Optimasi Volume Air Blansing dalam Pembuatan Bubuk Skim Santan Kelapa di CV Herba Bagoes Malang

Fauzi, Iqbal Rachmat (2017) Optimasi Volume Air Blansing dalam Pembuatan Bubuk Skim Santan Kelapa di CV Herba Bagoes Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kelapa merupakan tanaman tropis yang tersebar hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kelapa merupakan tanaman perkebunan terluas bahkan mengalahkan karet dan kelapa sawit, luas nya mencapai 3,70 juta ha atau setara dengan 26% total area perkebunan indonesia (Allorerung dan Mahmud, 2005). Manfaat kelapa yang sekarang sedang tumbuh pesat adalah produk VCO (virgin coconut oil). Produk VCO mulai berkembang di berbagai wilayah nusantara tak terkecuali kota Malang. Perusahaan CV Herba Bagoes sebagai pelopor pembuatan VCO di kota Malang menggunakan teknologi pemecahan emulsi minyak santan kelapa mengahasilkan berbagai hasil samping dari proses produksi VCO salah satunya adalah skim santan kelapa atau biasa disebut sarmin. Diduga sarmin tersebut masih memiliki kandungan protein dan zat gizi sehingga perlu penanganan lebih lanjut seperti pembuatan bubuk dari limbah tersebut sebagai produk dengan nilai ekonomis tinggi menggunakan proses koagulasi dan proses pem-blanching-an serta menggunakan metode pengering kabinet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik dan kimia serta mencari perlakuan terbaik dari pembuatan bubuk skim santan kelapa terhadap jumlah air pada proses blanching. Sehingga, produk tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai produk komersial di bidang industri pangan secara optimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode RSM (Response Surface Method) dengan satu faktor yaitu jumlah air pada proses blanching dan tiga respon yaitu kadar rendemen, kadar protein dan total gula yang diolah menggunakan Design Expert versi 7.1.5. Analisa yang dilakukan pada produk bubuk skim santan yaitu fisik dan kimia. Analisa fisik meliputi persentase rendemen, warna, kelarutan protein, daya emulsi, dan daya kembang buih. Sedangkan analisa kimia meliputi derajat keasaman, kandungan protein, lemak, total gula, abu, dan kadar air. Tujuan yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah faktor jumlah volume air yang digunakan dalam proses blanching dapat memengaruhi hasil rendemen, kadar protein dan total gula pada pembuatan bubuk skim santan kelapa. Hasil analisis volume air optimum didapatkan berjumlah 1021.50 ml per 200 gram sampel. Proses pemanasan yang dilakukan menggunakan metode koagulasi, blanching, dan pengeringan kabinet mampu memengaruhi atribut fisik dan kimia bubuk skim santan kelapa. Perlakuan blanching mampu menurunkan 1.54% air, 0.41% abu, 12.20% karbohidrat, dan 3.19% total gula serta menaikkan 12.18% protein dan 2.38% lemak dari bubuk skim santan kelapa tanpa perlakuan blanching. Dengan sifat fisik memiliki nilai warna L=75.70, a=1.47, b=13.80, kelarutan 92%, indeks aktivitas emulsi 12.89 m2/g, daya buih 12.22% serta hasil rendemen 36.02% kelima atribut tersebut masing-masing hanya selisih kurang dari 2% dari bubuk skim santan kelapa tanpa perlakuan blanching.

English Abstract

Coconuts are tropical plant that spread around Indonesia. Coconuts are larger plantation than palm coconut and rubber’s plants, the width of coconuts plantation up to 3,70 millions ha or as big as 26% total plantation area in Indonesia (Allorerung dan Mahmud, 2005). Coconut oil is growing fast now a day, especially VCO (virgin coconut oil). VCO product has been expanded around Indonesia. In Malang CV Herba Bagoes has been produced VCO using emulsion breaking technology. CV Herba Bagoes produce few secondary result from VCO production and one of those is skim coconut milk or so called sarmin. Sarmin is estimated to contain proteins and other nutrients, there is needed an act to make this waste become useful with some treatments. These treatment are coagulation and blanching with cabinet drying method to make sarmin become protein powder. This research’s goals were to know the physical and chemical characteristic and to know the best treatment for making skim coconut powder depend on volume of water in blanching process. With that result, the products were optimized as commercial product. This research was using RSM (Response Surface Method) one factor which was the volume of water in blanching process and three responses which were percentage of total solid, percentage of protein, and total of sugar and were calculated by design expert version 7.1.5. The coconut skim protein powder was analyzed by physical analysis which were percentage of total solid, color, solubility of protein, foaming capacity, emulsification and chemical analysis which were pH measurement, protein contain, fat contain, total of sugar, ash contain, and water contain. This research resulted that 1021.50 mL per 200 grams sample were needed to optimize the process of blanching in the making of skim coconut powder. This method gave the percentage of total solid, protein contain and total amount of sugar. The heating process was using coagulation, blanching and cabinet dryer to influence the chemical and physical attribute of skim coconut powder. Blanching decreased 1.54% of water, 0.41% ash, 12.20% carbohydrate, and 3.19% total of sugar and also increased 12.18% of protein and 2.38% of lipid from skim coconut powder without blanching. Skim coconut powder after blanching had physicals characteristic of color L=75.70, a=1.47, b=13.80, solubility 92%, emulsification activity index 12.89 m2/g, foaming 12.22% and 36.02% total solid. The difference of those attribute were only 2% less than skim coconut powder without blanching.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/614/051710071
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bubuk Skim Kelapa Kelapa, RSM (Response Surface Method), Virgin Coconut Oil
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 665 Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases > 665.3 Vegetable fats and oils
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 18 Oct 2017 06:52
Last Modified: 26 Nov 2020 06:42
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/3953
Full text not available from this repository.

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