Alifah, Selly Nur and Dr. Mochammad Syamsulhadi, S.P., M.P. (2025) Pengaruh Jamur Entomopatogen Beauveria bassiana Balsamo terhadap Mortalitas Parasitoid Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) di Laboratorium. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Jamur Beauveria bassiana merupakan salah satu jamur entomopatogen yang banyak digunakan sebagai agens hayati pengendalian serangan hama tanaman. Pada pengaplikasian menggunakan jamur B. bassiana secara langsung terhadap populasi hama di lapang dapat mempengaruhi parasitoid Trichogramma japonicum, terutama apabila parasitoid tersebut terinfeksi secara tidak sengaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil identifikasi morfologi pada jamur B. bassiana serta kerapatan konidia dan viabilitasnya. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi B. bassiana terhadap daya parasitasi, mortalitas, serta persentase penetasan dan kemunculan imago T. japonicum di laboratorium. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2024-November 2024 di Laboratorium Mikologi dan Trichogramma, Balai Besar Perbenihan dan Proteksi Tanaman (BBPPTP) Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut terdiri dari kontrol dan konsentrasi karapatan (1x106, 1x107, 1x108, dan 1x109 konidia/ml). Selain itu, dilakukan pengukuran daya parasitasi dan nisbah kelamin T. japonicum. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah menggunakan analisis ANOVA taraf 5% dan apabila menunjukkan pengaruh nyata dilanjut dengan uji DMRT taraf 5% untuk daya parasitasi, mortalitas, dan persentase penetasan menggunakan SPSS. Berdasarkan penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa ciri-ciri makroskopis jamur B. bassiana pada media PDA terlihat dari depan berwarna putih, sedangkan dari belakang berwarna putih kekuningan. Sedangkan, secara mikroskopis B.bassiana memiliki hifa bersekat dan bercabang dengan konidia bersel satu, serta berbentuk oval. Pada perlakuan P4 (B. bassiana dengan konsentrasi kerapatan 1x109 konidia/ml) memiliki kerapatan dan viabilitas paling tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lain dengan kerapatan sebesar 3x109 konidia/ml dan viabilitas sebesar 100%. Jamur tersebut menginfeksi T. japonicum pada bagian telurnya sehingga mengalami perubahan warna telur menjadi kusam dan tidak berkilau dengan tumbuhnya miselium berwarna putih yang menutupi seluruh bagian telur. Selanjutnya, mortalitas T. japonicum meningkat seiring dengan konsentrasi konidia B. bassiana. Tingkat mortalitas tertinggi ditunjukkan pada perlakuan P4 (B. bassiana dengan konsentrasi kerapatan 1x109 konidia/ml) sebesar 34,5% yang menyebabkan kegagalan kemunculan imago. Sehingga, terjadi kerusakan jaringan embrionik yang dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan penetasan menjadi rendah.
English Abstract
The fungus Beauveria bassiana is one of the entomopathogenic fungi that is widely used as a biological agent to control plant pest attacks. In the application of B. bassiana fungus directly to pest populations in the field, it can affect the parasitoid Trichogramma japonicum, especially if the parasitoid is infected accidentally. This study aims to determine the results of morphological identification in the fungus B. bassiana as well as its conidia density and viability. In addition, to determine the effect of B. bassiana application on parasitic power, mortality, as well as the percentage of hatching and appearance of T. japonicum imago in the laboratory. This research was conducted out in October 2024-November 2024 at the Mycology and Trichogramma Laboratory, Balai Besar Perbenihan dan Proteksi Tanaman (BBPPTP) Surabaya. This study used a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) with 5 treatments and 4 replicates. The treatment consisted of control and concentration of caratate (1x106, 1x107, 1x108, and 1x109 conidia/ml). In addition, the parasitic power and sex ratio of T. japonicum were measured. The data obtained were then processed using ANOVA analysis at the 5% level and if it showed a real effect, it was followed by a DMRT test at the 5% level for parasitic power, mortality, and hatching percentage using SPSS. Based on the research, the results were obtained that the macroscopic characteristics of B. bassiana fungus in PDA media were seen from the front in white, while from the back they were yellowish-white. Meanwhile, microscopically B. bassiana has a blocked and branched hyphae with single-celled conidia, and oval in shape. In the P4 treatment (B. bassiana with a concentration of 1x109 conidia/ml) had the highest density and viability compared to other treatments with a density of 3x109 conidia/ml and viability of 100%. The fungus infects T. japonicum on the egg so that the egg changes color to become dull and not shiny with the growth of white mycelium that covers all parts of the egg. Furthermore, the mortality of T. japonicum increased with the concentration of conidia B. bassiana. The highest mortality rate was shown in the P4 treatment (B. bassiana with a concentration of 1x109 conidia/ml) of 34.5% which caused failure to appear imago. Thus, there is damage to embryonic tissue which can affect the success of hatching to be low.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052504 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | S Sucipto |
Date Deposited: | 05 Mar 2025 01:11 |
Last Modified: | 05 Mar 2025 01:11 |
URI: | |
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