Analisis Rantai Pasok Benih Padi Pada PB. ST dan PB. BAM di Kabupaten Malang: Perspektif Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)

Rahmafathi, Dini (2017) Analisis Rantai Pasok Benih Padi Pada PB. ST dan PB. BAM di Kabupaten Malang: Perspektif Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) merupakan suatu konsep dalam proses makro rantai pasok yang hanya fokus di dalam upstream yang saling mempengaruhi antara produsen dengan Supplier/petani mitra (Chan, et al., 2003). Pada konsep SRM menggunakan tiga variabel yaitu, seleksi supplier berkualitas, integrasi supplier dan, efektifitas proses pembelian. Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian terdahulu yang dilakukan oleh Pasutham (2012) yang menyebutkan bahwa terdapat 3 komponen pengukuran kinerja dalam proses SRM yaitu seleksi supplier berkualitas, integrasi supplier, dan efektifitas proses pembelian. Seleksi supplier berkualitas mengacu pada kriteria utama dalam memilih pemasok yang memenuhi standar kualitas firm, integrasi supplier mengacu pada hubungan kolaboratif antara firm dengan supplier yang saling ketergantungan dan bekerjasama dalam suatu proyek tertentu atau dalam pembelian tertentu. Selanjutnya, efektifitas proses pembelian mengacu pada efisiensi seluruh proses pembelian untuk mendapatkan bahan baku dari supplier (Pasutham, 2012). Analisis yang dilakukan terhadap tiga komonen tersebut diharapkan nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam melihat kondisi rantai pasok benih padi dan melihat orientasi relasi yang terjalin antara firm benih padi dengan supplier. Dengan demikian, maka tujuan utama dari rantai pasok benih padi di tingkat hulu yakni dalam memenuhi permintaan Calon Benih Kering Sawah (CBKS) ditingkat konsumen dapat dicapai sesuai dengan prinsip 6 tepat (6T). 6T yang dimaksud yaitu (tepat varietas, tepat jumlah, tepat mutu, tepat waktu, tepat lokasi, dan tepat harga).Berdasarkan uraian yang telah dijelaskan, maka dapat dirumuskan tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: menganalisis kondisi rantai pasok benih padi pada PB. ST dan PB. BAM di Kabupaten Malang dilihat dari perspektif Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) yang dalam hal ini meliputi seleksi Supplier berkualitas, integrasi Supplier, dan efektivitas proses pembelian. Studi Supply Chain Management (SCM) telah banyak digunakan untuk melihat kinerja rantai pasok pada perusahaan. Pasutham (2012) menggunakan pendekatan SCM untuk mengetahui kinerja rantai pasok pada perusahaan Thailand dengan melihat SCM secara macro process. Selain itu studi SCM juga dilakukan pada penelitian Arum (2015) dan Pratiwi (2014) untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal terhadap kinerja rantai pasok perusahaan. penelitian-penelitian terdahulu terkait SCM mengarah pada pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok yang terfokus pada perusahaan manufacture. Berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian ini mengkaji kondisi SRM rantai pasok benih padi yang terfokus pada hubungan kerjasama antara firm dengan supplier. Berdasarkan fenomena yang ditemukan di lapang, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kondisi rantai pasok antara manufacture dengan rantai pasok pada produk hasil pertanian, dalam hal ini benih padi. Oleh karena itu, pengukuran supply chain management-nya pun akan berbeda. ii Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Malang yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi rantai pasok benih padi pada PB. ST dan PB. BAM di Kabupaten Malang dilihat dari persepektif Supplier Relationship Managament (SRM) yang meliputi seleksi Supplier berkualitas, integrasi Supplier, dan efektivitas proses pembelian. Responden penelitian ini ada 3 macam yaitu responden firm benih padi, supplier I, dan supplierII. Penentuan responden ini dilakukan secara berjenjang atau menggunakan metode multistage cluster sampling. Multistage cluster sampling merupakan proses pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan melalui 2 tahap pengambilan sampel atau lebih (Cochran, 1977). Dua tahap yang pengambilan sampel yang dimaksud adalah metode snowball sampling pada unit sampling tahap pertama dan dengan metode sensus pada unit sampling tahap kedua. Responden firm benih padi hanya terdapat 2 responden dari 2 perusahaan benih padi, yang dipilih secara sengaja (purposive). Kemudian,metode penentuan sampel untuk responden supplierI menggunakan metode snowball sampling dengan jumlah sampelnya yaitu 7 responden. Sedangkan metode penentuan sampel untuk responden supplierII menggunakan metode sensusdengan jumlah sampelnya yaitu 8 responden supplierII. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara untuk mengumpulkan data primer dan dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data sekunder.Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif statistik. Analisis deskriptif statistik digunakan dalam mengidentifikasi kondisiSupplier Relationship Management (SRM) rantai pasok benih padi. Selain itu analisis ini juga digunakan untuk melihat hubungan kerjasama antara produsen benih padi dengan supplier yang terlibat dalam saluran rantai pasok produksi benih padi. Berikut ini hasil penelitian kondisi Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) rantai pasok produksi benih padi pada PB.ST dan PB. BAM di Kabupaten Malang 1. Kondisi Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) rantai pasok benih padi yang ada di Kabupaten Malang dipengaruhi oleh seleksi Supplier berkualitas,integrasi supplier dan efektifitas proses pembelian. 2. Pada variabel seleksi Supplier berkualitas pada PB. ST, dan PB. BAM seluruh responden sepakat bahwa dalam hubungan antara firm dengan supplier I dinilai sangat penting dengan rata-rata skor 85,7 dan dinilai penting bagi responden PB. BAM dengan rata-rata skor 60,7. Pada hubungan antara supplier I dengan firm responden dinilai sangat penting dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 82,75 dan dinilai penting dengan rata-rata skor 62,4. Pada hubungan antara supplier I dengan supplier II dinilai penting dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 62 dan dinilai cukup penting bagi responden PB. BAM dengan rata-rata skor 59,3 Sedangkan pada hubungan antara supplier II dengan supplier I dinilai cukup penting dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 59,6 dan dinilai cukup penting bagi responden PB. BAM dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 48,1 3. Kemudian, pada variabel Integrasi Supplier pada PB. ST dan PB. BAM seluruh responden dalam hubungan antara firm dengan supplierI sepakat bahwa indikator ini merupakan hal yang penting dengan rata-rata skor 54,25 dan dinilai penting bagi responden PB. BAM dengan rata-rata skor 52,4. Pada iii hubungan antara supplier I dan firm dinilai cukup penting dengan rata-rata skor 51,5 dan dinilai cukup penting bagi responden PB. BAM dengan rata-rata skor 50. Pada hubungan antara supplierI dengan supplier II merupakan hal yang penting dan dinilai cukup penting bagi responden PB. BAM dengan rata-rata skor 51,2, sedangkan pada hubungan antara supplier II dengan supplier I merupakan hal yang penting dengan rata-rata skor 56 dan dinilai penting dengan rata-rata skor 53,8. 4. Selain itu, pada variabel efektifitas proses pembelian pada PB. ST dan PB. BAM. Seluruh responden dalam hubungan antara firm dengan supplier I pada PB. ST sepakat bahwa indikator ini merupakan hal yang cukup penting dengan rata-rata skor 18 dan dinilai cukup penting oleh responden PB. BAM dengan rata-rata skor 21. Pada hubungan supplier I dan firm menilai cukup penting dengan rata-rata skor 51,5 dan dinilai penting oleh responden PB. BAM dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 21. Pada hubungan antara supplierI dengan supplier II menilai cukup penting dengan rata-rata skor 19 dan dinilai cukup penting dengan skor 20,5.Sedangkan pada hubungan antara supplier II dengan supplier I menilai cukup penting dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 19 dan dinilai tidak penting oleh responden PB. BAM dengan rata-rata sebesar 12,5. 5. Selanjutnya, untuk melihat orientasi relasi/hubungan kerjasama penilaian terbagi atas dua yaitu penilaian Firm terhadap supplier I, supplier I terhadap Firm, penilaian supplier I terhadap supplier II, dan penilaian supplier II terhadap supplier I. Tingkat kepentingan yang dinilai yaitu meliputi hubungan yang menguntungkan, menjaga kontinuitas bahan baku, fokus hubungan jangka panjang, kesediaan berkorban untuk membantu supplier I, memperhatikan kepentingan pribadi, berharap supplier/firm tetap bekerjasama, dan menjaga kesepakatan dari waktu ke waktu. Secara umum, dapat disimpulkan dari penelitian adalah bahwa kondisi Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) rantai pasok produksi benih padi pada PB. ST dan PB. BAM dipengaruhi oleh kinerja supplier, proses seleksi, green supplier, koordinasi dengan Supplier, integrasi informasi, hubungan organisasional, penggunaan teknologi dan informasi, efektifitas komunikasi melalui produksi dan efektifitas administrasi kontrak. Sementara itu, keeratan hubungan pada masing-masing hubungan kerjasama paling dipengaruhi oleh variabel hubungan organisasional, efektifitas komunikasi melalui produksi, integrasi informasi. Adapun saran yang bisa diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah perlu adanya perhatian dan pembinaan dari Dinas Pertanian dan BPSB (Balai Pengawasan dan Sertifikasi Benih) kepada podusen/penangkar benih padi dalam pembentukan sistem pemantauan mutu benih mulai dari sub-sistem produksi dan pengolahan. Dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menggali informasi terkait kondisi SRM rantai pasok produksi benih padi pada bentuk badan usaha selain PB (Penangkar Benih) atau selain penangkar benih swasta.

English Abstract

Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) is a concept in a supply chain macro process that focuses only on an upstream interplay between producer and supplier/farmer partner (Chan, et al., 2003). In the concept of SRM using three variables that are, qualified Supplier selection, Supplier integration and, the effectiveness of the purchase process. This is in line with previous research conducted by Pasutham (2012) which states that there are 3 components of performance measurement in the SRM process that is the selection of qualified suppliers, Supplier integration, and the effectiveness of the purchase process. Selection of qualified suppliers refers to the main criteria in selecting suppliers that meet firm quality standards, supplier integration refers to the collaborative relationship between the firm with the supplier who is interdependent and cooperate in a particular project or in a particular purchase. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the buying process refers to the efficiency of the entire buying process to obtain raw materials from suppliers. The analysis of these three components is expected to be used as a reference in looking at rice supply chain conditions and looking at the orientation of the relationships between the seeds of the rice seed and the suppliers. Thus, the main objective of the upstream rice seed supply chain is to meet the demand of Rice Seed Dryer (CBKS) at the consumer level can be achieved in accordance with the 6 precise principles (6T) at the end consumer level. 6T is meant (exact varieties, exact quantities, appropriate quality, timely, precise location, and exact price). Based on the description that has been described, it can be formulated objectives in this study are: analyze the supply chain conditions of rice seeds in PB. ST and PB. BAM in Malang Regency seen from the perspective of Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) which in this case includes the selection of quality Supplier, Supplier integration, and the effectiveness of the purchasing process. Supply Chain Management (SCM) studies have been widely used to see the performance of the supply chain in the company. Pasutham (2012) uses the SCM approach to determine supply chain performance in Thai companies by looking at SCM on a macro process. In addition, the SCM study was also conducted on Arum research (2015) and Pratiwi (2014) to determine the influence of internal and external factors on the performance of the supply chain. Previous studies related to SCM lead to the measurement of supply chain performance focused on manufacturing companies. In contrast to previous research, this study examines the condition of rice supply chain SRM focusing on the relationship between Firm and supplier. Based on the phenomenon found in the field, it shows that there are differences in supply chain conditions between manufacture and supply chain on v agricultural products, in this case, rice seed. Therefore, the measurement of its supply chain management will be different. This research was conducted in Malang Regency which aimed to analyze the condition of the supply chain of rice seed in PB. ST and PB. BAM in Malang Regency seen from Perspectives of SRM which includes the selection of quality Supplier, Supplier integration, and effectiveness of purchasing process. Respondents of this study there are 3 kinds of respondents firm seed rice, the supplier I, and supplier II. Determination of this respondent is done in stages or using multistage cluster sampling method. Multistage cluster sampling is a process of sampling conducted through 2 stages of sampling or more (Cochran, 1977). The two sampling stages in question are snowball sampling method in the first stage sampling unit and by the census method in the second stage sampling unit. The respondent firm of paddy seeds only 2 respondents from 2 rice seed companies, purposively selected. The sampling method for supplier I respondents using snowball sampling method with the number of samples that is 7 respondents. While the method of determining the sample for supplier II respondents using census method with the number of samples are 8 respondents supplier II. Methods of data collection were conducted by interview to collect primary data and documentation to collect secondary data. The analytical method used is statistical descriptive analysis. The statistical descriptive analysis is used in identifying SRM supply chain of rice seeds. In addition, this analysis is also used to see the relationship of cooperation between rice seed producers with Supplier involved in the supply chain channel of rice seed production. The following is the result of the condition of SRMsupply chain of rice seed production in PB.ST and PB. BAM in Malang Regency. 1. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) condition of rice seed supply chain in Malang Regency is influenced by the selection of qualified Supplier, supplier integration and purchasing process effectiveness. 2. On variables selection of qualified Supplier on PB. ST, and PB. BAM all respondents agreed that in the relationship between the firm with suppliers I considered very important with an average score of 85.7 and considered important for PB respondents. BAM with an average score of 60.7. On the relationship between supplier, I with firm responder is considered very important with the average score of 82.75 and considered important with an average score of 62.4. In the relationship between supplier I and supplier II is considered important with an average score of 62 and considered quite important for PB respondents. BAM with an average score of 59.3 While the relationship between supplier II with suppliers I considered quite important with an average score of 59.6 and considered quite important for PB respondents. BAM with an average score of 48.1 3. Then, on the Supplier Integration variable on the PB. ST and PB. BAM all respondents in the relationship between firms with suppliers I agree that this indicator is important with the average score of 54.25 and is considered vi important for PB respondents. BAM with an average score of 52.4. The relationship between supplier I and firm is considered quite important with an average score of 51.5 and is considered quite important for PB respondents. BAM with an average score of 50. In the relationship between supplier I with supplier II is important and considered quite important for PB respondents. BAM with an average score of 51.2, while the relationship between supplier II with supplier I is important with an average score of 56 and considered important with an average score of 53.8. 4. In addition, the variable purchase process effectiveness in the PB. ST and PB. BAM. All respondents in the relationship between a firm with supplier I on PB. ST agreed that this indicator is quite important with an average score of 18 and considered quite important by PB respondents. BAM with an average score of 21. In the supplier relationships, I and firm rate is quite important with an average score of 51.5 and considered important by PB respondents. BAM with an average score of 21. In the relationship between supplier I with supplier II assessed quite important with the average score of 19 and considered quite important with a score of 20.5. While the relationship between supplier II with suppliers I considered quite important with an average score of 19 and considered not important by PB respondents. BAM with an average of 12.5. 5. Furthermore, to see the orientation of relation/partnership assessment is divided into two: Firm's rating to supplier I, supplier I to Firm, supplier's assessment I to supplier II, and supplier II's assessment to supplier I. Level of importance assessed include Profitable, maintain continuity of raw materials, focus on long-term relationships, willingness to sacrifice to help suppliers I, pay attention to personal interests, expect suppliers/firms to cooperate, and keep the agreement from time to time. In general, it can be concluded from the research is that the condition Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) supply chain of rice seed in PB. ST dan PB. BAM is influenced by Supplier performance, selection process, green supplier, coordination with supplier, information integration, organizational relationships, use of technology and information, Production and effectiveness of contract administration. Meanwhile, the closeness of relationships in each cooperative relationship is most influenced by organizational relationship variables, communication effectiveness through production, information integration. As for suggestions that can be submitted in this research is the need for attention and guidance from the Agricultural Service and BPSB (Seed Control and Certification Center) to seed producers/seeds in the formation of seed quality monitoring system from the production and processing sub-system. And for the next researcher is expected to dig information related to SRM condition of supply chain of rice seed in form of business entity beside PB (Seed Breeder) or beside private seed breeder.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2017/216/051704562
Uncontrolled Keywords: Rantai Pasok, Benih Padi, Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.17 Products > 338.173 18 Products (Rice)
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Yusuf Dwi N.
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2017 02:14
Last Modified: 17 Jun 2022 08:16
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