Peran Kurkumin Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Il -17 Serum, Ekspresi Il-17 Jaringan Hati Dan Derajat Fibrosis Hati Pada Tikus Model Fibrosis

Hedayanti, Nor (2017) Peran Kurkumin Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Il -17 Serum, Ekspresi Il-17 Jaringan Hati Dan Derajat Fibrosis Hati Pada Tikus Model Fibrosis. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Latar belakang : Injury hati yang disebabkan oleh virus, alkohol, zat toksik ataupun autoimun merupakan suatu respons inflamasi yang dapat menyebabkan fibrosis maupun sirosis hati dikemudian hari. IL-17 merupakan salah satu sitokin yang secara langsung meginduksi produksi kolagen tipe I pada HSC (Hepatic Stellate Cell) sehingga terjadi degenerasi matriks ekstraseluler, proliferative HSC yang menyebabkan terjadinya fibrosis hati. Kurkumin diduga dapat menurunkan kadar IL-17 sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai agen antifibrosis pada hati. Tujuan penelitian : Untuk mengetahui peran kurkumin dalam terapi kuratif untuk menurunkan kadar IL-17 serum, ekspresi jaringan hati sebagai salah satu respon inflamasi yang meningkat pada fibrosis hati dan mengetahui hubungannya dengan perbaikan derajat fibrosis. Desain penelitian & metode : Penelitian ekspreimental pada tikus jantan Rattus covergicus stain wistar completely randomized design yang diinjeksi CCl4 selama 9 minggu untuk menjadi tikus fibrosis yang kemudian dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok : kontrol positive ( tidak diberikan perlakuan), kelompok yang diberikan kurkumin 200,mg/kgbb/hari selama 5 minggu dan hanya diberikan pelarut kurkumin CMC Na 1%, kontrol negative (NaCl 0,9%) juga diamati sebagai kontrol. Sebanyak 16 tikus dianalisa baik kadar IL-17 serum dengan ELISA, ekspresi IL-17 jaringan hati dengan immunohistokimia dan derajat fibrosis hati yang dinilai dengan kriteria metavir (F0-F4). Hasil penelitian : Terjadi peningkatan kadar IL-17 serum pada tikus fibrosis pada kelompok kontrol negative dan kelompok kontrol positif. Terjadi penurunan IL-17 serum pada kelompok yang diberi kurkumin (p=0,000), sedangkan tidak didapatkan perubahan yang signifikan pada ekspresi IL-17 jaringan hati (p = 0,069) serta penurunan derajat fibrosis dengan (p > 0,05). Ada korelasi yang kuat antara IL-17 serum & ekspresi IL-17 jaringan hati (r = 0,758) dan tidak ada korelasi antara IL-17 serum dan ekspresi jaringan dengan derajat fibrosis. Kesimpulan : Kurkumin menyebabkan penurunan kadar IL-17 serum setelah diterapi selama 5 minggu secara signifikan, tetapi tidak terjadi pada ekspresi IL1-7 jaringan hati dan derajat fibrosis.

English Abstract

Background : Liver injury that was caused by virus, alcohol, toxic agents, or autoimmune was an inflammatory response that caused fibrosis and liver cirrhosis in the future. IL-17 was a cytokine that could induce production of type I collagen on hepatic stellate cell (HSC) and lead to extracellular matrix degeneration and liver fibrosis. Curcumin was hypothetically could decrease IL-17 levels thus could be used as an anti-fibrotic agent on liver. Aim : To know the rule of curcumin as a therapeutic agent that could decrease IL-17 serum and expression on liver as one kind of inflammatory responses that increased in the liver fibrosis and to know the correlation with the improvement of fibrosis. Design and Methods : Experimental design on male Rattus covergicus rats strain Wistar with completely randomized design that injected with CCl4 for 9 weeks to induce fibrosis. Then, they were divided into several groups: positive control (no treatment), given curcumin 200 mg/kgbw/day for 5 weeks, and only curcumin solution with CMC Na 1%. Control negative (NaCl 0.9%) group was also used as a control. Sixteen rats were analyzed for serum IL-17 with ELISA, expression of IL-17 on liver with immunohistochemical, and grading for liver fibrosis with metavir criteria (F0-F4). Results : There was an increase of IL-17 serum in the control positive compared to negative control, IL-17 serum was decreased in the group given curcumin with p value p=0.000. From expression of IL-17 from the liver, there was no significantly different comparison between group (p=0.069) and there was no decreasing of the grading of liver fibrosis (p>0.05). There was a strong correlation between IL-17 serum and IL-17 expression in the liver with r=0.758 but there was no correlation between IL-17 serum and expression in the liver with grading of fibrosis. Conclusion : Curcumin could decrease IL-17 serum after treated for 5 weeks significantly, however there was no difference in the expression of IL-17 in the liver and grading of fibrosis.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/615.324 39/HED/p/2017/041709070
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases > 616.3 Diseases of digestive system > 616.36 Diseases of biliary tract and liver > 616.362 Diseases of liver /Liver--Diseases
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2017 04:03
Last Modified: 30 Nov 2021 00:55
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