Raftulloh, Rajif Anam (2017) Indikator Kualitas Tanah Berbagai Penggunaan Lahan Di Das Rejoso, Jawa Timur: Populasi Cacing Tanah Dan Porositas Tanah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Rajif Anam Raftulloh. 135040200111208. Indikator Kualitas Tanah di Berbagai Penggunaan Lahan di DAS Rejoso, Jawa Timur: Populasi Cacing Tanah dan Porositas Tanah. Dibimbing oleh Kurniatun Hairiah dan Danny Dwi Saputra Salah satu indikator kesehatan tanah adalah kerapatan populasi cacing tanah. Distribusi cacing tanah beragam jumlahnya antar sistem penggunaan lahan (SPL), karena adanya perbedaan jenis dan jumlah pakan yang tersedia, dan lingkungan di sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kerapatan populasi dan keanekaragaman cacing tanah di berbagai sistem penggunaan lahan di wilayah DAS Rejoso, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pengambilan contoh tanah dan cacing tanah dilakukan pada 5 SPL (sistem penggunaan lahan) milik masyarakat dengan jalan melakukan survei di lereng atas yaitu: (1) SPL Monokultur timber (milik Perhutani) dan (2) SPL-Tanaman semusim; di lereng tengah: (3) SPL Agroforestri sederhana, (4) SPL Agroforestri multistrata (tua) dan (5) SPL Monokultur non-timber (cengkeh, durian, mangga). Contoh tanah dan cacing tanah diambil dari plot berukuran 20mx 20m menurut metode TSBF/CSM-BGBD dengan membuat monolit berukuran 50 x 50 cm sebanyak 5 buah per plot. Contoh cacing dan tanah diambil dari kedalaman 0-10 cm; 10-20 cm; dan 20-30 cm. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa, jumlah cacing tanah di lahan pertanian di DAS Rejoso cukup banyak tetapi berat massanya kecil. Rata-rata jumlah cacing terbanyak di lapisan 0-10 cm adalah 37 indiv.m-2, sedangkan populasi cacing tanah di kedalaman 10-20 cm sama dengan di kedalaman 20-30 cm rata-rata hanya 3,4 indiv.m-2. Biomassa cacing di SPL agroforestri cenderung lebih besar (rata-rata 5,2 g m-2) dari pada cacing di lahan tanaman semusim rata-rata 1,9 g m-2. Biomassa cacing di lapisan 0-10 cm secara nyata (p<0,05) lebih besar (10 g m-2) dari pada cacing di lapisan bawahnya rata-rata hanya 0,95 g m-2. Populasi cacing tanah yang ada di lahan pertanian berhubungan erat dengan jumlah seresah, meningkatnya jumlah seresah diikuti oleh peningkatan jumlah cacing tanah (R² = 0,3372), juga diikuti oleh meningkatnya biomassa cacing tanah (R² = 0,2859). Jumlah cacing tanah cenderung menurun dengan meningkatnya % pasir, tetapi hal tersebut hanya terjadi di SPL Tanaman Semusim. Di DAS Rejoso ditemukan 8 jenis cacing tanah, berdasarkan fungsi ekologinya sebagian besar termasuk kelompok epigeik (dekomposer), ada pula anesik dan endogeik (jenis eksotis Pontoscolex). Peningkatan total pori tanah berhubungan erat dengan meningkatnya jumlah cacing tanah (R² = 0.7727) dan biomassa perakaran (R² = 0.4887), tetapi hal tersebut hanya terjadi di agroforestri multistrata. Nampaknya peningkatan LBD pohon di DAS Rejoso diikuti oleh peningkatan ketebalan seresah (R² = 0.4342) yang merupakan kunci penting untuk mempertahankan populasi cacing, dan makroporositas tanah yang dibutuhkan untuk konservasi air dan tanah.
English Abstract
Rajif Anam Raftulloh. 135040200111208. Soil Quality Indicators of Various Land Use Systems in Rejoso Watershed, East Java: Population of Earthworm and Soil Porosity. Supervised by Kurniatun Hairiah and Danny Dwi Saputra One of indicator for soil health is the population density of earthworm. The population and distribution of earthworms varied between different land use systems (LUS) due to difference in type and amount of obtainable feed, and environment conditions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the population density and the diversity of earthworms in different land use systems in the Rejoso watershed, Pasuruan District, East Java. Soil and earthworm sampling were conducted on 5 community-owned land use system by conducting a survey on the upper slopes: (1) Timber monoculture (owned by Perhutani) and (2) Annual crops; on the middle slopes: (3) Simple agroforestry, (4) Multistrata Agroforestry (old) and (5) Non-timber monoculture (cloves, durian, mango). Samples of soil and earthworms were taken from the 20mx 20m plot according to the TSBF / CSM-BGBD method by making a 50 x 50 cm monolith of 5 pieces per plot. Soils and earthworms samples are taken from a depth of 0-10 cm; 10-20 cm; and 20-30 cm. The results show that the number of earthworms in agricultural land in the Rejoso watershed is quite large but the biomass is small. The average number of earthworm in the soil layer of 0-10 cm is 37 indiv.m-2, whereas the earthworm population in depths of 10-20 cm equals to a depth of 20-30 cm with average only 3.4 indiv.m-2. The earthworm biomass in agroforestry systems tends to be larger (average 5.2 g m-2) than the earthworm in the annual crop systems average of 1.9 g m-2. The earthworm biomass in the soil layer of 0-10 cm is significantly larger (10 g m-2) than the earthworm in the lower layer with average only 0.95 g m-2. The population density of earthworms in agricultural systems is closely corelated to the litter dry weight on soil surface, the increase of the litter dry weight followed by the increase of the number of earthworms (R² = 0.3372), it also followed by the increase of earthworm biomass (R² = 0.2859). The number of earthworms tends to decrease as the sand percentage increase, but it only occurs in land use of annual crops. Eight types of earthworms found in Rejoso watershed, based on their ecological functions mostly including the epigeic group (decomposer) along with anesic and endogeic (Pontoscolex exotic species). The increasing number in total soil pore is closely related to the increase of earthworms population density (R² = 0.7727) and the root biomass (R² = 0.4887), but it only occurs in multistrata agroforestry. It appears that the increase in tree basal area (LBD) in the Rejoso watershed was followed by an increase in litter thickness (R² = 0.4342) which is an important key for maintaining worm populations, and soil macroporosity for the water and soil conservation.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2017/709/051710925 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kualitas Tanah, Cacing Tanah, Porositas Tanah. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah |
Depositing User: | Yusuf Dwi N. |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2017 07:28 |
Last Modified: | 03 Mar 2023 09:27 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/5550 |
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