Analisis Nilai Guna Hutan Kota Malabar Berbasis Spasial

Putri, Wildan Rellynda and Ir. Aditya Nugraha Putra, SP., M.P. (2024) Analisis Nilai Guna Hutan Kota Malabar Berbasis Spasial. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Hutan kota memiliki peran penting dalam mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan perkotaan seperti polusi udara, perubahan iklim, dan kurangnya daerah resapan air. Selama ini peran hutan kota berbasis spasial belum banyak dipetakan baik fungsi jasa lingkungan maupun ekonominya. Penelitian ini fokus pada aspek nilai guna dan valuasi ekonomi hutan, utamanya persebaran cadangan karbon, resapan air, dan produksi kayu di hutan kota. Pemetaan Hutan Kota Malabar menggunakan citra spot 6 tahun 2024 selanjutnya dilakukan pre-processing citra dan transformasi NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), kemudian dilakukan pengambilan data lapang. Pengambilan data karbon dan volume pohon menggunakan plot berbentuk persegi berukuran 20m x 20m, sedangkan pengambilan data laju resapan air dilakukan di tiga titik berbeda menggunakan double ring infiltrometer. Hasil dari pengambilan sampel tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan random forest untuk dilakukan pendugaan besar dan nilai ekonomi dari ketiga parameter tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besar nilai cadangan karbon, resapan air, dan produktivitas pohon berturut turut 38,9 ton/ha, 6,9 cm/jam, dan 1,29 m³/ha. Sedangkan nilai ekonomi nya berturut turut Rp. 78.372.710, Rp.135.581.040, dan Rp. 73.977.013. Distribusi spasial menunjukkan bahwa area dengan kerapatan lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang lain memiliki tingkat serapan karbon, resapan air, dan produktivitas pohon yang juga tinggi. Total nilai guna Hutan Kota Malabar, yang merupakan penjumlahan dari semua komponen mencapai Rp.287.930.763.

English Abstract

Urban forests have an important role in overcoming urban environmental problems such as air pollution, climate change and lack of water catchment areas. So far, the role of spatially based urban forests has not been widely mapped, both in terms of environmental services and economic functions. This research focuses on aspects of use value and economic valuation of forests, especially the distribution of carbon reserves, water absorption and wood production in urban forests. Mapping of the Malabar Urban Forest using 6 spot images in 2024 was then carried out image pre-processing and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) transformation, then field data collection was carried out. Data collection on carbon samples and tree volume used a square plot measuring 20m x 20m, while data collection on water infiltration rates was carried out in three zones with different densities using a double ring infiltrometer. The results of the sample data collection were then analyzed using random forest to estimate the size and economic value of these three parameters. The research results show that the values for carbon reserves, water absorption and tree productivity are respectively high. 38.9 tons/ha, 6.9 cm/hour, and 1.29 m³/ha. Meanwhile, the economic value is Rp. 78.372.710, Rp. 135.581.040, Rp. 73.977.013. The spatial distribution shows that areas with higher density than others have higher levels of carbon uptake, water absorption and tree productivity. The total use value of the Malabar City Forest, which is the sum of all these components, reaches IDR 287.930.763.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524040574
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2025 04:40
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2025 04:40
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