Gambaran Self-Efficacy Dalam Akademik Pada Mahasiswi S1 Yang Sudah Menikah Dan Memiliki Anak

Fadillah, Nur (2017) Gambaran Self-Efficacy Dalam Akademik Pada Mahasiswi S1 Yang Sudah Menikah Dan Memiliki Anak. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran self-efficacy dalam akademik pada mahasiswi S1 yang sudah menikah dan memiliki anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subyek penelitian ini menggunakan empat orang mahasiswi S1 yang sudah menikah dan memiliki anak. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan indepth interview dan observasi anecdotal record. Teknik analisis data menggunakan interaksionis milik Miles and Hubberman. Reliabilitas dan validitas menggunakan uji credibility, transferability, dependability, dan confirmability. Self-efficacy dalam akademik pada mahasiswi S1 yang sudah menikah dan memiliki anak diperoleh melalui salah satu atau kombinasi empat sumber yaitu, mastery experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion, dan keadaan emosi. Kategori self-efficacy dalam akademik yang dimiliki mahasiswi S1 yang sudah menikah dan memiliki anak dapat dilihat dari tiga aspek, yaitu level, strength dan generality. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dua subyek memiliki self-efficacy dalam akademik yang rendah dan dua subyek memiliki self-efficacy dalam akademik yang tinggi dilihat dari klasifikasi self-efficacynya. Subyek yang memiliki self-efficacy yang rendah memiliki nilai indeks prestasi rendah, alasan pernikahan (hamil diluar pernikahan), kehadiran anak, merasa salah mengambil jurusan kuliah, kurang bertanggung jawab dengan tugas akademik dan merasa tidak yakin dapat menyelesaikan tugas karena kehadiran anak, sedangkan subyek dengan self-efficacy yang tinggi memiliki nilai indeks prestasi tinggi, adanya motivasi dari lingkungan sekitar (teman dan keluarga), bertanggung jawab penuh dengan tugas akademik dan merasa yakin dapat mengerjakan tugas karena mampu membagi masalah anak dan keinginan mendapat IP tinggi

English Abstract

The main purpose of this research is knowing the self-efficacy of academic on married undergraduate student who have children. The method of this research is qualitative study using phenomenology approach. Subjects of this study are 4 married undergraduate students with children. Data were collected by indepth interview technique and anecdotal record observation. Data collected were analyzed using interactionist method performed by Miles and Hubberman. Reliability and validity were tested by credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability tests. The self-efficacy of academic in married undergraduate students with children obtained from one or combination of four resources: mastery experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion, and emotional features. Self-efficacy of academic in undergraduate students were categorized by three aspects: level, strength, and generality. Based on the results of the study two subjects had low self-efficacy in academics, and two subjects had a high self-efficacy seen from the source and aspect of self-efficacy. Subjects with low self-efficacy have low academic grade point, pregnancy outside of marriage, family problem, difficulties of working on assessments due to parenting, feeling regret due to wrong study program taken, irresponsible characteristics showed by the action of delaying tasks or doing tasks near the deadline, sorting out the tasks, being unconfident when got some tasks because of the marriage and children problems, being unconfident when doing some tasks especially in some unconditional situation, such as noisy family environment and the responsibility to take care of children. In the other hand, subjects with high self-efficacy show high academic grade point as well, feeling motivated by another graduated classmates, or by high educated brother/sisters, feeling motivated by families, husband, parents, showing high responsibility with academic tasks, doing tasks immediately without delaying, feeling confident to complete the tasks and get high grade point average, feeling confident to complete the tasks in any condition although having children.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIS/2017/659/O51707963
Uncontrolled Keywords: mahasiswi S1, menikah, memiliki anak, self-efficacy, akademik
Subjects: 100 Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology > 150 Psychology > 150.2 Miscellany
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Psikologi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2017 03:54
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2020 05:44
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