Zuhria, Safiira Nuraini (2017) Evaluasi Kualitas Air Berdasarkan Struktur Komunitas Makrozoobentos Di Kawasan Air Terjun Dlundung Dan Salurannya, Trawas, Mojokerto. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan profil kualitas air berdasarkan parameter fisika kimia dan struktur komunitas makrozoobentos serta untuk mengevaluasi perubahan kualitas air akibat aktivitas manusia di Kawasan Air Terjun Dlundung dan salurannya berdasarkan beberapa indeks biotik dari makrozoobentos sebagai bioindikator. Makrozoobentos dan pengukuran parameter fisika-kimia air diambil dari enam lokasi. Parameter fisika-kimia air yang diukur di antaranya suhu, pH, DO, konduktivitas, turbiditas, kecepatan arus dan debit. Pengambilan makrozoobentos masing-masing sub lokasi sebanyak ±100 individu, ditentukan struktur komunitas dan nilai indeks biotik (H, D, FBI, dan ASPT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur komunitas makrozoobentos pada semua lokasi didominasi oleh organisme intoleran yakni Hydropsychidae, Baetidae dan Simuliidae dengan jumlah taksa terbanyak 25 taksa dan kelimpahan total tertinggi adalah 518 ind.m-2. Kualitas air di Kawasan Air Terjun Dlundung dan salurannya berdasarkan parameter fisika-kimia sudah sedikit tercemar. Berdasarkan parameter DO Lokasi 1 sampai 6 tidak memenuhi baku mutu kualitas air berdasarkan PP No. 82 tahun 2001 Kelas 1 (untuk air minum), turbiditas pada lokasi 1 dan 2 (kawasan pariwisata) melebihi baku mutu kualitas air yang ditetapkan oleh WHO.. Aktivitas pariwisata dan pemukiman telah mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air di Sungai Dlundung menjadi tercemar ringan oleh bahan organik dan tercemar sedang oleh bahan toksik.
English Abstract
The aim of this research is to determine the profile of chemistry and physics of water based on some parameter of physics-chemical of water, macrozoobenthic structural community and to examine the changes of water quality that caused by human activities in Dlundung Waterfall and its channel based on some of biotic indexes of macrozoobenthic as bioindicator. Macrozoobenthic and physics-chemical measurement indicators are taken from six sampling location. The physics-chemical were measured included temperature, pH, DO, conductivity, turbidity, water current and discharged. The sampling of macrozoobenthic are ±100 individuals each sublocation and be used determined the community structure and biotic indexes scores (H, D, FBI, and ASPT). The result of this research showed that the structural community of macrozoobenthic from all sampling locations were dominated by intolerant organism which was Hydropsychidae, Baetidae and Simullidae with the highest total taxa is 25 taxa and the highest total abundance is 518 ind.m-2. Based on physics-chemistry parameters, water quality at Dlundung Waterfall and its channel is a little bit polluted. Based on DO value at 1st location until 6th location, the water quality is not appropriate to water quality rules on PP No. 82 Year 2001 (for drinking water). The turbidity on 1st and 2nd location (tourism) is more than water quality rule which is issued by WHO . From the research we also knew that tourism activity and have resulted in degradation of water quality in Dlundung River to be lightly polluted by organic matters and moderate polluted by toxic.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FMIPA/2017/316/051709656 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Air Terjun Dlundung, kualitas air, makrozoobentos |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 363 Other social problems and services > 363.6 Public utilities and related services > 363.61 Water supply |
Divisions: | Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Biologi |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 20 Oct 2017 02:17 |
Last Modified: | 23 Nov 2021 07:28 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/4072 |
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