Murhum, Mufti Abdul and Prof. Dr. Ir. Anik M. Hariati, M.Sc and Dr. Ating Yuniarti, S.Pi, M. Aqua and Prof. Dr. Sc. Asep Awaludin P, S.Pi, MP (2025) Respon Asam Lemak dan Enzim Pencernaan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kepiting Kenari (B. latro) di Pulau Liwo Maluku Utara. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kepiting kelapa (Birgus latro) adalah salah satu potensi sumberdaya perikanan yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi di wilayah yang bersinggunangan dengan Samudera Pasifik. Akibat eksploitasi yang tinggi, mengakibatkan populasinya di alam mulai menurun. Beberapa kegiatan budidaya, seperti penetasan telur dan pembesaran juvenil telah dilakukan namun belum berhasil dengan baik. Salah satu aspek penting dari kegiatan budidaya adalah ketersediaan pakan yang berkualitas (seimbang nutrisinya) dan murah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan formula pakan yang yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan preforma pertumbuhan kepiting kelapa. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan karakterisasi profil asam lemak dan enzim pencernaan kepiting kelapa pada ukuran berbeda dan karakterisasi profil asam lemak buah kelapa yang hidup di pulau Liwo. Selanjutnya profil asam lemak kepiting kelapa dibandingkan dengan profil asam lemak kelapa (tepung kelapa) dan hasilnya yang mirip digunakan sebagai data dan informasi untuk penelitan tahap berikutnya. Tahap akhir dari penelitian ini adalah rekayasa formulasi pakan dan pengujian pakan dengan persentasi tepung kelapa berbeda. Adapun parameter yang diamati adalah respon asam lemak, aktivitas enzim pencernaan dan preforma pertumbuhan kepiting kelapa seperti persentase molting, survival rate, laju pertumbuhan mutlak, pertumbuhan spesifik, rasio konversi pakan, retensi lemak dan retensi protein. Hasil karakterisasi profil asam lemak kepiting kelapa di Pulau Liwo fase umur juvenil terdapat 4 jenis yakni Laurat (C12), Mirisat (C14), Palmitat (C16) dan Stearat (C18). Sedangkan asam lemak tak jenuh terdapat 3 jenis, yakni Oleat (C18:1n-9), Linoleat (C18:2n-6) dan Linolenat (C18:3n-9). Fase umur berkembang dan dewasa, masing-masing untuk asam lemak jenuh terdapat 5 jenis yakni Kaprat (C10), Laurat (C12), Mirisat (C14), Palmitat (C16) dan Stearat (C18). Sedangkan asam lemak tak jenuh terdapat 3 jenis, yakni Oleat (C18:1n-9), Linoleat (C18:2n-6) dan Linolenat (C18:3n-9). Aktivitas enzim kepiting kelapa di Pulau Liwo, untuk fase umur juvenil, amilase 0,63 ± 0,075 IU/mL, lipase 0,02 ± 0,0007 IU/mL dan protease 0,04 ± 0,012 IU/mL. Untuk fase umur berkembang, amilase 1,16 ± 0.678 IU/mL, lipase 0,03 ± 0,009 IU/mL, dan protease 0,07 ± 0,024 IU/mL, serta untuk fase umur dewasa, amilase 0,63 ± 0.196 IU/mL, lipase 0,02 ± 0,004 IU/mL dan protease 0,04 ± 0,005 IU/mL.Hasil karakterisasi asam lemak kelapa (tepung kelapa) dari pulau Liwo ditemukan 10 jenis asam lemak yang terdiri dari Caprilat (C8:0), Caprat (C10:0), Caprat (C10:0),Laurat (C12:0),Myristat (C14:0),Palmiat (C16:0), Syrearat (C18:0), Arachidonat (%),Oleat (C18:1), Linoleat (C18:2) dan Linolenat (C18:3). Jika dibandingkan dengan profil asam lemak kepiting kelapa pada penelitian tahap satu menunjukan bahwa, terdapat kemiripan terutama pada fase umur berkembang dan dewasa, namun terdapat perbedaan pada nilai persentase masing-masing jenis asam lemaknya. Hasil pengujian pakan dengan peresentase tepung kelapa berbeda yakni perlakuan A (30%), B (35%) dan C (40), D (daging kelapa segar) dan E (pakan udang) pada kepiting kelapa fase umur berkembang, menunjukan bahwa pakan pellet yang di formulasi dapat dimanfaatkan oleh kepiting kelapa yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya respon asam lemak, aktivitas enzim pencernaan dan performa Untuk asam lema terdapat 10 jenis yang terdiri asam lemak jenuh sebanyak 6 jenis yakni Caprilat (C8:0), Caprat (C10:0), Laurat (C12:0), Myristat (C14:0), Palmiat (C16:0), Strearat (C18:0), dan dari jenis asama lemak tak jenuh sebanyak 4 yakni Arachidonat (%),Oleat (C18:1), Linoleat (C18:2) dan Linolenat (C18:3). Perlakuan dengan rasio perbandingan terbaik antara Omega-6, Omega-3, dan Omega-9 adalah perlakuan D (14 : 1 : 27) dan A (13 : 1 : 27), kemudian diikuti perlakuan E (14 : 1 : 22), C (10 : 1 : 21) dan B (10 : 1 : 28). Sedangkan respon enzim pencernaan, untuk amilase tertinggi pada perlakuan C (12,839 IU/mL) dan terendah B (7,275 IU/mL), protease tertinggi pada perlakuan C (0,138 IU/ml) dan terendah pada perlakuan A (0,060 IU/ml) serta lipase tertinggi pada perlakuan C (0,070 IU/mL) dan terendah pada perlakuan A (0,036 IU/mL). Hasil performa pertumbuhan untuk persentase molting tertinggi pada perlakuan C (100%), diikuti perlakuan A, E masing-masing (88,89%) dan B (44,44%) sedangkan terendah pada perlakuan D (0%). Survival rate tertinggi pada perlakuan A, B, D dan E, masing-masing (100%) dan terendah pada perlakuan C (33,33%). Pertumbuhan bobot mutlak, tertinggi pada perlakuan A (10,76 g) diikuti perlakuan E (8,41g), B (6,35 g), D (3,68 g) dan terendah perlakuan C (2,63 g). Pertumbuhan panjang mutlak, tertinggi pada perlakuan D (1,14 mm), diikuti perlakuan A (1,06 mm), E (1,04 mm) dan B (0,88 mm) dan perlakuan terendah C (0,50). Laju pertumbuhan spesifik, tertinggi pada perlakuan A (0,56 g), diikuti perlakuan B dan E masing-masing (0,35 g) dan D (0,23 g) serta terendah pada perlakuan C (0,19 g). Jumlah konsumsi pakan, tertinggi pada perlakuan E (22,41 g), diikuti perlakuan A (15.62 g) dan B (15,44 g) dan D (9,36 g) serta terendah C (4,98 g). Rasio konversi pakan terendah pada perlakuan A (1,78), di ikuti perlakuan C (1,92), D (2,55) dan E (2,79) serta tertinggi perlakuan B (2,81). Retensi lemak, tertinggi pada perlakuan E (4,32%) diikuti perlakuan A (4,09%), C (3,01%) dan B (2,39%) serta terendah perlakuan D (0,89%). Retensi protein, tertinggi tertinggi pada perlakuan D (8,01%, C (4,32%). A (1,66%) dan B (1,56%) serta terendah pada perlakuan E (1,37%). Hasil pengukuran parameter kualitas lingkungan selama penelitian, suhu antara 26-29 oC, kelembaban 78-88% dan pH antar 5,7-6,4
English Abstract
Coconut crab (Birgus latro) is one of the potential fishery resources with high economic value in the region adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. As a result of high exploitation, its population in nature has started to decline. Several aquaculture activities, such as egg hatching and juvenile rearing, have been conducted but have not been successful. One important aspect of aquaculture activities is the availability of quality (nutritionally balanced) and cheap feed. This study was conducted to produce a feed formula that is expected to improve the growth performance of coconut crabs. This study started with the characterization of fatty acid profiles and digestive enzymes of coconut crabs at different sizes and the characterization of fatty acid profiles of coconut fruits living on Liwo Island. Furthermore, the fatty acid profile of coconut crab was compared with the fatty acid profile of coconut (coconut flour) and similar results were used as data and information for the next stage of research. The final stage of this research is feed formulation engineering and feed testing with different percentages of coconut flour. The parameters observed were fatty acid response, digestive enzyme activity and growth performance of coconut crab such as molting percentage, survival rate, absolute growth rate, specific growth, feed conversion ratio, fat retention and protein retention. The results of the characterization of the fatty acid profile of coconut crabs in Liwo Island in the juvenile age phase contained 4 types, namely Lauric (C12), Mirisic (C14), Palmitic (C16) and Stearic (C18). While unsaturated fatty acids are 3 types, namely Oleic (C18: 1n-9), Linoleic (C18: 2n-6) and Linolenic (C18: 3n-9). In the developing and adult age phases, there are 5 types of saturated fatty acids each, namely Capric (C10), Lauric (C12), Mirisic (C14), Palmitic (C16) and Stearic (C18). Meanwhile, there are 3 types of unsaturated fatty acids, namely Oleic (C18:1n-9), Linoleic (C18:2n-6) and Linolenic (C18:3n-9). Enzyme activity of coconut crab in Liwo Island, for juvenile age phase, amylase 0.63 ± 0.075 IU/mL, lipase 0.02 ± 0.0007 IU/mL and protease 0.04 ± 0.012 IU/mL. For the developing age phase, amylase 1.16 ± 0.678 IU/mL, lipase 0.03 ± 0.009 IU/mL, and protease 0.07 ± 0.024 IU/mL, and for the mature age phase, amylase 0.63 ± 0.196 IU/mL, lipase 0.02 ± 0.004 IU/mL and protease 0.04 ± 0.005 IU/mL.The results of fatty acid characterization of coconut (coconut flour) from Liwo island found 10 types of fatty acids consisting of Caprylic (C8:0), Capric (C10:0), Capric (C10:0), Laurate (C12:0), Myristate (C14:0), Palmiate (C16:0), Syrearat (C18:0), Arachidonate (%), Oleic (C18:1), Linoleic (C18:2) and Linolenic (C18:3). When compared with the fatty acid profile of coconut crabs in phase one research shows that there are similarities, especially in the developing and adult age phases, but there are differences in the percentage values of each type of fatty acid. The results of feed testing with different percentages of coconut flour, namely treatments A (30%), B (35%) and C (40), D (fresh coconut meat) and E (shrimp feed) in the developing age phase of coconut crabs, show that the formulated pellet feed can be utilized by coconut crabs which is characterized by increased fatty acid response, digestive enzyme activity and performance For fatty acids, there are 10 types consisting of 6 types of saturated fatty acids, namely Caprylic (C8: 0), Capric (C10:0), Lauric (C12:0), Myristic (C14:0), Palmiic (C16:0), Strearic (C18:0), and from the type of unsaturated fatty acids as much as 4 namely Arachidonate (%), Oleic (C18:1), Linoleic (C18:2) and Linolenic (C18:3). The treatment with a more balanced ratio between Omega-6, Omega-3, and Omega-9, can be sorted into, treatment D (14:1:27) and A (13:1:27), followed by treatment E (14:1:22), C (10:1:21) and B (10:1:28). While the response of digestive enzymes, for amylase was highest in treatment C (12.839 IU/mL) and lowest in treatment B (7.275 IU/mL), protease was highest in treatment C (0.138 IU/mL) and lowest in treatment A (0.060 IU/mL) and lipase was highest in treatment C (0.070 IU/mL) and lowest in treatment A (0.036 IU/mL). The results of growth preforma for the highest percentage of molting in treatment C (100%), followed by treatment A, E each (88.89%) and B (44.44%) while the lowest in treatment D (0%). Survival rate was highest in treatments A, B, D and E, each (100%) and lowest in treatment C (33.33%). Absolute weight growth was highest in treatment A (10.76 g) followed by treatment E (8.41 g), B (6.35 g), D (3.68 g) and lowest in treatment C (2.63 g). Absolute length growth, highest in treatment D (1.14 mm), followed by treatment A (1.06 mm), E (1.04 mm) and B (0.88 mm) and the lowest treatment C (0.50). Specific growth rate, highest in treatment A (0.56 g), followed by treatments B and E (0.35 g) and D (0.23 g) respectively and lowest in treatment C (0.19 g). Total feed consumption was highest in treatment E (22.41 g), followed by treatments A (15.62 g) and B (15.44 g) and D (9.36 g) and lowest in treatment C (4.98 g). Feed conversion ratio was lowest in treatment A (1.78), followed by treatments C (1.92), D (2.55) and E (2.79) and highest in treatment B (2.81). Fat retention, the highest in treatment E (4.32%) followed by treatment A (4.09%), C (3.01%) and B (2.39%) and the lowest treatment D (0.89%). Protein retention was highest in treatment D (8.01%, C (4.32%). A (1.66%) and B (1.56%) and the lowest in treatment E (1.37%). The measurement results of environmental quality parameters during the study, the temperature was between 26-29 oC, humidity 78- 88% and pH between 5.7-6.4.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doktor) |
Identification Number: | 0625080001 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Asam lemak, enzim pencernaan, kepiting kelapa, pakan pellet, performa pertumbuhan.Fatty acids, digestive enzymes, coconut crab, pelleted feed, growth performance. |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 11 Feb 2025 02:14 |
Last Modified: | 11 Feb 2025 02:14 |
URI: | |
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