Evaluasi Perbedaan Strain dan Pakan Komersial Terhadap Penampilan Produksi, Bobot Relatif Organ Imun, Profil Imun dan Profil Darah Broiler

Tandyary, Arenandha Chikal Esthi and Dr. Ir. Edhy Sudjarwo, MS and Prof. Dr.Ir. Osfar Sjofjan, M.Sc.,IPU.,ASEAN Eng, (2024) Evaluasi Perbedaan Strain dan Pakan Komersial Terhadap Penampilan Produksi, Bobot Relatif Organ Imun, Profil Imun dan Profil Darah Broiler. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan strain broiler dan jenis pakan komersial yang berbeda terhadap variabel penampilan produksi (konsumsi pakan, feed conversion ratio, pertambahan bobot badan, mortalitas, indeks performa), bobot relative organ imun (bursa fabricius, thymus, limpa), profil imun (CD4+, CD8+), dan profil darah (sel darah merah, sel darah putih, hemoglobin, hematokrit). Penelitian dilakukan di kandang yang berlokasi di Jl. Oro-Oro Ombo, Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota batu, Jawa Timur. Materi yang digunakan menggunakan 2 strain broiler berbeda yaitu strain A1 dan strain A2 sebanyak 92 ekor dari masingmasing strain yang dipelihara mulai hari ke 1 sampai hari ke 35, sedangkan pakan perlakuan yang digunakan menggunakan 3 jenis merk pakan komersial dari PT. B1, PT. B2 dan PT. B3. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola factorial 3x2 dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, sehingga terdapat 24 unit percobaan dengan 8 ekor broiler per-unit. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua tahap, tahap pertama dilakukan penelitian hingga pengambilan data pada variabel penampilan produksi dan bobot relative organ imun yang dilakukan di kandang pemeliharaan. Penelitian tahap kedua dilakukan pada uji profil imun dan profil darah yang dilakukan di Laboratorium. Data hasil penelitian ditabulasi menggunakan Microsoft exel dan di analisa menggunakan ANOVA. Jika perlakuan berbeda nyata dilakukan uji lanjut menggunakan Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor A (strain berbeda) tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap seluruh variabel, Faktor B (pakan komersial berbeda) memberikan hasil berbeda nyata pada variabel konsumsi pakan dan feed concersion ratio serta berpengaruh sangat nyata pada pertumbuhan bobot badan. Interaksi antara kedua faktor (AB) strain berbeda dan pakan komersial berbeda memberikan hasil berbeda sangat nyata terhadap variabel profil imun (CD4+ dan CD8+). Disarankan pemeliharaan menggunakan strain A2 dengan pakan B3 untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan bobot badan dan juga profil imun.

English Abstract

This study aimed to compare broiler strains and different types of commercial feed on production appearance (comsumtive quantity, body weight growth, mortality, index of performance, feed covertion ratio), relative weight of immune organ (bursa fabricius, thymus, spleen), immune profile (CD4+, CD8+) and blood profile of broilers (eritrosit, leukosit, hemoglobyn, hematocrit). The study was conducted in a cage located on Jl. Oro-Oro Ombo, Junrejo District, Batu City, East Java. The material used 2 different broiler strains, (strain A1 and strain A2) as many as 92 heads of each strain which were reared from day 1 to day 35, while the treatment feed used used 3 types of commercial feed brands from PT. B1, PT. B2 and PT. B3. This study used a 3x2 factorial complete randomized design with 6 treatments and 4 replications, so there were 24 experimental units with 8 broilers at unit. This research was conducted in two pages, the first stage was done in the maintenance stage to collected production performance and relative immune organ weight data. The second stage of this research was done in Laboratoy to collected immune profile and blood profile data. The research data were tabulated using Microsoft excel and analyzed using ANOVA. If the treatments were significantly different, further tests were conducted using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results showed that A factor (different strains) did not gave any different on the variable of this study. B factor (different commercial feed) gave different result on consumtive quantity dan feed conertion ratio also gave much different on body weight growth. Interaction of those two factor (AB) which diferrent strain and commercial feed gave a very different results on immune profile (CD4+ and CD8+). It is recommended that the maintenance of broiler strains and commercial food is A2 and B3 to optimize the body weight growth and immune profile of the broilers.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0424050024
Uncontrolled Keywords: strain, pakan komersial, penampilan produksi, profil imun, profil darah, organ imun.
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2024 06:26
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2024 06:26
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/233105
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