Azzah, Adinda Nabila and Prof. dr. Mohammad Saifur Rohman, Sp.JP(K)., Ph.D. and dr. Hikmawan Wahyu Sulistomo, PhD (2024) “Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Ekstrak Kopi Hijau, Teh Hijau, dan Kunyit Terhadap Ekspresi Gen Thoc5 dan Aif1 pada Jaringan Aorta Tikus Model Sindrom Metabolik”. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Sin.drom metaboIik (SM) adaIah sekumpuIan fakt.or risiko berupa obesitas sentraI, resiste.nsi insuIin, disIipidemia, dan hip.ertensi. Adanya gangguan metabolik pada SM menyebabkan peningkatan spesies oksigen reaktif (ROS) s.erta penu.runan yang berujung pada .peningkatan stre.s ok.sidatif. Kondisi tersebut meningkatkan risiko untuk mengalami penyakit jantung atherosklesotik, diabetes melitus tipe 2, serta komplikasi vaskuler dan neurologis. Kondisi inflamasi kronis dan stres oksidatif mengarah pada disfungsi endotel dan otot polos vaskular (VSMC) yang berperan pada perkembangan atheroskeloris. Mediator inflamasi dan faktor pertumbuhan akan menginduksi perubahan fenotip VSMC dari yang bersifat kontraktil menjadi sintesis, yang memiliki kemampuan proliferasi dan migrasi. Penelitian menunjukkan adanya gen Thoc5 yang terkait dengan kejadian atherosklerosis dan in-stent restenosis (ISR). Beberapa gen yang dependen terhadap Thoc5 berperan dalam proses proliferasi dan migrasi, salah satunya Aif1. Ekspresi Aif1 yang berlebihan berperan pada perkembangan aterosklerosis, melalui peningkatan aktivasi dan migrasi VSMC dengan mekanisme pengikatan aktin. PeneIi.tian me.nggunakan kombin.asi ek.strak ko.pi hijau, teh, da.n ku.nyit sebagai bahan alam untuk terapi sindrom metabolik. Kedua bahan tersebut kaya akan polifenol, yaitu CGA dan EGCG yang terbukti di beberapa penelitian memberikan efek baik terhadap sindrom metabolik. Penelitian ini merupakan rangkaian penelitian Pusat Kajian Kardiovaskuler Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan biologi tersimpan dari tikus model sindrom metabolik yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya dalam rangkaian penelitian Pusat Kajian Kardiovaskuler Universitas Brawijaya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 20 aorta tikus model sindrom metabolik yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu normal sehat (NS), sindrom metabolik (SM), kombinasi ekstr.ak ko.pi hi.jau 100 mg/.kgBB, te.h hija.u 300 mg./kgBB, kunyit 150 mg/kgBB (K1), dan kelompok kombinasi eks.trak ko.pi hi.jau 200 mg./kgBB, te.h hi.jau 400 mg./kgBB, kunyit 250 mg/kgBB (K2). Parameter yang dilteliti adalah ekspresi gen Thoc5 dan Aif1 menggunakan metode multiplex touchdown PCR, serta diukur secara semi-kuantitatif menggunakan elektroforesis. An.aIisis data dilakukan dengan uji komparasi AN.OVA dengan L.SD. HasiI peneIitian didapatkan peningkatan ek.spresi ge.n Thoc5 serta Aif1 pa.da ti.kus mod.eI sindrom metabolik dibandingkan tikus normal sehat. Selanjutnya ekspresi gen Thoc5 dan Aif1 menurun secara signifkan setelah diberikan kombinasi ekstrak teh hijau, kopi hijau, dan kunyit dimana semakin menurun seiring penambahan dosis. Uji korelasi antara ekspresi gen Thoc5 dan Aif1 memiliki hubungan sangat kuat yang bersifat searah.
English Abstract
Metab.oIic syn.drome (SM) i.s a. gr.oup o.f fa.ctors including centraI ob.esity, insuIin re.sistance, dysIipidemia, a.nd hyp.ertension. Metabolic disorders in SM lead to elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduced antioxidants, which in turn increasing oxidative stress. This condition increases th.e o.f atheroscIerotic hea.rt dise.ase, 2 diabe.tes meIIitus, as well as vascular and neurological complications. Chronic inflammatory conditions and oxidative stress lead to endothelial and va.scular sm.ooth muscIe ceII (VSMC) dysfunction, contributing to the development of atherosclerosis. Inflammatory mediators and growth factors will induce VSMC phenotype switching from contractiIe to synthetic, which has proliferation and migration capabilities. Research shows that the Thoc5 is a gene that is associated with atherosclerosis and in-stent restenosis (ISR) event. Several Thoc5-dependent genes are involved in proliferation and migration processes, for instance, Aif1. Overexpression of Aif1 increases the development of atheroscIerosis by enhancing inflammatory activa.tion and migrat.ion of VSMC through its interaction with actin. Research using natural ingredients as complementary therapy has also been widely developed. This research uses a comb.ination of green coffee, gr.een te.a, and turm.eric extract as natural ingredients for metabolic syndrome. Both ingredients are rich in polyphenols, namely CGA and EGCG, Both ingredients are rich in polyphenols, specifically CGA and EGCG, which numerous studies have shown to be effective in managing metabolic syndrome. There are several reports highlight curcumin's antioxidant properties in slowing the progression of VSMC dysfunction associated with metabolic syndrome. This research is a series of research at the Center for Cardiovascular Studies, Brawijaya University. This research uses stored biological material from a metabolic syndrome mouse model that was previously developed in a research series at the Center for Cardiovascular Studies, Brawijaya University. The subjects of this research were 20 me.tabolic synd.rome rat model aortas wh.ich div.ided into 4 groups, namely normal healthy (NS), metabolic syndrome (SM), a combination of green coffee 100 mg/kgBB, green tea 300 mg/kgBB, and turmeric 150 mg/kgBB extract (K1), and the combination group of green coffee 200 mg/kgBB, green tea 400 mg/kgBB, and turmeric 250 mg/kgBB extract (K2). This study analized the expression of the Thoc5 and Aif1 genes using the multiplex touchdown PCR method, and were measured semiquantitatively using electrophoresis. Data were analysed using the ANOVA comparison test with post-hoc LS.D. The fi.ndings show.ed increased expression of t.heThoc5 and Aif1 genes in metabolic syndrome rat model compared to normal healthy sample. Furthermore, the expression of the Thoc5 and Aif1 genes decreased significantly after being given a comb.ination of green coffee, gr.een te.a, a.nd turmeric extract, in a dose-dependent manner. The correlation test between Thoc5 and Aif1 gene expression has a very strong has a very strong unidirectional relationship.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0424060183 |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Biomedik, Fakultas Kedokteran |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 06 Mar 2025 02:01 |
Last Modified: | 06 Mar 2025 02:01 |
URI: | |
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