Rangkaian Wacana Persuasif pada Tayangan Video “Najwa Shihab Maju Capres di 2024” dalam YouTube Denny Sumargo.

Arsyad, Athaya Yumna Hanifiah and Dr. Muhammad Hambali, S.S., M.Pd (2024) Rangkaian Wacana Persuasif pada Tayangan Video “Najwa Shihab Maju Capres di 2024” dalam YouTube Denny Sumargo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Najwa Shihab merupakan seorang jurnalis, presenter, dan aktivis yang sangat vokal dalam menyuarakan ketidakadilan yang merugikan masyarakat Indonesia. Ramainya mengenai pemilihan presiden, memicu Denny Sumargo untuk mengundang Najwa Shihab dalam podcast YouTube miliknya yang berjudul “Najwa Shihab Maju Capres di 2024”. Denny ingin mengetahui sudut pandang dari Najwa mengenai Capres di 2024. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis wacana persuasif yang terdapat dalam tayangan video “Najwa Shihab Maju Capres di 2024”. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan analisis wacana teori Gorys Keraf sesuai dengan teknik wacana persuasif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, hasil identifikasi fitur lingual kata, terdapat 19 kata yang bersifat persuasif dimana 10 kata bersifat penegas, 3 kata bersifat larangan, dan 4 kata bersifat ajakan. Selain itu, hasil identifikasi fitur lingual frasa, terdapat penggunaan frasa yang mencerminkan unsur-unsur persuasif seperti timbal balik, komitmen, dan bukti sosial. Dari seluruh frasa yang teridentifikasi sejumlah 19 frasa dikategorikan berdasarkan enam unsur utama diantaranya, unsur Reciprocation (Timbal Balik) terdapat 4 frasa; unsur Commitment and Consistency (Komitmen dan Konsistensi) terdapat 5 frasa; unsur Social Proof (Bukti Sosial) terdapat 5 frasa; unsur Authority (Kekuasaan/Kewenangan) terdapat 3 frasa; dan unsur Scarcity (Kekhawatiran) terdapat 2 frasa. Terdapat pula hasil fitur lingual klausa, penggunaan klausa yang bersifat nasihat sejumlah 11 klausa, bersifat anjuran sejumlah 4 klausa, dan bersifat perintah sejumlah 2, serta bersifat saran sejumlah 1 klausa. Kemudian hasil penelitian terlihat tujuh teknik persuasif yang digunakan, yaitu (1) teknik rasionalisasi, (2) teknik identifikasi, (3) teknik sugesti, (4) teknik konformitas, (5) teknik kompensasi, (6) teknik penggantian, dan (7) teknik proyeksi.

English Abstract

Najwa Shihab is a journalist, presenter, and activist who is very vocal in voicing injustices that harm the Indonesian people. The excitement about the presidential election prompted Denny Sumargo to invite Najwa Shihab on his YouTube podcast entitled "Najwa Shihab Maju Capres di 2024". Denny wanted to know Najwa's point of view regarding the Presidential Candidate in 2024. This study aims to analyze the persuasive discourse contained in the video "Najwa Shihab Maju Capres di 2024". This type of research is descriptive qualitative using discourse analysis of Gorys Keraf's theory in accordance with persuasive discourse techniques. Based on the results of the research that has been done, the results of the identification of lingual features of words, there are 19 words that are persuasive where 10 words are affirmative, 3 words are prohibitive, and 4 words are invitations. In addition, the results of the identification of lingual features of phrases, there is the use of phrases that reflect persuasive elements such as reciprocity, commitment, and social proof. Of all the phrases identified, 19 phrases are categorized based on six main elements including, the element of Reciprocation (Reciprocity) there are 4 phrases; the element of Commitment and Consistency (Commitment and Consistency) there are 5 phrases; the element of Social Proof (Social Proof) there are 5 phrases; the element of Authority (Power/Authority) there are 3 phrases; and the element of Scarcity (Concern) there are 2 phrases. There are also results of lingual clause features, the use of clauses that are advisory in nature is 11 clauses, recommendatory in nature is 4 clauses, and imperative in nature is 2, and suggestive in nature is 1 clause. Then the results of the study show seven persuasive techniques used, namely (1) rationalization technique, (2) identification technique, (3) suggestion technique, (4) conformity technique, (5) compensation technique, (6) replacement technique, and (7) projection technique.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052412
Uncontrolled Keywords: Wacana Persuasif, Gorys Keraf, YouTube, Najwa Shihab-Persuasive Discourse, Gorys Keraf, YouTube, Najwa Shihab
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 04 Mar 2025 07:13
Last Modified: 04 Mar 2025 07:13
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/237547
Athaya Yumna Hanifiah Arsyad.pdf
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