Ambaryanti, Heni (2017) Kajian Jamur Entomopatogen Metarhizium anisopliae Sebagai Endofit Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L) Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Serangga Pemakan Daun Phyllotreta striolata (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L) adalah tanaman jenis sayur-sayuran yang termasuk keluarga Brassicaceae, tanaman ini salah satu sayuran daun yang banyak diusahakan oleh petani dan mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi. Dalam upaya peningkatan produksi pakcoy terdapat beberapa kendala salah satunya yaitu adanya gangguan organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT). Phyllotretastriolata F. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)merupakan hama penting pada tanaman pakcoy. Kerusakan akibat P. striolata pada tanamaan pakcoy mencapai 73,75%. Hama P. striolata menyerang pada saat tanaman masih muda, hal ini jika tidak diikuti dengan pertumbuhan tanaman yang cepat maka pertumbuhan tanaman akan terhambat dan dapat menyebabkan turunya kualitas maupun kuantitas produksi dari tanaman pakcoy. M. anisopliae telah dilaporkan mampu menurunkan tingkat intensitas kerusakan akibat Phyllotreta spp akan tetapi tidak diikuti adanya infeksi pada hama Phyllotreta spp, M. anisopliae juga telah dilaporkan memiliki aktivitas endofit dan memacu pertumbuhan pada tanaman tomat. Sehingga perlu di lakukan penelitian berlanjut untuk mengetahui potensi M. anisopliae sebagai endofit tanaman pakcoy dan pengaruhnya terhadap P. striolata Penelitian dilakukan Kampung Organik Brenjonk, Desa Penanggungan Kecamatan Trawas, Kabupaten Mojokerto dan Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan, Jurusan Hama Dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Maret – Juni 2017. Penelitian dilakukan 2 tahap, yaitu pada tahap pertama melakukan Uji metode Inisiasi jamur Metharizium anisopliae pada tanaman pakcoy dengan 4 perlakuan, dan 6 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah kontrol, perendaman benih dengan suspensi M. anisopliae, penyiraman tanah dengan M. anisopliae, dan Kombinasi. Pada tahap kedua penelitian dilakukan untuk uji pengaruh M. anisopliae sebagai endofit tanaman pakcoy terhadap intensitas serangan hama P. striolata. dilakukan dengan 2 Perlakuan dan 16 ulangan. Adapun perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu kontrol dan tanaman pakcoy yang diinisiasi M. aniopliae. Jamur entomopatogen M. anisopliae berpotensi sebagai jamur endofit pada tanaman pakcoy. Perlakuan kombinasi merupakan perlakuan terbaik dalam mempercepat waktu induksi jamur kedalam jaringan tanaman pakcoy, meningkatkan persentase jumlah koloni jamur pada jaringan tanaman pakcoy dan pertumbuhan diameter awal koloni Jamur M. anisopliae yang diisolasi dari akar dan daun tanaman pakcoy umur 14, 21, dan 28 HSS. Aktifitas endofit jamur M. anisopliae pada tanaman pakcoy mampu meningkatkan tinggi tanaman pakcoy dan menekan intensitas kerusakan tanaman sebesar 27,68% yang diakibatkan oleh P. striolata tetapi tidak menyebabkan infeksi pada hama P. striolata hingga 2 minggu pengamatan.
English Abstract
Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L) is a kind of vegetable in Brassicaceae family, this plant is one of leaf vegetables which is cultivated by farmers and has high economic value. There are several problems to increase the production of pakcoy, one of them is the disturbance by plant pest organism. Phyllotreta striolata F. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is an important pest in pakcoy plant. The damage caused by P. striolata on pakcoy plant reached 73.75%. P. striolata can cause substantial damage to host plants by eating up the leaves, especially in early stages of development, if not followed by rapid growth of the plants, plant growth will be hampered and can lead to the fall of the quality and quantity of pakcoy production. M. anisopliae has been reported to reduce the level of intensity of the damage caused by Phyllotreta spp but not followed by an infection of the pests Phyllotreta spp, M. anisopliae also been reported to have endophytic activity and stimulate growth in tomato plants. So it is necessary to do continuous research to know the potential of M anisopliae as plant endofit pakcoy. So the need to do research continues to determine the potential of M anisopliae pakcoy plant endophyte and its effect on P. striolata The research was conducted in Brenjonk Organic Community, Penanggungan village, Trawas district, Mojokerto and plant disease laboratory, Department of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Malang. The research was conducted on March until June 2017. The research was divided into two stages. The first stage was test of initiation of Metharizium anisopliae fungus with 4 treatments and 6 replications. The treatments used were control, seeds treatment with suspension M. anisopliae, watering with M. anisopliae, and combination of both. The second stage of the study was conducted to test the effect of M. anisopliae as the endophyte of the pakcoy againts the intensity of P. striolata with 2 treatments and 16 replications. The treatment used were control and pakcoy which was initiated with M. aniopliae. The entomopathogenic fungus M. anisopliae had potency as endophytic fungus for pakcoy. Combination of treatment was the best treatment to accelerate induction time of fungus into the tissue of plant, to increase the percentage of the number of fungal colonies on the tissue of pakcoy and the growth diameter of colony M. anisopliae fungi which was isolated from roots and leaves of pakcoy plants in aged 14, 21, and 28 days after seedlings. The endophytic activity of M. anisopliae fungi on the pakcoy could increase the height of the plant and decrease the intensity of plant damage until of 27.68% that caused by P. striolata but did not cause infection to P. striolata up to 2 weeks of observation.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2017/541/051710728 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L), Sayur-Sayuran, Brassicaceae, Produksi, Gangguan Organisme |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.04 Cultivation, harvesting, related topics > 635.049 3 Vegetables--Diseases and pests |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Yusuf Dwi N. |
Date Deposited: | 27 Nov 2017 02:31 |
Last Modified: | 30 Sep 2020 07:45 |
URI: | |
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