Keragaman Morfologi Dan Genetik Ular Python Di Jawa, Sumatera, Dan Kalimantan Menggunakan Marka Mikrosatelit

Maulidi, Andri (2017) Keragaman Morfologi Dan Genetik Ular Python Di Jawa, Sumatera, Dan Kalimantan Menggunakan Marka Mikrosatelit. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jawa, Sumatera, dan Kalimantan termasuk kedalam daerah Paparan Sunda (Sundaland). Adanya barrier (penghalang) diantara ketiga pulau tersebut menyebabkan adanya divergensi dan spesiasi. Salah satu jenis hewan yang sering ditemukan adalah ular Python. Terdapat 5 spesies python di Paparan Sunda dari 44 spesies di dunia. Jenis python tersebut yaitu Malayopython reticulatus (Python reticulatus), Python bivittatus, Python curtus, Python brongersmai, dan Python breitensteini. Saat ini, ular Python banyak diperdagangkan untuk komodisi ekspor maupun lokal sebagai bahan kerajinan, obat, dan hewan peliharaan. Perburuan di alam secara berlebihan dikhawatirkan akan menyebabkan penurunan populasi. Keragaman genetik dapat dilihat dari perbedaan antar individu melalui banyak karakter seperti morfologi maupun sekuens DNA. Penggunaan mikrosatelit untuk menganalisis keragaman genetik ular Python karena lebih baik untuk membedakan antar alel dan memiliki variabilitas yang tinggi. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan sampling di ketiga pulau. Selanjutnya dilakukan morfometri dan meristik, kemudian isolasi DNA menggunakan kit Qiagen. Hasil isolasi dilakukan uji kualitatif menggunakan elektroforesis dan uji kuantitatif menggunakan spektrofotometer. Amplifikasi menggunakan 17 primer mikrosatelit. Hasil amplifikasi dilakukan sekuensing dan mengukur ukuran pita DNA. Hasil sekuens dilakukan contig menggunakan Sequencer 4.1 dan dilihat pola dan jumlah pengulangan sekuens. Keragaman morfologi M. reticulatus memiliki variasi pada jumlah sisik ventral, sisik prefrontal, dan sisik postocular. Pada P. breitensteini memiliki variasi pada sisik ventral, jumlah supralabial, jumlah infralabial. Pada P. brongersmai dan P. bivittatus memiliki variasi pada jumlah ventral dan sisik subocular. Keragaman genetik Python pada jumlah alel M. reticulatus di Kalimantan, Jawa, dan Sumatera berkisar antara 2-3 alel. Pada Python bivittatus terdapat 0-3 alel, alel tertinggi pada lokus MS3 dan alel terendah pada lokus MS27. Pada P. breitensteini memiliki 2-8 alel, alel terendah pada lokus Pmb-K11, KE966557.1, KE9961310.1, dan KE9955203.1. Sedangkan pada P. brongersmai terdapat 0-2 alel dengan alel tertinggi pada lokus MS3 dan alel terendah pada lokus MS5. Keragaman genetik M. reticulatus di Kalimantan, Jawa, dan Sumatera tergolong rendah dengan rata-rata nilai He 0,45; 0,41; 0,46. Keragaman genetik P. breitensteini tergolong sedang dengan rata-rata He 0,55. Sedangkan keragaman genetik P. bivittatus dan P. brongersmai tergolong rendah dengan nilai rata-rata He 0,10 dan 0,03. Nilai He dibawah 0,5 tergolong rendah, He ≥0,5 namun < 0,7 tergolong sedang. Pola pengulangan sekuens mikrosatelit ditemukan pola yang berbeda pada lokus MS5 dan MS13 (TTTC), dan MS27 (TCTC dan CCTT), sedangkan lokus MS16 dan MS27 (AAAG) berbeda dengan Sahulland. Temuan keragaman ini menarik dan spesifik untuk area sundaland, meskipun nilai heterozigositas atau variabilitas spesies rendah di area Jawa, Sumatra dan Kalimantan.

English Abstract

Java, Sumatera and Kalimantan are mainland of Sundaland. The three islands were separated by such barrier which caused the divergence and speciation of animal within. A very common snake that found in the nature and in the animal market is Python. In Sundaland, there were 5 species from the total of 44 species in the world. The five species consist of Malayopython reticulatus (Python reticulatus), Python bivittatus, Python curtus, Python brongersmai, dan Python breitensteini. In fact, Python snakes are very common in the trading of animal which can be exported as a craft, medicine and pet. Excessive hunting in nature is feared will cause a decline in population and decreased in genetic diversity. The genetic diversity can be assessed through morphology characters and also DNA sequences. Microsatellite was very common to assess the genetic diversity because it was better to differentiate the alleles and has a high variability. This study started by field sampling in the three islands. The specimens were preserved in order to be measured for morphology and morphometric. The isolation of DNA was conducted using kit QIAGEN and whole genome was confirmed quantitatively and qualitatively using spectrophotometric and agarose electrophoresis, respectively. The amplification used 17 primers of microsatellite, sequenced and band measurement. The variation of morphology of M. reticulatus were in the ventral, pre-fontral and postocular scales, P. brongersmai was in the ventral scale, number of supra and infralabial while P. brongersmai and P. bivittatus were in the character of number of ventral scale and subocular scale. The number of allele in M. reticulatus in Java, Sumatera and Kalimantan were ranging from 2 through 3, while P. bivittatus 0 through 3 with the highest allele in the locus of MS3 and the lowest in the locus of MS27. In P. breitenteini the number of allele was 2-8 with the lowest allele in the locus of Pmb-K11, KE966557.1, KE9961310.1, and KE9955203.1, while in P. brongersmai ranging from 0-2 with the highest locus in MS3 and the lowest in MS5. The genetic diversity of M. reticulatus in Java, Sumatera and Kalimantan were considered to be low with the mean value of He 0,45; 0,41; 0,46. The genetic diversity of P. breitensteini was included in the midle level with the mean value of He 0,55. The genetic diversity of P. bivitatus and P. brongersmai were considered to be low with the mean value of He 0,10 and 0,03. The value of He lower than 0,5 are classified as low diversity, while the value between 0,5 to 0,7 are classified as midle level of diversity. The repeat microsatellite pattern was found specific of Sundaland area in some loci, MS5 and MS13 (TTTC), and MS27 (TCTC & CCTT), however MS16 (AAAG) and MS27 (AAAG) as same as Sahulland. Interestingly, we found the specific patterns in the locus of MS5 and MS13 (TTTC) and also MS27 (TCTC & CCTT) is different with study in Australia or sahulland (AAAG). This result indicate that genetic diversity ini sundaland specific contrary with sahulland, eventhough species heterozygocity level was low in Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/597.96/MAU/k/2017/041705336
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 597 Cold-blooded vertebrates > 597.9 Reptilia (Reptiles) > 597.96 Serpentes (snakes)
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 19 Jul 2017 07:07
Last Modified: 25 Nov 2021 08:09
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