan mengakumulasi timbal. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Green house BKT Kebun Raya Purwodadi- LIPI pada bulan Maret sampai dengan Juli 2017. Analisis kimia dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Fakultas MIPA Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu aklimatisasi, range finding test, fitoremediasi tanaman air, dan pengaplikasian air pasca fitoremediasi pada tanaman bayam. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan dan pengulangan 3 kali yang terdiri dari perlakuan T0F1 (tanpa tanaman/kontrol 2 ppm Pb), T0F2 (tanpa tanaman/kontrol 4 ppm Pb), T1F1 (Echinodorus radicans 2 ppm Pb), T1F2 (Echinodorus radicans 4 ppm Pb), T2F1 (Pistia stratiotes 2 ppm Pb), dan T2F2 (Pistia stratiotes 4 ppm Pb). Pengamatan percobaan yang diamati adalah kandungan Pb dalam air, kandungan Pb tanaman air dan tanaman bayam, kandungan Pb dalam tanah, serta pH air dan tanah. Analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji F (ANOVA) dan apabila hasil dari ANOVA menunjukkan pengaruh nyata maka dilakukan uji BNJ menggunakan DSAASTAT dan Microsoft Excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman air mampu menurunkan kandungan timbal (Pb). Tanaman Echinodorus radicans mampu menurunkan kandungan Pb dalam air hingga 81,78% dan 89,59% pada konsentrasi 2 ppm dan 4 ppm, sedangkan tanaman Pistia stratiotes mampu menurunkan kandungan Pb hingga 87,26% dan 92,53% pada konsentrasi 2 ppm dan 4 ppm. Berdasarkan Permen Lingkungan Hidup No.5 Tahun 2014 ambang batas minimum logam Pb adalah 1 ppm. Perlakuan T1F1, T1F2, T2F1, dan T2F2 memiliki nilai di bawah ambang batas yaitu 0,364 ppm, 0,416 ppm, 0,255 ppm, dan 0,298 ppm, sedangkan perlakuan T0F1 dan T0F2 memiliki nilai di atas ambang batas yaitu 1,753 ppm dan 3,740 ppm. Tanaman Echinodorus radicans dan Pistia stratiotes memiliki nilai translokasi di bawah 1. Oleh karena itu, kedua tanaman tersebut dikategorikan sebagai tanaman fitostabilisasi.

English Abstract

The existence of industrialization activities to fulfill the needs of the community can cause water and soil contamination that can result to the growth and productivity of cultivated crops decline. One of method to overcome environmental pollution is phytoremediation. In this research, phytoremediation was conducted using aquatic plants, which are Echinodorus radicans and Pistia stratiotes. Both aquatic plants are able to absorb and accumulate lead. The research was conducted at Green house of BKT Kebun Raya Purwodadi-LIPI in March until July 2017. Chemical analysis was conducted in Chemical Laboratory of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Brawijaya University, Malang. Stages of research in this study are acclimatization, range finding test, phytoremediation of aquatic plants, and application of water post phytoremediation in spinach plants. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 repetitions consisting of T0F1 treatment (without plant/control 2 ppm Pb), T0F2 (without plant/control 4 ppm Pb), T1F1 (Echinodorus radicans 2 ppm Pb), T1F2 (Echinodorus radicans 4 ppm Pb), T2F1 (Pistia stratiotes 2 ppm Pb), and T2F2 (Pistia stratiotes 4 ppm Pb). Research observations include consentration of lead in water, consentration of lead in aquatic plants and spinach plants, consentration of lead in soil, and pH of water and pH of soil. Analysis of data is used in this research is F-test and if result from ANOVA show real effect then is done BNJ with DSAASTAT and Microsoft Excel. The results showed that aquatic plants can reduce lead content (Pb). Echinodorus radicans plant was able to decrease Pb in the water content up to 81,78% and 89,59% at concentration 2 ppm and 4 ppm, while Pistia stratiotes can decrease Pb content up to 87,26% and 92,53% at concentration 2 ppm and 4 ppm. Based on the Ministry of Environment Regulation No.5, 2014, the minimum threshold of metal Pb is 1 ppm. The T1F1, T1F2, T2F1, and T2F2 treatments had values below the threshold of 0,364 ppm, 0,416 ppm, 0,255 ppm, and 0,298 ppm, while T0F1 and T0F2 treatments had values above the threshold of 1,753 ppm and 3,740 ppm. The plants of Echinodorus radicans and Pistia stratiotes have translocation value below 1. Therefore, both plants are categorized as phytostabilization plants.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2017/483/051710670
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: Yusuf Dwi N.
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2017 07:19
Last Modified: 28 Nov 2020 01:27
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